Whitehorse Daily Star

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CLOGGED AND CLOSED – The Haines Road (Highway #3) remains closed. Local crews say the closure may last a few days. Snow conditions continue to make the road unnavigable except to snow-clearing equipment. Crew members are working out of Blanchard and Haines Junction highway maintenance camps. Photo courtesy YUKON HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS

Haines Highway slide is disrupting traffic

The Haines Highway recently suffered a landslide that is disrupting traffic between the Alaska village and Haines Junction.

By Whitehorse Star on December 28, 2023

The Haines Highway recently suffered a landslide that is disrupting traffic between the Alaska village and Haines Junction.

On Wednesday, a road conditions report from the Alaskan government stated, “If you’re from Haines or driving through from Canada, you may have heard about recent rock slide activity on the Haines Hwy at mile 15.

“We hired a contractor to clear debris from the area so the ditch has enough room when additional rock comes down. The contractor is using off-road dump trucks to haul away many ginormous boulders.

“Today, we observed additional fracturing and identified a large hazard above the roadway, so we suspended cleanup activities. A flagging crew will pilot traffic through the site until 9 p.m. tonight, at which point the Haines Hwy. will be closed at mile 15 to all but emergency vehicle access.”

The report went on to state, “At first light, we will reassess the hazard, and based on the evaluation, we will decide whether flagging operations to reopen the highway can proceed.

“An update will be posted tomorrow for potential road openings.”

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