Whitehorse Daily Star

Landfill workers back on the job after big backlash

Thanks to an angry backlash from the Marsh Lake community, the operators of the local landfill site are back on the job.

By T.S. Giilck on December 11, 2023

Thanks to an angry backlash from the Marsh Lake community, the operators of the local landfill site are back on the job.

The situation is a bit fuzzy, and officials are being tight-lipped about the situation.

However, it appears the two employees working at the site returned to the job today.

They did so after what is being called on social media a “summarily firing” – after they requested the site close on Boxing Day so they could enjoy a two-day holiday.

The Star was unable to reach Aubree Peters, one of the affected employees, directly, but she has been quite active on social media about the situation.

“We had requested the help of the Marsh Lake council to see if we could get permission to close the dump on Boxing Day this year, as it is not a recognized stat,” Peters posted.

“The council was very helpful, and on their Nov. 7th meeting they voted in favour of our request.

“Between the government and our contract holder, they considered this request to council a huge misconduct and today we were fired on the spot. It was only one day in the grand scheme of life to enjoy a very small two-day break over the holidays.

“Our hearts are very heavy,” Peters added.

“Thank-you for accepting us into your community, it was one of the best jobs I ever had!”

Over the weekend, Peters posted the latest on the situation.

“Update from the Marsh Lake dump, oh my goodness! Thank you to everyone for their letters, emails and comments in support of the dismissal of Aubree and Gord from their employment at the dump. You guys are amazing! We could not have done this without you.

“After receiving a tremendous amount of angry support mail, our boss has reinstated our position as of Monday Dec. 11 AND he has found coverage for boxing day for us!!! Thank-you so much everyone,” Peters wrote.

The Star contacted both the Yukon government, which oversees the operation of the solid waste facility, and its contractor, Lanix, about the situation.

Wayne Potoroka, the communications director for the Department Community Services, promised to have a statement ready this morning.

Nothing had been received by press time this afternoon.

Fraser Lang, the spokesperson for Lanix, did speak with the Star briefly.

He picked his words carefully, confirming the employees were back on the job today.

He refused to address the details of the situation – and initially said the employees had not actually been fired. Lang then said they were quickly reinstated.

The Marsh Lake Facebook page was inundated with comments about the situation.

Ashley Fewer, the executive director of the Yukon Helpers Network, was one of the first to protest the workers’ dismissals.

“No no no, we will fight this with you! This is absolutely unacceptable!! Is it the Yukon gov that is the employer?”

Later, it seemed as if a collective sigh of relief had swept through the community.

“Congratulations Gord and Aubree. Can’t imagine not seeing your smiling faces and experiencing your wonderful customer service,” wrote Linda Robinson. “I would also like to direct a comment to your employer.

“So often it is difficult to find honest, hard working and trustworthy employees. You have it all and more in Gord and Aubree.

“I do not believe they are trying to overstep their bounds intentionally. I do, however, believe you took something and blew it completely out of proportion,” Robinson posted.

“You should be thankful that the community stood up and took the actions they took. The alternative would have been that you would have in the end lost two of the best employees you are ever going to find.”

“Our community really came together to fight for some of our own!!,” wrote Tarahn Hodgkinson. “Well done everyone!! I looking forward to seeing Aubrey and Gord’s smiles next time I do my dump and free store run.”

Mimi Gray wrote, “That is fantastic news. So great of the community to come together when wrongs have been committed. Welcome back!!”

Charun Stone added, “You and Gord deserve every last bit of support! I’m so glad to hear they did the right thing.”

Richelle Bierlmeier posted, “I hope not a single person uses the dump on Boxing Day to show that it can be closed for one day without issue.”

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