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CANDIDATE GAINS ENDORSEMENT – Yukon Party leadership candidate Currie Dixon (right) is seen recently with Yukon Party MLA Scott Kent, who publicly endorsed Dixon on Tuesday. Photo By Alejandro Pulido
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CANDIDATE GAINS ENDORSEMENT – Yukon Party leadership candidate Currie Dixon (right) is seen recently with Yukon Party MLA Scott Kent, who publicly endorsed Dixon on Tuesday. Photo By Alejandro Pulido
Scott Kent became the first Yukon Party MLA to publicly endorse a party leadership candidate Tuesday, and it isn’t fellow MLA Brad Cathers.
Scott Kent became the first Yukon Party MLA to publicly endorse a party leadership candidate Tuesday, and it isn’t fellow MLA Brad Cathers.
Kent announced his endorsement of Currie Dixon, who does not sit in the legislature but who was a cabinet minister with Kent between 2011 and 2016.
“I’m proud to add my name to the long list of Yukoners supporting Currie Dixon in his bid to become the next leader of the Yukon Party and the next premier of the Yukon,” Kent said in a statement.
Kent, who represents Copperbelt South, is the official Opposition’s House leader, and the critic for the Departments of Education and Energy, Mines and Resources.
“While Currie has the right mix of private sector and elected experience to make an excellent leader and premier, the most important qualifications for me are that he is a husband and a father,” Kent added.
“He’s a family man that understands the experience of raising children, and I know that he’ll put Yukon families first when he makes decisions.”
Dixon and his wife are life-long Yukoners and are raising their two children in Whitehorse.
“It means a lot for me to have Scott’s support in this leadership race,” said Currie Dixon, who did not run in the 2016 election.
“I know that Scott shares my view that the Yukon Party needs to develop a platform that speaks to Yukon families as we move toward the next election (expected in 2021).”
Longtime party loyalist Linda Benoit is also contesting the leadership, which will be decided May 23.
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Comments (21)
Up 2 Down 1
Lynx on Mar 17, 2020 at 7:36 pm
That's the problem Miles. There is no new blood in the Yukon Party, it's all the same old club except for Geraldine Van Bibber right now. Currie is old blood, even Linda Benoit, while never elected was in the back room with them all for 20 years and worked as the secretary in their office previously. There is no one running for leader who isn't part of the old "pure bred" Yukoner club.
Up 7 Down 5
Wes on Mar 17, 2020 at 3:57 pm
I like Brad Cathers and his family, but he’s a better MLA than a party leader. Not a good or bad thing, just a fact.
Secondly, while I like Sandy Silver, I think the MLAs he’s got surrounding him are dragging him down. They’re all running around watching out for their own personal agenda, whether that be First Nations, Northern Vision Development, or in the case of Streicker, god knows what.
You can say what you want about the previous YP gov, but at least they could run a government, that is they were smart enough to not meddle.
And, at least the YP are Yukoners.
Up 9 Down 3
Miles Epanhauser on Mar 17, 2020 at 2:53 pm
Scott is a good guy and so is Currie.
Their party has to back away from the mining industry and become more liberal.
The party has to limit involvement from the old guard and develop a set of new insiders which are younger and moderate and not connected to why they defeated themselves in the last election.
Up 10 Down 1
Oya on Mar 17, 2020 at 9:29 am
Does Dixon not have a degree in political science or something like that?
THAT to me is much more important (with regards to an election) than him being a father and a family man. I believe it's a good thing to know the ins and outs of how government action can affect society (for better and for worse) and while it is a good thing to know how to change a diaper, that knowledge and skill is not really needed until closer to the end of the term.
If I were his campaign manager, I'd be touting the degree over his family status. I mean, just look at Trudeau. Family man and drama teacher. Which aspect gets more coverage? Does the fact that Trudeau has a wife and kids equate to understanding the middle class he so loudly committed to helping? No. He's proven that over and over again.
Up 11 Down 16
drum on Mar 15, 2020 at 10:25 pm
Brad cares about Yukoners. That is all I need to know. He will go the extra mile for anyone who needs help.
Up 11 Down 4
HarvardYaleAndPrincetonMan on Mar 15, 2020 at 7:45 pm
"John on Mar 11, 2020 at 8:23 pm
Kent endorsing a former defeated MLA."
Clueless analysis by you ! Currie was NOT defeated.
He walked away because he didn't want to spend another 4 years working
for a party leader as inept as Darryl Drugstore.
Up 6 Down 5
Gordon of Riverdale on Mar 15, 2020 at 7:40 pm
Obi on Mar 12, 2020 at 10:07 am
You'd be taking a LOT of drugs if your HOLY TRINITY was
Scheer - Leef - Pasloski
Up 11 Down 9
Snowman on Mar 14, 2020 at 3:26 pm
Really Scott? Brad has been rolling out his ideas which could lay the ground for a political platform while to my knowledge Currie has not put forward a single policy or idea yet. So basically you are throwing your support behind a guy without knowing anything about his plans. Stop treating this as a popularity contest instead of a real leadership race with substance!
Up 13 Down 9
Woodcutter on Mar 14, 2020 at 2:03 pm
@groucho.. It's just the same ole crybaby conservative noise thank god they are, thru a natural process, becoming less and less in numbers.
Up 18 Down 16
Groucho d'North on Mar 13, 2020 at 5:48 pm
Judging by the comments posted here, I get the sense that Liberal supporters can see the writing on the wall- One term and done.
Up 44 Down 13
bb on Mar 12, 2020 at 9:37 pm
"the most important qualifications for me are that he is a husband and a father,” Kent added.
“He’s a family man that understands the experience of raising children, and I know that he’ll put Yukon families first when he makes decisions.”
'Someone get me a bucket. I think I'm going to throw up.' - (from Monty Python)
Well all you people out there not raising children, thank god we've got Curry and Scott who have 'the most important qualification'. Brad and Linda are just not up to the task like Scott and Curry are.
What an insulting and utterly ridiculous statement to make.
Up 26 Down 21
badunk on Mar 12, 2020 at 8:51 pm
That's True Brian. Currie didn't run in the last election because he knew it would be tough to win. He ran away when the going got tough while Brad and other MLAs stayed to fight even when they knew it was an uphill battle. Currie is an opportunist pure and simple and unfortunately will probably win the leadership contest.
Up 20 Down 22
Political Animal on Mar 12, 2020 at 5:38 pm
One career politican supporting another.
Not sure Dixon is some new age Con, don't get the impression that he cares about the Yukon and all Yukoners. Is he in politics for the right reasons or is he there to further his own and his buddies ambitions. He strikes me as someone who wants to lay waste to Yukon's natural resourses at any cost.
Up 33 Down 15
Anie on Mar 12, 2020 at 3:31 pm
So Scott Kent thinks that the ability to procreate is the most important issue when picking a leader. Pathetic.
Up 19 Down 15
Yukoner79 on Mar 12, 2020 at 1:50 pm
What do you mean FAILED MLA? He chose not to run. If he had, he would have swept that riding. My god how uninformed are people. I'm pumped for his leadership. He was my MLA, and a great MLA.
Up 32 Down 8
brian on Mar 12, 2020 at 12:34 pm
John... You obviously didn't read the article. Currie chose not to run in the last election.
Up 22 Down 25
Obi on Mar 12, 2020 at 10:07 am
Liberals in power. Duh!!
The Holy trinity,
Trudeau, Bagnell, and Silver....
And you expect me to go to sleep tonight without drugs?
Up 19 Down 9
Jack C. on Mar 12, 2020 at 9:38 am
This is tantamount to Kenny giving the kiss of death to O'toole's campaign for con leadership. This also sets up a typical day of the long knives at the Yuk Party's leadership convention. Possibly Benoit comes up the middle on the 3rd ballot.
Up 33 Down 30
Yukoner5 on Mar 11, 2020 at 9:44 pm
Good. Just confirms that conservatism is dead in the Yukon. Old dinosaurs with their anti-progressive and pro-mining agenda like Brad Cathers don't have a chance anymore. The young progressive Curry Dixon will easily win and I'm glad to see it. So long Conservatives!
Up 29 Down 29
John on Mar 11, 2020 at 8:23 pm
Ex liberal Kent endorsing a former defeated MLA. That will go far
Up 29 Down 30
drum on Mar 11, 2020 at 6:40 pm
Disappointed in Scott.