Photo by Whitehorse Star
Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker
The federal government is doling out $624,000 in funding to train energy advisors in the Yukon.
The federal government is doling out $624,000 in funding to train energy advisors in the Yukon.
In a social media post, Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker said, “Thank you to the Government of Canada and Natural Resources Canada’s Greener Homes Initiative for providing $624,000 in funding to help recruit, train and mentor energy advisors here in the Yukon.”
The announcement was made Wednesday morning.
Streicker added, “In the Yukon, we have a few qualified energy advisors who kept very busy conducting the necessary energy assessments required to access both our energy efficiency rebates and the Government of Canada’s Greener Homes programs.
“This funding helps us increase this capacity and create business opportunities within the Yukon’s growing green economy.
“Training more energy advisors who can deliver energy assessments supports a critical component of our Good Energy incentives for retrofitting our existing housing stock to be more energy efficient,” Streicker added.
“This initiative supports our efforts to reduce the Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent by 2030, which in turn supports the Government of Canada in meeting its climate action targets.”
The funding is part of a greater $10-million call for proposals to train up to an additional 2,000 energy advisors.
A news release stated, “Energy advisors are the backbone of the Canada Greener Homes Grant.
“To ensure retrofits improve a home’s energy efficiency and homeowners know about their retrofit options, an energy advisor must conduct a pre-retrofit and post-retrofit EnerGuide home energy evaluation.
“The Greener Homes initiative’s immense popularity — with over 180,000 homeowners applying in just under a year — has led to a major demand for new energy advisors.”
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Comments (20)
Up 13 Down 3
Cancel the new city hall! on Apr 12, 2022 at 3:41 pm
Sign the petition to cancel the new city hall and save us some money!
Up 10 Down 1
Nathan Living on Apr 11, 2022 at 8:28 pm
Have Energy Solutions staff take the training and then they can provide training for those interested throughout the Yukon.
Up 41 Down 0
Jim on Apr 10, 2022 at 10:53 am
Yukon is in need of more carpenters. Is Ottawa going to give us 1/2 million plus to train a couple more? Maybe they could give a bonus to a couple doctors to relocate to the Yukon. Of course their greener homes initiative is popular. Free or cheap money is always popular. Most people know what their homes need. These energy advisors are made mandatory to get your money to make their position seem needed.
Up 29 Down 9
Singh for your dinner… Tonight, it’s absolutely seditious and for dessert we will have Decadence… Liberal decadence… Sweet, sweet liberal decadence… on Apr 9, 2022 at 10:01 am
Ahhhh… Yes, here come the Liberal Coolers. The implementation of the SS Brown-Shirts to enforce the party line of SEDITION -
1) S-ocular Credit Score Das freie Volk
2) E-nvironMENTALism Das freie Volk
3) D-struction of Knowledge Systems
4) I-mplement Corporatist Structures
5) T-rain Das Freie Volk to - New Ideals
6) I-ndividuation - Divide Das freie Volk
7) O-rganize and Deindividuate along Identitarian Categories
8) N-ormalize Identitarian Conflict Using Narratives of Privilege and Non-Privilege
Add in lots of nascent emotionalism on the politics of virtue - Transfer the Collective nationalism to an identitarian fervour and you have reverse engineered fascism.
S.E.D.I.T.I.O.N. 3.0 - This is a reversed engineered variant of fascism - Hobbes’ war is Liberal governance wherein “The Trudeau” sits on his thrown contemplating the next costume change as it sits back and watches the chaos… Eating his popcorn… Occasionally pushing away Singh’s grab… No Jaghmeet… You can have the bowl when I’m done and maybe later when we make a batch of our celebratory, chocolatey- chip cookies I’ll let you lick my beaters…
Up 30 Down 3
It’s as easy as A, E, D… on Apr 8, 2022 at 7:30 pm
In response to BnR - University degrees are no longer relevant. The system is being deliberately dumbed-down so that, “… any biped with a heart beat…” can take the place of any other “… biped with a heart beat…”.
YG has been doing this for sometime now but had the excuse to make it a matter of practice through the pandemic beat down. These people are demented because it leads to a real and dangerous loss of expertise… It is the spawn of diversity ideals.
Certificates of Completion are the new degrees in this dumbed-down world of inclusivity and diversity. A liberalist theology eschews the credentialism that it cannot control and replaces it with one it can.
Up 46 Down 3
North_of_60 on Apr 8, 2022 at 6:52 pm
I know folks who have been 'energy advisors' since the 80s and they will have nothing to do with the current programs. They say the government is corrupt, the programs mismanaged and most of the funding disappears into the YG bureaucracy. The so called 'Green energy advisors' are poorly trained greenwashed ideologues, with no technical experience. They only know how to plug numbers into a computer program that prints out fancy reports with non-useful recommendations. This appears to be little more than more of the useless "Green Propaganda" we've already seen too much of.
Up 55 Down 3
BnR on Apr 8, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Why should taxpayer dollars be used to train someone? Seriously.
If someone wants to become an energy advisor, why don't they pay to take the training themselves? I paid for my university degree.
And if you look into it further, the training to become a "green energy advisor" is akin to basket weaving 101, so pretty much any biped with a heart beat could get this training, which begs the question what quality of advisor are we going to end up getting?
Up 41 Down 6
Wilf Carter on Apr 8, 2022 at 2:57 pm
I will teach people in Yukon to be green energy advisers for $60,000 and I am certified. What a waste of money. What liberal will get this money?
Up 37 Down 3
Anie on Apr 8, 2022 at 2:56 pm
Ah yes, got sucked into this a long time ago. Paid a lot of money up front for a govt approved "energy advisor' who eventually produced a pretty report that made one recommendation - install low flow toilets. That was after we pointed out that the "air leak" he had noted was the vent from the (running) clothes dryer. We were going to do the toilets anyway, so we did. Receipts clearly said low flow. We installed them ourselves. Could not get govt rebate cause the "energy advisor" had moved on to other adventures, Finally tracked him down. He wanted $150 to certify yup those are low flow and yup they are installed. The total rebate would have been maybe $75. Govt said we had no choice if we wanted the rebate. New house now. Maybe that expensive energy audit helped with the sake of old one, maybe not. Not getting sucked into another energy program.
Up 51 Down 2
Vern Schlimbesser on Apr 8, 2022 at 10:58 am
$624,000.00 to train "advisors".
I turn 70 this year. I am on a fixed pension which has increased $256 over the years, while at the same time my living costs have doubled.
I looked into getting some assistance to reduce my energy costs by improving my house.
The rules and conditions pretty much prevented any Government assistance without big commitments that I just can't really make.
Just saying.
Up 46 Down 3
oink oink on Apr 8, 2022 at 10:49 am
"$624,000 in funding to help recruit, train and mentor energy advisors here in the Yukon.”
So who's the lucky business that's going to get this money? Or is the government going to make it a permanent expense by hiring more government workers? What is the estimated cost per 'advisor' for recruitment and training? How does a business apply for this money, or have the liberals/ndp already selected the recipients?
There are holes in this announcement.
Up 43 Down 2
money wasting on Apr 8, 2022 at 10:43 am
The federal program aims to have 2,000 'energy advisors' across Canada, population 38 million. That's one advisor for every 19,000 people. Ie, two advisors for the Yukon. What in the H do we need $624,000 to train two advisors?! If we plan to have more than two, what is wrong with the Yukon that our advisors are incapable of productivity that advisors across the country are expected to perform?
More of the usual throwing money around that is typical in the government, with no accountability.
Up 25 Down 5
Josey Wales on Apr 8, 2022 at 9:43 am
Le Vert Voodoo
Le Vert Voodoo Virtue
Le Vert Voodoo Virtue Virus
Far too many folks are following or worshipping FALSE prophets.
...in any language Voodoo is Voodoo.
State Le Vert Voodoo Actors, Government policies that better resemble Disney’s child predator seemingly mission statement, a absolute surge of engineered mental illness...folks chopping off their factory junk in favour of aftermarket fashion accessories, the clearly engineered culture and race war we HAVE been in awhile now...with?
Fear a great tool, state funded media (not just CBC but the majority of the information businesses), a communist coalition in metric Beijing (Ottawa), white hate being all the rage...nearly as in fashion as yoga pants but not at all sexy, PM Blackface and its agenda of weapons of mass distractions, a Granddaughter of a NAZI sympathizer in charge of federal finance with a whole team of colleagues that clearly hate this country?
...and now Le Vert Voodoo Virtue Agents are going to flourish in the Petri dish of apparent political correctness and Le Vert Voodoo?
Man am I ever looking forward to fireside chats and those poor folks that eat this s**t on the daily, will most likely try to toss me in the flames.
Mind you since the plandemic was started I have expanded my bubble for
fools and morons big timus ...so I my deprive myself ironically?
Happy spring y’all and please put down the Green or Red Kool Aid.
Too damn bad the whole team red doesn’t go spring skiing as an escape from the common folk, the peasants or as the LPC view...their subjects!
...back to operation greenwash comrades.
Up 43 Down 6
Juniper Jackson on Apr 7, 2022 at 5:31 pm
I don't want to pay for any more Liberals. Silver, and the Liberal provinces are doing their best to pepper our governments with nothing but Liberal supporters and handouts. We already have sky high cost of trying to survive, hydro, gas, food..so many empty shelves now, and really, it's BBQ season, who can afford a steak? The Environmentalists seem to be nut jobs, spewing the same crap over and over again. In this instance, it's an easy one.. 650K? Fools.
Up 23 Down 8
bonanzajoe on Apr 7, 2022 at 5:07 pm
BonfireJim, Maybe you should change your name to electricfireplaceJim. Are you not aware bonfires create carbon? And isn't that what you guys are trying to reduce?
Up 26 Down 7
bonanzajoe on Apr 7, 2022 at 5:03 pm
Not energy advisors - anti-energy advisors. Whatever name the Lieberals invent, put anti in front.
Up 13 Down 74
BonfireJim on Apr 7, 2022 at 4:01 pm
This seems like an absolutely great use of resources.
More training and attention to Green Renewable Energy can only be a positive!
Up 73 Down 12
Mr Facts on Apr 7, 2022 at 3:31 pm
"toilet flushing sound"
Up 61 Down 7
Groucho d'North on Apr 7, 2022 at 3:30 pm
So will these advisors be in the private sector or is government growing some more? I would like to suggest that Yukon Housing Corp, amend some of their policies in relation to their funding programs, If somebody applies to improve their home's energy efficiency (heat loss) don't make them upgrade the rest of the house too. Focus on energy saving like better insulation, windows & doors, heat sources- and not just electrical conversions, but make what is in place operate more economically and with less emissions. Having to do all the other things the YHC inspector thinks are important do not deal with reducing emissions if that is what the objective really is. Yes, older homes do not meet the City's current electrical code - get over it.
Up 65 Down 9
Mitch Holder on Apr 7, 2022 at 1:47 pm
624,000 dollars of our taxation. Should we expect another 150 dollar rebate for your efforts?