Whitehorse Daily Star

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HEROES ON ICE – These volunteer firefighters in Haines Junction unexpectedly showed up at the youth centre to help resident Rob McPhie clear the rink of snow.

Junction’s firefighters did double duty

Haines Junction resident Rob McPhie was recently at the village’s youth centre, plowing snow off the outdoor rink ice alone, and was “having the worst day,” he said earlier this week.

By Whitehorse Star on December 8, 2023

Haines Junction resident Rob McPhie was recently at the village’s youth centre, plowing snow off the outdoor rink ice alone, and was “having the worst day,” he said earlier this week.

“I asked my friend Kim Oakley to come help me and she gracefully did,” McPhie said.

“Once I got the snow blower working again, I turned on my music and put my head down and got to it.”

After about an hour’s work, McPhie said, “I looked up and saw 10 or so volunteer firefighters!

“I kept working with tears in my eyes,” he said. “What a great crew to show up and help.

“Such an amazing story!”

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