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Education Minister Doug Graham

Graham answers the call for the governing party

Two months after announcing his retirement from territorial politics, Education Minister Doug Graham is back in the running.

By Chuck Tobin on August 11, 2016

Two months after announcing his retirement from territorial politics, Education Minister Doug Graham is back in the running.

The Porter Creek North MLA said this morning he’ll be challenging NDP Leader Liz Hanson in her Whitehorse Centre riding.

It has been an NDP stronghold since the former NDP leader, the late Todd Hardy, took the seat from Liberal Mike McLarnon in 2002.

Tamara Goeppel is running for the Liberals.

Graham told the Star late this morning he had no intention of seeking re-election, especially in Porter Creek North.

There, Yukon College chancellor Geraldine Van Bibber has put her name forward as the Yukon Party candidate.

Van Bibber, he said, is a top notch candidate, not to mention a family friend going way back.

But when he was asked by the party’s Whitehorse Centre organization if he would be interested in running against Hanson – and after getting the green light from his wife, Mayvor – he agreed to seek re-election.

Graham said he really does love the work he’s doing with the Education portfolio, and his wife knows that.

The progress being made in Education is the single biggest reason he decided to run again, he said.

Graham said the government has entered into education agreements with six of the 14 First Nations regarding the inclusion of First Nation culture and language in the school curriculum.

The Education minister met this week with Grand Chief Peter Johnston of the Council of Yukon First Nations, and he said he got the impression the grand chief likes what he is seeing.

Much has been done, but there’s more to do, and it’s just not possible to do it in next couple of months, he said.

“There is a lot of things that have not been completed in Education and I would love to be around to do that, I really would,” he said. “That’s the biggest thing.”

Graham is a longtime veteran of both territorial and Whitehorse municipal politics.

Born and raised in Whitehorse, he was first elected in 1978 to one term in the territorial legislature as a member of the Yukon Territorial Progressive Conservative Party representing what was then Porter Creek West.

In 2000, Graham was elected to city council. He remained on council through three and two-thirds terms until he resigned when he was successful in his bid to represent Porter Creek North as a member of the Yukon Party.

Prior to taking over the cabinet portfolio for Education, Graham served as minister of Health and Social Services. He was largely responsible for steering the new extended care facility in the Whistle Bend subdivision through the early days.

While he remains a resident of Porter Creek, Graham and his wife both grew up in downtown Whitehorse. They plan to eventually relocate to the downtown area, he said.

The veteran politician said there are some solid candidates for all parties for the upcoming election.

“People in the territory will have some real good slates to choose from, as far as I am concerned,” Graham said. “I think some of the ridings will be really tight but I still truly believe we will form the government. I really believe that.”

Premier Darrell Pasloski has until Oct. 14 to call the election.

The Yukon Party has been in power since 2002, having won three consecutive majority governments, the first two under former premier Dennis Fentie.

Comments (20)

Up 42 Down 5

Realist on Aug 14, 2016 at 11:15 pm

If Graham is actually answering the call then, judging almost exclusively from these comments that call is for him to retire officially.

Up 32 Down 4

Dean Larue on Aug 14, 2016 at 8:02 pm

"Who knows how to make Doug go
Help before we see snow
That's the question of the day
Save us before we have to pay"

(thanks to Who Knows How to Make Love Stay by Doug and the Slugs)

Up 37 Down 4

Who Are You Kidding? on Aug 14, 2016 at 3:03 pm

This is the same Minister of Education that brought Judith Arnold back from BC as Deputy Minister. Same club, how many times can they "retire" particularly when they shouldn't have been in Education from the start yet they keep popping back up like the whack-a-mole game. I would call that a less than zero gain.

Up 42 Down 7

Gary Liddy on Aug 14, 2016 at 12:17 pm

Look at the picture at the top of the article
This is a guy who should have retired 5 years ago and not be running for election
one of the Yukon's most complicated ridings,

Up 41 Down 9

Make no mistake on Aug 13, 2016 at 8:40 am

Dougy G is getting parachuted in to punish Tamara for speaking out on Whistle Bend XCare. He'll split the vote and we'll have a few more years of Lizzy pursing her lips and harrumphing at all meetings. The YP, if nothing else, can hold a grudge.

Up 44 Down 7

Richard Ablanalp on Aug 12, 2016 at 10:05 pm


Another get the band back together reunion tour of "Doug and the Slugs" is NOT what Whitehorse needs

Up 41 Down 22

This election is going to change things. on Aug 12, 2016 at 3:00 pm

Liz has contributed not one positive idea to the Yukon. What has she done for Whitehorse center. It time to put new fresh people in with better experienced and high quality MLA's that will get things done.

Up 47 Down 10

Alex Franklin on Aug 12, 2016 at 2:05 pm

I live in Whitehorse Centre.
It's gonna be a hoot if the Dougster knocks on my door and asks me to vote for him.
I'll try to record it and share it with you all.

Up 43 Down 28

ProScience Greenie on Aug 12, 2016 at 1:09 pm

Please spare us from more Graham and Hanson. Best of luck to Goeppel.

Up 49 Down 14

Moose on Aug 12, 2016 at 11:29 am

Prediction: Doug Graham does no actual campaigning in the riding because he doesn't really want or expect to win. The real story is that the Yukon Party had absolutely no one willing to run there against Hanson. They just want a name on the ballot so they can say "we have someone in every riding". I think the NDP will win the riding but it wouldn't be shocking if the Liberals pulled off an upset with Tamara Goeppel.

Up 59 Down 11

Josey Wales on Aug 12, 2016 at 8:11 am

Him again?
The absolute poster boy for my rants against the machine of political blow holes, arrogant, outta touch, self serving, entitled...man I could really go one with this...but today will not.
Speaking of willnots...step away from the trough Doug.

Up 58 Down 18

George Clarke on Aug 12, 2016 at 7:34 am

Graham is proud of the school cost over-runs, the law suits with the French school, the resulting traffic jams, the extended care facility debacle, the hospital cost over-runs, a surgeon who has to campaign for beds over bureaucracy?
He grew up in sleepy hollow and Porter Creek not downtown Whitehorse but stretching the truth has never been a problem for this worn out soldier.
It's high time for some fresh new ideas and effort in the legislature and I really like the bright and clear attitude brought on by the Liberal candidate Tamara Goeppel.

Up 53 Down 10

Goes back and forth between Liberals and Yukon Party on Aug 11, 2016 at 11:22 pm

Cannot be trusted with any thing but his own interest.

Up 63 Down 13

Joe and jane on Aug 11, 2016 at 9:59 pm

Give it up already, you and the rest of YP are done.

Up 53 Down 9

iceberg on Aug 11, 2016 at 9:42 pm

Does Graham's word really mean anything? Stay retired. There is indeed a lot of things remaining to be done in Education but clearly you are not the one to do anything of real substance.

Up 44 Down 7

CJ on Aug 11, 2016 at 9:30 pm

Nobody's indispensable, Mr. Graham. And who says you'd get the education portfolio again, never mind the Yukon Party getting into power?

Deja vu all over again. How great would it be if the local media would show some teeth.

Up 45 Down 11

June jackson on Aug 11, 2016 at 8:32 pm

Not surprised..I knew he couldn't be pushed, shoved, begged, embarrassed out of politics...as long as the party needs a "hitman".. Graham will be sharpening his claws for the job...never never easy to get rid of bad pennies..look out seniors...little dougie isn't planning on going anywhere.

Up 54 Down 9

SnoutsInTheTrough on Aug 11, 2016 at 4:36 pm

ah ! the smell of pension supplements . Irresistible eh?

Up 43 Down 10

NotPedanticJustAccurate on Aug 11, 2016 at 4:26 pm

“There is a lot of things that have not been completed in Education and I would love to be around to do that, I really would,” Graham is quoted here .

'things' (plural) is a countable noun . Therefore, correct grammatical usage demands the use of 'there ARE a lot of things' .

This from the Minister of Education ! Good job our kid's education is in good hands eh?

Up 71 Down 25

Jack Colby on Aug 11, 2016 at 4:19 pm

LMAO ! Yet another Yukon Party parachute candidate for my riding.
Hey - Dougie - how do your old constituents really feel about you leaving them ?

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