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Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker

Lot purchasers may receive a reprieve

Buyers stuck in limbo all summer after being unable to access the Whistle Bend lots they bought the previous spring may be getting some reprieve on the conditions of their purchases.

By Mark Page on November 1, 2023

Buyers stuck in limbo all summer after being unable to access the Whistle Bend lots they bought the previous spring may be getting some reprieve on the conditions of their purchases.

Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker told the legislature last week he is looking into extending the three-year building-stage requirements for parcels sold off in last April’s lot lottery.

He also said he is looking into getting people a break on some of the interest they have to pay.

There were 117 Whistle Bend lots included in the April lottery.

On both issues, though, the minister made no promises.

“We will do our best to make sure that those lot owners are made whole,” Streicker said.

The lots are required to have some basic site work done before buyers can start building homes.

Most work was able to be completed, but there were delays in completing the electrical utility infrastructure.

“Homebuilders couldn’t access their lots for safety reasons while utility lines were installed,” a department spokesperson told the Star via email.

This work was supposed to be done at the start of the summer, but for most properties it dragged on until last month. Some had access in September, while others had to wait until Oct. 6.

Meanwhile, interest accrued for buyers who opted to pay in instalments, despite the lack of access. This interest is paid to the Yukon government.

Streicker said he has reached out to the department to see if staff can do something about the interest, but added there is no easy fix.

“It is there in a legislated capacity, so I couldn’t just refund the money,” Streicker said.

“But the department is working to find a solution to make sure that we are not charging interest for the time in which those lot owners couldn’t get onto their lot to start developing.”

Porter Creek Centre MLA Yvonne Clarke brought up these issues in question period last Wednesday.

The Yukon Party MLA asked why the government allowed the lottery to go forward even though the lots weren’t ready. She said the delays have caused people to miss the entire Yukon building season.

“They didn’t get access to the lots that they purchased and paid for in the spring until this fall, when it was too late to get any work done,” Clarke said.

An Oct. 25 press release from the Yukon Party points out that lottery participants were told the lots would be ready to build on “by early summer 2023.”

Streicker defended the decision, saying the new owners would still have been able to get through much of the pre-planning for their builds.

“Work such as getting development permits in place and doing their pre-planning,” he said.

Clarke called for immediate action to correct the problems caused by the delays.

“The Yukon Party is calling on the Liberal government to waive the interest payments for lots while purchasers did not have access to their lots,” Clarke said in the Oct. 25 press release.

“Furthermore, the Yukon Party is urging the Liberal government to work with those who purchased the lots to accommodate the loss of a construction season by amending the building timeline requirements.”

Comments (1)

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Paul Riviere on Nov 3, 2023 at 3:41 am

Thanks for the redundant information Yvonne and Curry. It's like peeps coming on the radio and telling you what station your listening to.

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