Whitehorse Daily Star

Hospital workers have tentative agreement

A tentative agreement has been achieved between the 350-plus members of the Yukon Employees’ Union (YEU)/Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Yukon Hospital Corp., it was announced Friday.

By Whitehorse Star on March 4, 2024

A tentative agreement has been achieved between the 350-plus members of the Yukon Employees’ Union (YEU)/Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Yukon Hospital Corp., it was announced Friday.

YEU Local Y025 workers have been without a contract since September 2022.

A recent strike vote provided the union’s bargaining team with an overwhelming strike mandate.

“This strength and unity of the membership helped move the negotiations forward, allowing the union and employer to reach this tentative agreement,” the YEU said Friday.

Details cannot be released until after the employees vote later this month on whether to accept the deal.

“Members can watch for upcoming ratification meetings where all proposed changes will be outlined and votes will be held.”

“Member solidarity is always the most important element of contract negotiations,” YEU president Justin Lemphers said from Ottawa.

“This employer knew that over 350 hospital workers were 100-per-cent behind the team; their unity and willingness to strike helped secure a contract we believe the members will support.”

Most of the nurses working at the territory’s three hospitals are represented by a different union.

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