Photo by Vince Fedoroff
TOURISM SECTOR PLEDGES MADE – Tourism and Culture Minister Jeanie McLean is seen at this morning’s news conference, during which she and colleague Ranj Pillai announced the Mountain Music Festival concept.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
TOURISM SECTOR PLEDGES MADE – Tourism and Culture Minister Jeanie McLean is seen at this morning’s news conference, during which she and colleague Ranj Pillai announced the Mountain Music Festival concept.
If re-elected, the Liberal government would establish a $500,000 fund to help stimulate interest by Yukoners in travelling inside the territory, two ministers announced this morning.
If re-elected, the Liberal government would establish a $500,000 fund to help stimulate interest by Yukoners in travelling inside the territory, two ministers announced this morning.
Tourism and Culture Minister Jeanie McLean and Economic Development Minister Ranj Pillai said the planned funding is meant to entice Yukoners to be tourists in their own territory.
The money would assist Yukon organizations to host events this summer, they said.
They also announced a Mountain Music Festival to be held this fall, featuring local artists.
“In my time as minister of Tourism and Culture, I worked closely with leaders in the tourism sector to build the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy, which became the foundation for the Tourism Relief and Recovery Plan that our Liberal government announced last fall,” McLean said.
“That plan will provide up to $15 million over three years to help this sector survive the pandemic and rebound stronger than ever.
“We also have approximately $13 million dedicated to tourism in the annual budget, so the $15 million is over and above that amount.”
To fully rebound, she said, the Yukon tourism industry will need to be able to welcome visitors from across Canada and around world.
“Slowly but surely, we are getting closer to that goal, but we know there is still a long way to go,” McLean said.
“Today I am very pleased to announce that a re-elected Yukon Liberal government will launch the Great Yukon Summer campaign as part of our plan to reignite tourism and support Yukon businesses across the territory,” she said.
“The Great Yukon Summer campaign will create incentives for Yukon tourism operators to offer Yukoner Rates for tourism products and services this summer.
“It will also provide Yukon businesses free access to the Yukon government’s marketing agencies to help them build campaigns to maximize the attraction of Yukoners in the summer of 2021.”
Pillai thanked McLean for her work on the Tourism Relief and Recovery Plan.
“The plan provides comprehensive supports for tourism businesses, including those in the accommodation sector and culture and tourism non-profit organizations,” said Pillai.
“Increased funding for the Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund, the ELEVATE business mentoring program in partnership with Yukon University, and a three-year destination marketing strategy are all included in the Plan.”
The Economic Development minister noted how the Liberal government allocated more than $107 million last year to manage the pandemic, support Yukoners and provide relief to protect the Yukon’s economy.
“This year, we budgeted nearly $50 million in the 2021-22 budget to continue to provide these supports,” Pillai pointed out.
“I know that in my conversations with the business sector – and there have been too many to count – they have really appreciated and benefited from the support programs we put in place.
“We know there is more work to do to get us out of the pandemic, but we have laid a solid foundation and the Great Yukon Summer campaign is just one of the ways we plan to keep it going.”
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Comments (35)
Up 0 Down 0
Mike on Apr 23, 2021 at 10:43 am
Why not spend that money on PCR test and let other Canadians come spend some money? Not allowing fully vaccinated Canadians in this summer is beyond ridiculous.
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JSM on Apr 5, 2021 at 2:00 pm
@thehammer, I am suggesting bailouts to companies that are in dire straights financially. I am not a company nor a company owner locally. Suggesting I am asking for a hand out looks like some poor reading comprehension. For someone named thehammer it is outstanding how much you swing and miss.
Up 11 Down 2
more pork for 'marketing' agencies on Apr 3, 2021 at 9:27 am
More millions for 'strategies, programs and plans' for the so-called marketing agencies that set up in town to siphon off this money. They are busy re-furbishing websites for $25,000 a pop, and monitoring facebook pages for $1,000 a month, or doing brainstorming for $180 each per hour. Who knows how many are in the room.
I am very concerned about who's pockets all this 'tourism marketing' funding ends up in, and what good it actually does in the end. A huge amount of the program funding seems to end up in the pockets of NVD and other connected players, who coincidentally sit on advisory boards for the government, and a few crumbs land on the plates of smaller operators to keep them on board.
Who will be the "Yukon organizations" who will "host events this summer"? Half a million for that, and I'd guess it will go to maybe 5 events. And they will be the usual suspects.
Up 6 Down 12
Observer on Apr 1, 2021 at 3:57 pm
Dear Mr. Grouch, word of warning, don't be betting the house on that result.
Up 15 Down 5
Groucho d'North on Apr 1, 2021 at 10:11 am
Yes, I did take the same position during the last election as now, but the electorate determined it was time to try something different and look where we are today. I suspect there will be more change as a result of the April 12th decision.
"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." H. L. Mencken
Up 15 Down 3
Fantastic and it's worked before! on Apr 1, 2021 at 6:44 am
This reminds me of the highly successful in Territory contest and highly promoted at the time by Tim Caricature through local radio with a $20,000 dollar prize donated by Lister's if I'm not mistaken.
This was a passport visit the location, take a photo and send it in for about 14 locations around the territory. This stuff works as evidenced by the photos. The contest was not that long ago and involved going to places like Snag.
Up 16 Down 7
Wilf Carter on Mar 31, 2021 at 9:46 pm
Don't forget federal liberal tax increase on liquor of $1.10 or more on certain items.
Up 7 Down 24
Atom on Mar 31, 2021 at 8:47 pm
Spread it around? The YuKon Party would just give it to their buddies!
Wilf...that math!
If folks want the old YP or the NDP just because you're shack happy with Covid and denial, they'll regret representation in at all. It's gonna be a sunny summer!
Up 17 Down 3
Tom Foolery on Mar 31, 2021 at 7:51 pm
With all this cash they are throwing around, why don't they bring back the Whitehorse Trolley so there is actually something to do in downtown Whitehorse?
Up 24 Down 4
Crunch on Mar 31, 2021 at 2:25 pm
So SS is getting a bit concerned about his tourist riding of Dawson City. Following the party line has its limitations. I wonder how hard it will be to get paid going to any other community besides Dawson? You should be concerned SS because if you can't get any more inovated than this not only will you not be Premier, you won't have a seat!! Remember, a lot of these tourist business folks that voted for positive change last time won't be there this round.
Up 6 Down 9
TheHammer on Mar 31, 2021 at 12:42 pm
JSM@ 'decent bailouts to the companies', sounds like you are asking for a free ride. Something of a contradiction for someone with an extreme right standpoint.
Up 39 Down 6
joe on Mar 31, 2021 at 12:25 pm
@ mad trapper... the yg staff and bloated department has been sitting at home getting full pay and benefits. Not one layoff, not one reduction. You can't expect any work to be done when sitting at home.
Up 34 Down 2
Bingo on Mar 31, 2021 at 9:49 am
April 1st another rise in carbon tax, one which the feds said they Would Not do, kicks in which will add another 8 cents per litre. Fuel cost is directly proportional to living costs, everything rises especially in the Yukon where 99% of material is shipped. You want Yukoners to be tourists. Perhaps camping in our backyards.
Up 5 Down 19
Observer on Mar 30, 2021 at 7:27 pm
Dear Mr. Groucho, will you please give it a rest. I can remember you saying the same sort of thing before the last election, how did that work out for you?
Up 14 Down 12
Joe on Mar 30, 2021 at 5:50 pm
I’m kinda ok with no tourism in Yukon for a year or two. Why the rush to get them back? Best scenario - open up to Canadians but no foreigners. Really want to go through this again?
Up 30 Down 4
Mad Trapper of Riverdale on Mar 30, 2021 at 5:29 pm
More like Great Yukon Bummer!
So it takes the brain trust over a year to come up with the idea of domestic tourism campaign and this is the best they can do? What on earth have their fully staffed and bloated department been doing all year??
Private industry has been running much better domestic campaigns for a year now on shoe string budgets. How about we privatize Tourism Yukon and save taxpayers a bunch of money?
Up 47 Down 4
Groucho d'North on Mar 30, 2021 at 2:21 pm
Providing money to tourism based operators to advertise to Yukoners without any disposable income? This the the optimum level of thinking in this government? Perhaps if we had some of our Carbon Tax money back some could afford to have some fun. I believe buying food, fuel and electricity will be the priorities for most. If consumers cannot afford to consume - they probably won't.
Up 38 Down 5
Groucho d'North on Mar 30, 2021 at 1:20 pm
Reading the various comments under many of the Star's stories, I get the sense there are not many undecided voters for the April 12th election. Bring it.
Up 36 Down 8
Wilf Carter on Mar 30, 2021 at 12:45 pm
Here's why Yukoners will stay home this summer:
Can't trust the Yukon Liberal government to tell them the truth.
Cost of living will go up so no extra money for a holiday.
Now liberals are going to put capital gains tax on the sale of your house. Housing prices have gone up in the last 4 years by 20% or more depending on where you live.
So if you make say $100,000 on the way over inflated house prices in Whitehorse, you will pay at least $25,000 in taxes. Most people will need that money for retirement or to buy another house or help their kids to get an education, but liberals don't tell you that.
Up 55 Down 8
Say what?? on Mar 30, 2021 at 12:05 pm
Reading between the lines here, what is being said as opposed to not being said. $500k for us all to travel within the territory? LOL
Yukon campgrounds open May 1, we've been thrown a bone. Can't wait to head out with my snow shovel to camp.
No mention of when we're all being released from jail. Interesting, because it sure 'feels' like we're all going to be held hostage here all summer due to unknown risks of us traveling out into the big bad world
Why on earth did we all line up to get the vaccines? Oh right, so we can go camping in the Yukon
Up 43 Down 5
iota on Mar 30, 2021 at 8:07 am
Absolutely, positively, tone deaf.
Up 38 Down 5
Vern Schlimbesser on Mar 30, 2021 at 7:46 am
@ Mike
It's NOT the dumbest thing they every did (that might have been buying $150,000 (?) worth of gold to throw into Bonanza Creek as a publicity stunt?).
It is a show. A virtual colosseum to buy, entertain and distract us. Enjoy it while it lasts, this is the only time for the next four years that they will compete for our attention.
Up 38 Down 8
Edie rue on Mar 30, 2021 at 3:41 am
Here’s a bit of this, and a bit of that. Just watch the liberals play their best card right before the election: lowering covid restrictions. Pathetic to mix politics with lives, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Up 45 Down 8
DL on Mar 30, 2021 at 12:10 am
This sounds like the Libs will keep the Yukon border closed to others? I’ll never vote for them. They’re destroying our society with needless extensions of ridiculous mask mandates and lockdowns. The party that wins this election is the one with a clear intent to end these stupid lockdowns that have done way more harm than the virus ever did.
Up 46 Down 7
Tom Foolery on Mar 29, 2021 at 6:55 pm
"Great Yukon Summer" is the name of the campaign that's coming out a year late??
What a creatively bankrupt name. And they are telling us with a straight face people can use this marketing agency? The same agency that won the Department of Tourism a Teddy Award (celebrating the best of the worst in government spending) by the Canadian Taxpayer Federation for its throwing gold in a creek in Dawson?
No thanks! And I don't see how they need to spend $500,000 to promote the ONLY destination Yukoners can travel to.
Up 40 Down 12
Wilf Carter on Mar 29, 2021 at 6:35 pm
LIberals have the Yukon in EMG lock down so how can we travel? More I watch the liberals the worse it gets.
Up 47 Down 7
My Opinion on Mar 29, 2021 at 6:10 pm
"Tour Locally" Like we have some kind of other choice????? What a stupid statement. What we need is to allow local businesses to work to capacity, same way they allow all the Big Boxes to prosper. Liberals are so done.
Up 28 Down 9
Wilf Carter on Mar 29, 2021 at 6:06 pm
This shows that liberals do not have a grasp on what is really taking place in the homes today.
Carbon tax will go up another 11% on April first 2021. Each time this takes place 5% of Yukon population is put into the can't afford class which is over 60% of the people working in the private sector and growing very fast because of all the taxes.
Our cost of living as of April 1, 2021 will be up over 26% under the Yukon liberal government but they don't tell you that do they. Why???
Liberals make all kinds of promises and haven't delivered on any. Where are the seasonal workers for the Tourism industry coming from?
I feel for our tourism industry and a lot of the operators find it hard to keep going at all.
People are running on credit cards and high level of debt all across Yukon and Canada and they are maxed out.
What a liter of gasoline going to cost in Dawson this summer 1.40 to 1.50 or more in taxes which will be wasted by liberals.
The millions of carbon tax rebate money back to Yukoners would put more money in Yukoners pockets so they could take a Yukon holiday.
Given all the debt and much higher cost of living Yukoners will not be able to afford to travel to take holiday this summer.
A last minute plan is not going to help Yukoners pay for a holiday.
Up 39 Down 6
bonanzajoe on Mar 29, 2021 at 5:17 pm
Another half million for our children to at least the 5th generation to pay off. Nice work comrades. What many of us would like to know is where all this money is coming from.
Up 78 Down 13
Yukoner1 on Mar 29, 2021 at 4:05 pm
Let's increase domestic tourism, yet our territorial border is closed? Everyone coming in must isolate for 14 days? Have these two former ministers been sleeping under a rock?
Up 69 Down 11
Matthew on Mar 29, 2021 at 3:44 pm
This money can be spent a lot better! Especially since the entire year last year we were in a bubble excluding our fellow citizens out of the territory. Need affordable housing and a smaller government! Win win for ALL!
Up 57 Down 7
Sir Laff-Allot on Mar 29, 2021 at 3:35 pm
You spelled terrorism wrong!
Up 96 Down 16
Mike on Mar 29, 2021 at 3:12 pm
It never stops. $500,000 for Yukon residents to travel within the Yukon? Why would it cost a half million dollars? Which, by the way, this Territory cannot afford after the Liberal spending spree. But why would it cost anything to get us locals to travel locally? This is by far the dumbest out of all the outrageous comments the Liberals have said. Is there anything our elected officials do for free or is this speech costing us $50,000? Liberals don't get it, we don't need free drugs, free daycare, free money, we need to open up our territory with an economy that can justify the housing costs here in the Yukon. We need people to do and not say. We need people who don't need a pat on the back when they do the job they're being paid to do, except frontline workers. They all need a pat on the back and a thank you. But what the Yukon definitely does not need 100% of is another term of the flamboyant Liberals spending money we don't have.
Up 72 Down 16
Did you know!? on Mar 29, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Under the Liberal "saviour" program during Covid - businesses were paid back less than 1% of their earnings in a year.
Meanwhile, the CERB paid out millions extra to people that weren't eligible.
Now you know!
Up 74 Down 25
JSM on Mar 29, 2021 at 2:50 pm
I have a hard time believing that the political party that wants to strip away all of your rights are here to help local businesses.. If you truly cared you would open back up and provide some decent bailouts to the companies that still need it. Sounds like more posturing from the lieberal government again. Don't fall for this one folks.