Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FUN PHOTOS – Here are some photos from the past year, chosen at the whim of the Star’s photography department. In December, a rehabilitated mature bald eagle was released into the wild by McIntyre Creek by the Fish Lake Road. It had been found in Dawson City flightless, and arrived at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve north of Whitehorse on Oct. 30. Bidding took place to see who would release it, and the honour was won by the Sinclair family, with a bid of $400. Florissa Sinclair (above) was the lucky one to open the door.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

THIRST-QUENCHING – An eagle grabs a drink of water out of McIntyre Creek by the Fish Lake Road in October.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

HANDS-ON AUDIENCE HELPS OUT – Ross River band Dena Zagi invited audience members to help with a June show at Arts in the Park. They provided drums and performed songs with them. The Artist in the Park was Nicole Bauberger.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

GREETING VISITORS FROM UKRAINE – Olena Hnatiw presents Volodymyr Shmatko, the may- or of Chortkiv, Ukraine, with flowers during a welcoming in October at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport. Two RCMP members were there, while on the right is Marta Hlubish, part of the Ukrainian delegation.

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Photo by Morris Prokop

I MIGHT NEED THAT – Gianni Biello of Quebec’s SWAT Freeski freestyle team leaves a ski behind during December’s Slopestyle finals of the Yukon Canada Cup freestyle event at Mount Sima.

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