Whitehorse Daily Star

Laking to YG: trade the talking points for a shovel!

With the City of Whitehorse embroiled in a controversy over its snow and ice control policies, a councillor isn’t happy the Yukon government is refusing to step up its snow control policies.

By T.S. Giilck on December 20, 2023

With the City of Whitehorse embroiled in a controversy over its snow and ice control policies, a councillor isn’t happy the Yukon government is refusing to step up its snow control policies.

Coun. Ted Laking told the Star last week he’s concerned the government hasn’t stepped up its efforts.

He said in a recent meeting that municipal staff members informed council the government has no intention of devoting more effort clearing around schools in the city.

“We’ve been hearing from concerned parents and school councils for the last two years about unsafe snow-clearing at school drop-off areas and around schools,” Laking said.

“These complaints have indicated that occasionally, the only option is to drop off students in hazardous areas such as the street because of the way the snow-clearing on Yukon government property was done,” he added.

“That’s why I raised this issue at city council last winter and we subsequently followed up asking for them to enhance resources. It’s disappointing they chose not to,” Laking said.

“The Yukon government has a responsibility to address these issues, and needs to drop the talking points and pick up the shovels.”

The Department of Highways and Public Works is responsible for clearing snow and ice at most buildings owned by the government.

That includes schools, according to Antoine Goulet, a communications analyst for the department.

He told the Star last Friday, “The department remains committed to making sure Yukoners of all ages and abilities can safely access schools.

“Schools are among the government buildings that maintenance staff prioritize for snow and ice removal. Specifically, staff focus on clearing accessible parking spots, main entrances, main walkways and fire exits when removing snow and ice at schools,” Goulet said.

“Staff with concerns about snow-clearing around the school can use an internal system to alert property management staff to investigate and address issues, such as excess snow and ice.”

Members of the public and organizations with concerns about snow and ice removal at government buildings can also contact hpw-info@yukon.ca

Comments (8)

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unReal on Dec 21, 2023 at 1:11 pm

Olivia, you make a great observation: "... and where the school dumps the snow..."

Maybe, just maybe, the school can control this?

Up 44 Down 6

Prediction on Dec 21, 2023 at 9:44 am

In response YG launches a committee to study the issue to return in 1 year with 40 recommendations.

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KP on Dec 21, 2023 at 7:50 am

It is extremely dangerous at our school. We have raised it many times and we are always told it is a funding issue.

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Brian Melanson on Dec 21, 2023 at 3:11 am

You city dwellers sure to demand high levels of service. Think the roads and streets should be cleared for your highness to parade down. Even during snow storms.
Maybe all the people complaining about the “Snow” should move south to where there is no snow.
Or except your in the Far North, but a AWD or 4x4 on demand and a good set of tires. Then atleast you will not complain about the snow, just the cost of gas.m. It’s getting harder and harder to listen to the BS coming from this group of servants.

Up 15 Down 7

Olivia on Dec 20, 2023 at 4:22 pm

Good. I have emailed my MLA many times about how dangerous the drop off areas are because they block off where the kids get out of the vehicle and where the school dumps the snow. If you're going to block the access then create a dedicated drop off area.

My MLA (tracy) replied and told me how much more her government has invested in elementary schools than Curry. Cool.

Up 25 Down 4

Groucho d'North on Dec 20, 2023 at 3:13 pm

Some YG staff would be required to clear the schools of snow before 7:30 AM when the school buses arrive. That means overtime, traditionally one of the primary reasons work doesn't get done when it should.

Up 32 Down 8

Kyle on Dec 20, 2023 at 2:33 pm

Ted Laking shouldn't be worrying about what YG is doing right now - he needs to worry about the stick in city council's own eye. Deal with that before you worry about what YG is doing. By the sounds of it - it's all the accessible parking on the city streets that have been an issue for years that the City is ignoring. Only under pressue have you guys finally decided to take action. That's still not good enough. Good thing an election year is coming up.

Up 35 Down 8

Mark on Dec 20, 2023 at 2:26 pm

Premier Kate should take that bus transit funding and buy some shovels for YG. Has she learned yet that transit is a municipal responsibility?

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