Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Patti McLeod

Health line service is frustrating some Yukoners

Some Whitehorse residents calling the 8-1-1 nurse’s hotline say they are unable to get through to the overburdened health line.

By Gabrielle Plonka on March 17, 2020

Some Whitehorse residents calling the 8-1-1 nurse’s hotline say they are unable to get through to the overburdened health line.

“You can’t even get on hold; as soon as it clicks onto the line, it says, ‘All circuits are busy,’ and then hangs up on you,” a Yukoner told the Star this morning.

The person, who has requested anonymity, experienced some cold symptoms this morning and called the 8-1-1 line to request information about procedures for testing and staying home from work.

Unable to get through, the Yukoner said, they called upwards of 30 times without success.

As a back-up measure, the Yukoner called the local hospital. A staff member there told them it’s “their judgment call” as to whether to stay home from work.

“I said, ‘I am not qualified to make that judgment call,’” the Yukoner said.

Anxious and frustrated, the Yukoner then tried calling the Yukon Communicable Disease Control centre, as well as the telehealth numbers for B.C., Alberta and Ontario.

They were unable to get through to an operator at any of those numbers.

The Yukoner, who works in retail, was hesitant to go to work without instruction from medical professionals.

They said that when they informed their manager of the situation, their employer expressed no concern, and accused them of overreacting.

“Nobody has said, ‘Yes, be cautious’; everyone has kind of sucked about it, to be honest," the Yukoner said, noting it is detrimental for customer service staff to lose work hours.

Several hours after leaving a voicemail with disease centre, a staff member called back late this morning.

The Yukoner was informed that they weren’t eligible to be tested for COVID-19, but should stay home from work until the symptoms passed.

It was explained to the Yukoner that the centre is being overrun with calls, and was busy this morning returning voicemails.

On Monday, during question period in the legislature, Patti McLeod, the Yukon Party MLA for Watson Lake, repeated reports that 8-1-1 is overwhelmed and Yukoners are unable to get through.

McLeod said she heard from a constituent that morning who was on hold with 8-1-1 for four hours.

Pauline Frost, the Health minister, responded that work is being done to establish a direct line for Yukoners. The Yukon currently shares the 8-1-1 line with B.C.

She said her department recognizes that there are “long delays” on the hotline.

“I beg the patience of Yukoners as we work through that,” Frost said.

Premier Sandy Silver said that while the department is working on establishing new phone lines, Yukoners should also utilize medical information available on yukon.ca.

Silver suggested that many questions being asked of 8-1-1 operators could be answered on yukon.ca, thus freeing up the phone lines.

Frost said Yukoners who are displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should still call the 8-1-1 number, or a local health centre for people living in communities.

Comments (15)

Up 7 Down 3

Oya on Mar 23, 2020 at 8:47 am

@ JC Many of your comments have me scratching my head, but these comments here take the cake. What, pray tell, has Trump done but put his head in the sand and then blame everyone else for the US' sorry state of affairs? Oh, wait! I know! He's promoted racism and hatred. So helpful in battling this pandemic; so effective. Too bad there won't be enough medical supplies to help the nation.

Up 12 Down 16

woodcutter on Mar 20, 2020 at 11:04 am

@JC.... Pres. Trump has done more for this epidemic so far than any other leader ...lol typical trumpian stooge comment. When this is all over, and when Trump is no longer president, the public record will record his many ramblings on this issue, and many others.

Go back into the news feeds, as early as the beginning of last week, his refusal to recognize the nature of the beast. But as he says, and obviously many agree, he is the smartest man in the world.

Conservatives fascinate me, now they blame JT for not acting fast enough, or decisive enough, however if he had acted, everyone conservative would have screamed he was over reacting. It must be nice to use the genius of hindsight to play armchair quarterback.

I am glad that the conservatives never won this election, or we would have seen a complete gong show from that group of deniers. Deniers from everything from climate change to pandemics.

Up 8 Down 2

Mauretia on Mar 19, 2020 at 9:44 pm

Yukon.ca ?? I know many seniors who don't have a computer or cell phone. How does Yukon.ca help them. I never heard of Yukon.ca until yesterday and I have lived here for years.

Up 15 Down 0

Charlie's Aunt on Mar 19, 2020 at 7:15 pm

@ JC, this time you are way off base. Ever heard the expression prevention is better than cure? Just be thankful YT Gov and businesses are being pro-active and not waiting until the horse has bolted before shutting the stable door.

Up 18 Down 10

brian on Mar 19, 2020 at 12:08 pm

JC... Why should I show respect to someone when the orange man calls Covid-19 "The Chinese Virus".

Up 11 Down 1

Simon on Mar 18, 2020 at 6:54 pm

The government just released a new online self-assessment tool. Go to https://yukon.ca/covid-19 and the link is there. Look for the big button.

Up 5 Down 15

Political Animal on Mar 18, 2020 at 5:37 pm

This story in many of it's incarnations in this paper proves that neo cons will stoop to the lowest of levels to do nothing other then score a couple of points and get the same thumbs up from the knuckle draggers they are.

Up 10 Down 31

JC on Mar 18, 2020 at 5:31 pm

Brian: Italy has twice the population of Canada with 1/10 the geography. It only stands to reason if you only did your research that they would get it quicker with more sufferers. I've been in every restaurant in town in Whitehorse and the average patronage is perhaps a dozen at any given time of the day and evening. With countries like Italy they are packed in like sardines. I know, I spent several years in a European country. And by the way calling the President of the U.S. the "orange man", may make you feel big and important, but it's disrespect. I keep in touch with U.S. news every day, and Pres. Trump has done more for this epidemic so far than any other leader - including J.T. And he will do more if and when it is necessary.

Up 22 Down 10

Bernd Steiner on Mar 18, 2020 at 2:24 pm

Lost in the Yukon: Maybe Minister Frost should go in self quarantine and only come out when her term is over.
What precautions are being taken in the Wellness Centre 4th Ave.? Are the house guests being educated too? Is safety distance being practiced?

Up 30 Down 7

brian on Mar 18, 2020 at 1:17 pm

JC... that's exactly what Italy did. How'd that work out for them? We must be pro-active NOT reactionary. Watch the U.S. cases absolutely explode because of the lack of action by the all knowing orange man.

Up 28 Down 21

Lost In the Yukon on Mar 18, 2020 at 12:39 am

The Yukon’s most incompetent Minister is in charge of the Yukon’s coronavirus response ... lord help us. Meanwhile Slippery Sandy says don’t worry, be happy, just go to our incomprehensible website.

Up 12 Down 29

JC on Mar 17, 2020 at 4:39 pm

The virus hasn't hit the Yukon yet. When it does, then do something. No point in panicking. Wash your hands a lot, use hand sanitizer often. Increase your intake of vitamin C - fresh orange juice, chewables etc. eat an apple a day. Stay away from crowds. Follow the rules. When it hits here then worry about it.

Up 18 Down 2

Jayne W on Mar 17, 2020 at 4:06 pm

@Miles...your right every point you made. I really don't think everyone is taking this that seriously. Why are the buses full schedule, why is library not shut down, movie theater, retail (leave essential and appointment only). People think the phones are hard to get through now, wait a few more days. We can learn a lot from Ontario, Alberta and BC. Do what they did but start now.

Up 21 Down 40

Tammy on Mar 17, 2020 at 3:38 pm

The Yukon is not taking this as serious as they should!! I have a compromised immune system and I don’t feel safe to be around anyone for my safety and my family. I waited on the phone with 811 for 6 bloody hours to be told you will be fine don’t panic. Highly unprofessional of them. I know they are all stressed with all the calls but don’t discourage people who wondering who may be able to heal but their parents or someone with a weak immune system might not.

Honestly only 2 weeks at home. Who says you stay home for 2 weeks and than go to store and someone who may have coughs or touches something and you touch you will get. I highly recommend put the Yukon on lock down. We have a lot elders who live here, why risk their safety?
Seriously 8 days and counting someone still waiting for results of the covid-19 come on Whitehorse!! People are getting results same day or within 48 hours.

Why not give every Yukoner a test when they feel they need to be tested and call for a public nurse to pick it up!
Government needs to be more on this and work something for us Yukoners. Maybe set up a call Center just for Yukon not B.C. And Yukon.

Up 25 Down 7

Miles Epanhauser on Mar 17, 2020 at 2:34 pm

Yes it is very frustrating. Should we be tested or not that is the question.

Many people do not wipe down equipment at the CGC. So much travel here that an outbreak will occur here it's just a question if how severe it may be.
For medical corona virus cases that are severe there are only a few ventilators so with many cases there will be triage and older clients would be denied and falter.

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