Whitehorse Daily Star

Inclusivity committee impacted by lack of members

Things have not gone well for the city’s high-profile Inclusivity Advisory Committee (IAC).

By T.S. Giilck on November 16, 2023

Things have not gone well for the city’s high-profile Inclusivity Advisory Committee (IAC).

After less than one year in operation, most of the eight members have resigned from the committee.

According to a staff report, the IAC had commenced its work-planning and had started to scope initial recommendations, when several vacancies, including the chair, happened within a short period of time.

“This recent lack of members has impacted the ability to achieve quorum and advance the committee’s work in practical terms,” the report said.

Only two members now remain, which is not enough for quorum. That means the committee is in limbo for the moment.

The remaining members of the committee suggested at the Nov. 6 council meeting that eligibility for membership should be expanded beyond Whitehorse residents to make the recruitment process easier.

Under the proposal, people living up to 75 kilometres away could serve on the committee.

City staff, although presenting the idea, said it wasn’t recommending the concept.

Very few municipalities in Canada with similar committees have expanded in such a manner, council was told.

Coun. Kirk Cameron said he was upset to see the committee fall on such hard times. He said he considered it to be one of the most important committees to the city.

“That concerns me,” he said. “I’m perplexed by this one.”

The city is considering a marketing campaign to attract new members – something which didn’t sit well with Cameron.

He said he favoured using the established recruitment methods one more time before doing something more innovative.

During the past Tuesday’s meeting, Mayor Laura Cabott issued a notice of motion urging the city to improve its inclusivity and accessibility policies and measures.

Cabott noted the inclusivity committee has been unsuccessful in its mandate, and unable to provide the city with a plan to address those issues.

The committee needs to be re-evaluated, including an analysis of its mandate, the mayor said.

Comments (5)

Up 24 Down 2

Groucho d'North on Nov 21, 2023 at 9:50 am

I visited the COW website to learn more about this committee. I was hoping for a Terms of Reference document spelling out what this group would do and why. After searching the site all that appeared was the application form to join the committee - nothing else. Maybe its a secret?

Up 32 Down 3

Tater on Nov 20, 2023 at 10:07 pm

Maybe it's a non-issue if nobody wants to be on the committee.

Up 62 Down 5

YT on Nov 17, 2023 at 1:49 pm

“Under the proposal, people living up to 75 kilometres away could serve on the committee.”
Just to get this straight, you don’t actually have to be a resident of the city to be on the city’s committee…..
Non taxpayers get to have a say on how the city is run.

Up 0 Down 0

Nathan Living on Nov 17, 2023 at 1:42 pm

Please provide a summary on why the committee members left.

Up 69 Down 12

bonanzajoe on Nov 16, 2023 at 6:52 pm

Nice story, but what is Inclusivity Advisory Committee? Never heard of it. The Star could have told its readers what it is. Is it just another government tax payer paid NGO make work program? Please explain.

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