Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

MANDATORY SHOTS DEADLINE KICKED INTO 2022 – Seen left to right at this morning’s COVID-19 briefing are Premier Sandy Silver, Mary Tiesen, the territorial government’s American sign language interpreter, and Dr. Catherine Elliott. Inset Steve Geick

‘It’s not a consultation,’ YEU says of change

The Yukon government has delayed the implementation of its vaccine mandate policy for the public service until Jan. 30, 2022.

By Tim Giilck on November 3, 2021

The Yukon government has delayed the implementation of its vaccine mandate policy for the public service until Jan. 30, 2022.

That’s the brief version of the latest COVID-19 update provided by the government and public health branch this morning.

“The Government of Yukon is updating the implementation of the vaccine requirement for employees based on new recommendations from the Yukon’s acting chief medical officer of health (Dr. Catherine Elliott),” Premier Sandy Silver announced at the briefing.

With the new schedule, YG workers now will have to show proof of at least one vaccine shot by Nov. 30.

That was the original deadline for being fully vaccinated.

Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI), however, has released new recommendations regarding the time interval between the first and second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Elliott is recommending the Yukon follow the new guidance from NACI, which recommends people wait eight weeks between doses of mRNA vaccines such as Moderna.

The longer wait between doses provides a stronger and more long-lasting reaction than the original four-week period most Yukoners will have been vaccinated under, Elliott told the briefing.

That means the majority of territorial residents possibly don’t have as much protection against COVID-19 as they could have, Elliott acknowledged.

The science at the time was followed, but was not as complete as what is currently available.

“All public servants, including teachers, as well as those who work in hospitals, long-term care homes, medical clinics and allied health care settings, along with employees of non-government organizations funded by the Yukon government to provide services to vulnerable populations, will be required to have their first dose of vaccine no later than Nov. 30 and their second dose no later than Jan. 30, 2022,” a news release stated.

“This will ensure employees and front-line health care workers who have not yet been immunized have enough time to receive both doses of vaccine before the new requirement comes into force.”

Silver continued to provide incomplete answers on what the consequences will be for public service employees who refuse to be vaccinated.

That’s still under discussion and being negotiated with unions such as the Yukon Employees’ Union and the Yukon Teachers’ Association.

Steve Geick, the president of the YEU, told the Star shortly after the news conference he was not impressed with what he heard nor the government’s approach to the policy.

“I received a phone call last night explaining what was going to be announced,” he said.

“They (the government) are speaking to us, not speaking with us. It’s not a consultation.”

Geick said he has met twice with Public Service Commissioner Paul Moore, but no progress has been made with the union’s concerns.

“The only answer I am looking for is whether there will be any punitive action against employees. We won’t accept that,” he said.

Instead, Geick reiterated that the YEU wants alternatives such as personal protective equipment, the right to work from home and regular testing to be offered to non-compliant public service workers.

That’s a question the government will not be pinned down on, he said, although he noted Silver has pointedly warned there will be consequences for not co-operating.

“We’re going to continue to look at our options over this,” Geick said.

He also said the YEU had no involvement in a petition signed by more than 2,300 people that was presented at the legislature Monday (see p. 4).

The YEU is supportive of a vaccine mandate that doesn’t punish public service workers, he explained.

Silver also touched on the ongoing flu vaccines program in today’s statement.

“We need to arm ourselves with the best protection we can,” he said.

“This means getting your flu shot as well as your COVID-19 vaccinations, wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying home when you are sick, isolating and getting tested when you have symptoms, continuing to keep your bubble and your social gatherings small. We have enough vaccine for everyone, and every vaccine dose counts.”

Exposure alerts issued for more schools ... .

Comments (37)

Up 10 Down 0

Knock knock, it's reality on Nov 9, 2021 at 9:02 am

If you think the taxes from alcohol sales even cover the health costs of alcohol consumption, let alone paying for covid costs, you need to lay off the sauce.

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Ben on Nov 8, 2021 at 6:38 pm

This is ridiculous. Sandy Silver drops this bombshell, with no plan behind it, and we’re less than 3 weeks out from the big date and there’s still no plan. When the vaccines were first rushed here the plan was “75% to reach herd immunity”, which we’ve exceeded, and we did it very rapidly. Now we’re acknowledging that the vaccine doesn’t stop you catching or transmitting the virus, but we’re going to threaten folks livelihoods to get an additional 5% of the population to accept a medical procedure which doesn’t stop you catching or transmitting the virus… apparently, we will attain herd immunity by this somehow.
I actually thought it was illegal to force someone to accept a medical procedure… silly me, I didn’t realize that when you issue an ultimatum, and substitute the word “force” with “choose”, it’s totally fine and not absolutely reprehensible at all. When anybody questions the logic of the vaccine mandate or passport the response is “because the acting chief medical officer of health said so”. Does nobody question what that person says? Is there no oversight on that person? If the acting chief medical officer officer of health said that all Nova Scotia raised Yukon politicians are to wear clown noses, multi coloured wigs and long shoes to achieve herd immunity, would we see unquestioned compliance on that?

Up 20 Down 9

Rick S on Nov 7, 2021 at 12:44 pm

@ Done with YEU - It's not a workplace or public safety issue because the vaccines don't prevent contagion. The recent local example of Covid ripping through a fully vaccinated hockey team like a hot knife through butter should be putting those silly arguments to rest. If there's any sense and reason left in Yukon that would be a front page story in every paper next week.

Up 17 Down 4

motive unclear on Nov 6, 2021 at 12:47 pm

Well, Arrogance is right about one thing:

It is absolutely not a consultation because I have already made up my mind and I will not comply and that's it.

Up 16 Down 1

Groucho d'North on Nov 6, 2021 at 9:53 am

No argument, governments (and I mean all of them) can do a better job at consulting the public. But it is an expensive and time consuming activity that rarely provides the desired results. If you have an idea how consultations can be conducted better, I'm sure all the politicians and the wanna-bes would like to hear your ideas.

Up 26 Down 10

Done with YEU on Nov 6, 2021 at 9:38 am

Speaking of consultation did YEU ‘consult’ their membership?

Steve just took the stance that whatever the government says he’s against. This is an issue of workplace safety and public safety.
Would he be against PPE? Would he be against members wearing seatbelts? Where does it end with this guy?
He’s been at the feed trough so long he’s lost sense of direction and responsibility and those he serves.

Up 14 Down 1

Joe on Nov 5, 2021 at 5:10 pm

@ The Hammer ...” In 2018, using a Health Canada-funded study, we estimated each year some 15,000 deaths, 90,000 hospital admissions and 240,000 years of life lost are directly attributable to alcohol use” wow that's amazing isn't it?

Up 7 Down 13

TheHammer on Nov 5, 2021 at 12:36 pm

Joe@ "The liquor store is deemed essential....?" The tax on liquor pays for the medical expenses of COVID, including everything else in the health care system. If you want a second opinion, talk to the customers and the workers.

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TheHammer on Nov 5, 2021 at 12:31 pm

Grouch D' North @ "Dictators do not consult".
A consultation would have to include the entire Yukon population including children and mothers. It's not just about Union Govt employees with the biggest paychecks, pensions, and health care insurance that covers time lost. COVID is everyone's concern. The HQ of right wing extremism in Europe is in a state of emergency and hospital overload and breakdown because of misinformation by anti-vaxxers.

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Groucho d'North on Nov 5, 2021 at 9:14 am

Dictators do not consult - they dictate. It should be clear to all by now.

Up 22 Down 0

The YEU is gonna get you… The YEU is gonna get you… Tonight! on Nov 4, 2021 at 7:13 pm

Dear Vaccinated YEU member - If you are a member of the YEU you have no rights. They belong to the Collective no matter what you believe or what you think. They are the sole bargaining agent for you and all other members in any aspect of employment. That means that Geick does represent you but only so far as you fall in line with the political will of the Geick - Your beliefs matter not.

If you feel that the YEU is misrepresenting your interests you can file with the Labour Board to see if your complaint will be heard or adjudicated.

If the YEU commits to direct discrimination against you on a prohibited ground under the Human Rights Act you can file a complaint with the YHRC. However, you will have to be prepared to fight with the YHRC because they tend to side with the YEU regardless of the merit of your claim/s.

They have bound these processes up so tight that you need a lawyer however most lawyers will tell you that it is not worth the time and money to do so. It most cases it’s a break even game but you have to spend out of pocket first.

Up 34 Down 5

Joe on Nov 4, 2021 at 7:13 pm

So let me get this straight... liberals rule you need to be vaccinated to access all non essential services. The gym and hockey rinks are deemed non essential but the liquor store is deemed essential? So you can get booze and weed without a vax card but you can’t go workout or skate... ya that makes sense.

Up 20 Down 17

TheHammer on Nov 4, 2021 at 11:16 am

It's not a consultation. It's about Union Dues, It's not about the health of Yukoners. It's about Union Money Bags the left leaning right. Goes against the code of Trade Union Mandate.

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Vaccinated YEU member on Nov 4, 2021 at 8:34 am

Steve Geick, please stop. You do not represent everyone in the YEU when make noises against the vaccine mandate. Please poll your membership to see what you should be doing. Should people lose jobs for the tiny number of actual medical contraindications against the vaccine? No. Should people lose jobs because they are choosing to believe misinformation instead of science? Yep.

Vaccines are the single greatest public health measure and have saved more lives than any other medical intervention in human history. Certainly more than vitamins and ivermectin. Wonder how folks are planning to answer the “are you fully vaccinated?” question at their next job interview? Because that will be coming. Time to stop following the conspiracy theories and do the right thing.

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Vaccinated Momma Grizzly on Nov 4, 2021 at 8:23 am

Vaccine passports/mandates are being implemented across Canada, across industries to protect citizens. If you don’t get vaccinated, you are going to have a hard time finding work in Canada. Especially if you are a healthcare worker.
Please a) get your vaccine to reduce the risk of transmission to others who are vulnerable because you will carry a higher virus load if not vaccinated, b) stop believing everything you read on Facebook about the “ scamdemic” and the “killer jabs” because you have fallen into the black hole of misinformation that is spread by a mere 12 people in the US looking to sow mistrust and make a buck, c) find someone you trust with a medical background to have a real conversation with about your concerns so you can get over your fears and do the right thing for your own health and for your community, and d) please stop supporting Jonah Smith…he’s leading you down a rabbit hole toward certain ill health and possible severe consequences.
Please be well, please take care of yourselves and please get vaccinated.

Up 38 Down 9

KC on Nov 4, 2021 at 8:11 am

Geick is being so disingenuous here. 'We support a vaccine mandate... so long as it is toothless and unenforceable'.

The government should just hold the line here if it believes in this policy. YEU is unlikely to be successful in front of a labour relations arbitrator and good luck persuading the overwhelming majority of YG employees who are vaccinated to take job action in solidarity. Geick is a paper tiger when it comes to this issue.

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DL on Nov 4, 2021 at 2:07 am

Notice how our dear chief medical officer never talks about the severe adverse effects of the covid jab? In other countries, they actually care about this:

Five Scandinavian countries limit or halt Moderna
October 8, 2021
Quote: “Finland has joined Sweden, Denmark and Norway in either banning or discouraging young adults or teens from getting the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, because of the increased risk of myocarditis — heart inflammation.”

Up 44 Down 16

DL on Nov 4, 2021 at 2:05 am

Meanwhile, the governments of Ontario and Quebec just recently retracted their threats of firing unvaxed health workers. Turns out that they realized the health care system couldn't function if they fired that many people.

That so many health care workers, of all people, refuse to take the covid jab should give us all pause. They have seen things that most of us haven't.

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Sheepchaser on Nov 3, 2021 at 9:01 pm

Very glad to see the government moving forward with this. Especially after the disruption of the legislature. No need to continue pretending the ‘idiocracy’ need to be consulted.

YEU should spend their time educating and supporting their membership, not fighting the inevitable. Putting the idea in people’s heads that there’s hope for their cause at this point is a failure of leadership. Further pandering by political animals with an obvious conflict of interest.

Vaccines need to become law if people keep learning towards willful ignorance and self-righteous anger. The more selfish and entitled people act, the more rules need to be made. A never ending cycle that eventually leads to a defacto segregation of society which must be reconciled one way or another. I’m not a big fan of the cycle, but I also understand the need to enforce basic societal compromise even if a percentage of that society is incapable of it.

It’s a tough nut to crack. You have to balance pushing the herd in the right direction, while careful not to cause outright panic. The Liberals are actually playing it fairly well, from a manipulative point of view. The unknown stick is more effective than even the known carrot.

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Joe on Nov 3, 2021 at 9:00 pm

Now get rid of the public mandates. It’s discriminatory and divisive.

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TMYK on Nov 3, 2021 at 7:18 pm

Just keep moving those goal posts Liberals. It’s what you do best.

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Willy on Nov 3, 2021 at 7:00 pm

2300, or 5%, of the Yukon’s population signed a petition.
Ooooooooooo, scary.

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Hippo crate on Nov 3, 2021 at 6:01 pm

Look. I know the only ‘boogieman’ you know is the ‘1950s Cold War commie’ well they don’t exist anywhere but your spacious mind.
Ya know, for a guy who neither believes the virus is real or the vaccine is real you literally spend 99% of your waking hours consumed by it. Here’s the deal, no one is gonna make you get your shot. So just stop obsessing over something that isn’t gonna happen.

Up 25 Down 21

Sourdough on Nov 3, 2021 at 5:28 pm

I’m a taxpayer. Public servants whether at the municipal, territorial or federal level work for myself and other taxpayers.
Government of Yukon employees get the highest wages, the best benefits, the best retirement benefits, the best working conditions and have low performance expectations reinforced by the Yukon employees union.
Is it too much to expect them to care more about the public good than there own misplaced interests?

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BnR on Nov 3, 2021 at 4:54 pm

I suspect the Venn diagram showing the relationship between *problem* YG employees and those who aren't vaccinated is a circle...

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What a lion! on Nov 3, 2021 at 4:51 pm

Geick refers to the employees who don’t want (more like need) the jab as “non-compliant?” Sounds like he’s really got your back....just before he throws you under the bus.

Up 70 Down 38

JP on Nov 3, 2021 at 4:50 pm

I believed Canada was a diversity country.
Yukon is part of it.
Are we heading to Totalitarianism country now?

Up 53 Down 24

JC on Nov 3, 2021 at 4:27 pm

Despite the ravenous dimwittery raging among the anti-vaxxers, it really should come as no surprise to folks why some people refuse to take the government seriously.

The medical reality hasn't changed at all. If anything, things are getting worse. But now, the CMHO has "new recommendations." Based on what new information? The recommended time between doses? That makes no sense, considering they were supposed to have both doses by Novembers end. That means they had to have their first dose no later than Octobers end. Based on this brand new schedule, they should be ready for their second dose by end of 2021... so why the extra month?

Because many of the measures implemented are arbitrary, and crafted by people who are too politically entrenched to admit they haven't the first clue.

It really is a sad state of affairs. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right...

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Really on Nov 3, 2021 at 4:25 pm

Really?!?! I am absolutely gobsmacked (hardly)!! Did anyone ever doubt the likelihood of this Lieberal government following through?

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John on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:56 pm

Jab, or no jab, it is always the same rules. Absolute BS. Silver you must be ecstatic ! Just imagine all that control you have over other people's lives. Wow - talk about a power trip. His new saying, "It is my Yukon and I will decide the rules - you don't like it tough." Never mind shouldering your responsibility to Hanley 2.0. That is an easy out - the crap still falls on your door step.

Read and weep:
“This means getting your flu shot as well as your COVID-19 vaccinations, wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying home when you are sick, isolating and getting tested when you have symptoms, continuing to keep your bubble and your social gatherings small. We have enough vaccine for everyone, and every vaccine dose counts.”

Oh, are we permitted to have sex ?

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bonanzajoe on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:50 pm

These Marxist Liberals keep changing the information. For instance, the Silver government told us through his medical officer Hanley that it was better to get the vaccine 4 weeks after the first shot. Now 8 weeks is the best time. What will it be in 6 months? I'm getting fed up with their lies and deceptions. It's their way of getting full control of the citizenry. Lenin said, world communism won't come over night. It will take generations of programming. That's what the Liberals have been doing since Comrade Pierre Trudeau became PM in 1968. His son is now putting the finishing touch to his work. It's time to stand up to them and take our country back.

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Beth V on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:30 pm

2300 signatures ... that's at least 2300 families that do NOT support a vax pass. If the shot works no need for the VP. Same goes for if it doesn't. Time to put this discriminatory notion to rest. There never was a need for it in the first place.

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jeff bikaboom on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:25 pm

I bet a million dollars that boosters and child jabs will be announced soon. The deadline for the booster will be the same Jan 30 date. This way we can get the whole Yukon onto the same regimen.

Perhaps our leaders are not corrupt authoritarian tyrants violating our inalienable human rights. Maybe they are making the Yukon an intolerable hellscape in an attempt to curb the rising cost of real estate. You can stop now, we get it, it's horrible here.

So in a 2 year period 10 old people died like old people do, so let's create medical apartheid. How many have died in the last 2 years from adverse reactions. Seriously, how many? Release deaths per month for the last years. Show us the spike during peak vax times. What will the repercussions be for those deaths?

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Gerry on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:18 pm

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything, not only to please them while they are watching, but with sincerity of heart and fear of the Lord." - Colossians 3:22

There should be no further questions or debate allowed. Our Lord's and master's have spoken, and we must kneel before their every decree.

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Resist Authoritarian Foolishness on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:06 pm

Just say NO.
This LIBgov imposed foolishness stops when people say:

"NO, that's enough, I will not comply."

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Yukoner on Nov 3, 2021 at 3:01 pm

Grow some Sandy.. people have had plenty of time.

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Rick S on Nov 3, 2021 at 2:58 pm

This is the government blinking. We've exposed them for the clowns they are. Do not comply.

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