Whitehorse Daily Star

Handling of landfills issue called a CASA violation

NDP Leader Kate White presented a letter to the legislature on Tuesday with 130 signatures petitioning the Yukon government to re-think the closure of the Silver City waste transfer station.

By Mark Page on October 11, 2023

NDP Leader Kate White presented a letter to the legislature on Tuesday with 130 signatures petitioning the Yukon government to re-think the closure of the Silver City waste transfer station.

Speaking to reporters outside the legislature, White said Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn’s current stance on the closures violates the Liberal-NDP agreement on community consultation.

“At this point in time, him saying to the media that it’s all but closed is not the consultation that was committed to in the Confidence and Supply Agreement,” White said. That two-year pact, signed last January, sees the New Democrats keep the minority Liberal government in power.

The closure is part of a broader government plan to close unstaffed rural transfer stations in favour of larger regional landfills and transfer stations that charge tipping fees.

This has stirred up almost universal opposition from local residents and the Kluane First Nation.

Yukon government officials held several community engagement meetings in late August and September to discuss these issues.

Mostyn was not at these meetings.

White said these government officials are put in a difficult position as they try to navigate community sentiment and discuss options when the minister doesn’t attend and tells the media separately that the closures are almost certain.

While acknowledging that a regional agreement with the Village of Haines Junction is still a hurdle, Mostyn was clear that the plan is closure of the Silver City transfer station.

“It will close soon,” he told reporters Tuesday. “We will cut a deal with all these municipalities.”

Kluane MLA Wade Istchenko of the Yukon Party asked Mostyn during question period Tuesday if he could point to one user group, stakeholder or other level of government that supports this closure.

Mostyn responded that some of the larger communities are in support and that the Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) were the ones who made the initial request to start this process.

But the AYC disputes this characterization, and the communities he mentioned are not in the Silver City area.

Asked again by the Star if he could name any local supporters of this plan, Mostyn didn’t respond directly, but instead defended the reasoning behind the closure plan.

“I will say this: what we are doing in the territory is improving the way that we manage all of the waste we generate as a society in the territory,” he said.

Comments (6)

Up 65 Down 6

Power Grab on Oct 12, 2023 at 1:18 pm

C'mon Kate. How many times are you going to sit by and let them get away with this kind of crap? Do the right thing for ALL Yukoners and pull that CASA agreement! Let's go to the polls!

Up 15 Down 32

Rick S. on Oct 12, 2023 at 12:28 pm

Kate it's just not possible for the Government to be all things to all people. I am not sure if your aware of it, I know the Yukon Party isn't and that's that there are things in reality called 'economies of scale'.

Up 71 Down 6

Thomas Brewer on Oct 11, 2023 at 9:12 pm

Kate, if you really feel that strongly about it, topple the government and lets have a new election... of course you won't because you'll lose all your unelected power.

Up 60 Down 6

fringe minority with unacceptable views on Oct 11, 2023 at 5:58 pm

As if the NDP would pull the CASA agreement even if it is "violated". I wish they would, an election can't come soon enough....

Up 69 Down 5

Groucho d'North on Oct 11, 2023 at 3:33 pm

Put an end to Mostyn's blatant arrogance and pull the pin Kate, do us all a favour please!

Up 50 Down 18

YT on Oct 11, 2023 at 3:29 pm

I recall when living out in the boonies with its attendant low taxes was a real plus for a lot of independent minded folks, and that they were happy to deal with the lack of services as a trade off.
Nowadays, every little “community” wants it all.

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