Whitehorse Daily Star

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Minister of Highways and Public Works Nils Clarke

Government quizzed on major wellness centre contract

The Yukon Party is grilling the government over the tender for the $40-million Old Crow wellness centre.

By Tim Giilck on June 1, 2021

The Yukon Party is grilling the government over the tender for the $40-million Old Crow wellness centre.

During question period Monday, the last day of the legislative sitting, Opposition Leader Currie Dixon pointedly questioned Nils Clarke, the minister of Highways and Public Works, on the project.

“Mr. Speaker, on February 18, the tender for the $40-plus-million Old Crow wellness centre closed.

“Then, just three weeks later, in what seems to be record time for a project of this size, the contract was awarded on March 11.

“I’m sure that it’s just a coincidence that this was just one day before the snap election call,” Dixon added.

“Last week, we asked the Liberals who urged the public servants to make the quick decision on this $40-plus-million contract whether or not there was any political involvement. In response, the minister of Community Services (Richard Mostyn) gave a bombastic denial of any political involvement.

“Could the current minister of Highways and Public Works confirm that there was no political involvement in rushing this $40-plus-million contract out just one day before a snap election call?”

Clarke was quick to jump on the attack over the subject.

“I would reiterate my response from committee of the whole on Thursday afternoon — that I was not in cabinet at the time of the decision-making — but I would also note for the record that all members are deemed to be honourable and any inference to the contrary could be deemed to be out of order.

“Our government is making investments across the territory to build healthy, vibrant communities,” Clarke added.

“We are building a new health and wellness centre and a tenplex housing unit in Old Crow. Design work is underway, and construction will start this winter.

“The design/build contract for the centre and housing unit was awarded to Ketza TSL Construction for $44.8 million. This project was awarded using a value-driven procurement.

“These types of procurements look at a number of elements beyond price to ensure that there is additional value for the community and the territory.”

In this case, Clarke added, “the project team awarded points for the schedule, training plans, subcontracting plans, northern experience, and First Nation participation.

“This project will replace the aging health centre, increasing the number of affordable housing units, and create valuable jobs in the community.”

Dixon then said, “We have an email here from public servants stating that on March 10 — just one day before the contract was awarded on March 11 and just two days before the snap election call — the Liberal cabinet met and signed off on a new implementation plan for the Old Crow wellness centre.

“So, it would appear that just two days before the snap election call, the Liberal cabinet signed off on a quick decision to get a $40-million contract out the door.

“It should be noted that this contract was for the community of Old Crow, a riding that the Liberals knew that they were going to have difficulty getting re-elected in. In fact, they ended up losing that seat.’

As is the habit of the government, Clarke went further on the attack rather than making much of an attempt to provide a clear answer.

“I’m wondering whether the leader of the official Opposition, through his questions today, is indicating that the Yukon Party is not interested in this project — that it somehow is not a valuable piece of future infrastructure for the community of Old Crow and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation.

“Highways and Public Works is responsible for the procurement and management of both of the projects — both the health and wellness centre and the ten-plex,” the minister added.

“A combined procurement was used for the two facilities in order to simplify construction and community resource demands, mobilization and demobilization, and to decrease the costs of both projects by realizing the benefits of economies of scale and shared resources.

“Stantec architecture and engineering has completed the conceptual design and will act as the owner’s advisor for Highways and Public Works during the design and construction of both facilities.

“A land lease has been negotiated with the Vuntut Gwitchin government and was signed this spring.”

Comments (15)

Up 4 Down 1

Groucho d'North on Jun 7, 2021 at 12:27 pm

So will the cost of building the winter road be a part of this budget too? Or will the cost of air freight be included?

Up 15 Down 5

John on Jun 3, 2021 at 3:15 pm

@ Anie ...It was obviously a backfired attempt to win a vote by the liberals. You know they regret it now. haha

Up 11 Down 2

Groucho d'North on Jun 3, 2021 at 10:23 am

If you're in a position where it is difficult to honestly debate, you need to deny and deflect to hide your failures. It's a staple in political arguments.

Up 23 Down 5

Anie on Jun 2, 2021 at 7:09 pm

156 voters - $40 million dollar government project, It boggles the mind.

Up 33 Down 15

Joe on Jun 2, 2021 at 11:59 am

@ Yt... 3/4 of the yukon government staff is doing exactly what you describe. All sitting at home getting paid.

Up 30 Down 4

at BNR on Jun 2, 2021 at 9:48 am

Neither does Yukon News (outrageously SJW now and pure cookie cutter, they offer nothing) or CBC (only Chris Windeyer is unbiased). Tim is more of an old-school journalist and equal opportunist in lightly mocking politicians and governments, which I appreciate.

Up 21 Down 9

Wilf Carter on Jun 2, 2021 at 9:18 am

Far as housing goes where is the 1500 new units needed for Whitehorse? Where is the serviced land to build them in the City of Whitehorse? Where is the energy coming from to supply these 1500 different types of new housing coming from because we are maxed out on energy now.
Where are the trades going to come from to build these 1500 housing units? What is the increase in cost for building these units in Old Crow coming from?

Up 12 Down 33

Yt on Jun 2, 2021 at 7:46 am

Not much mention of Curries finely tuned duramax these days.
Wade and Stacey running pretty silent. I need a job like that, gettin paid to go quading and drinking beer on taxpayer dollars.

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Edie rue on Jun 1, 2021 at 9:54 pm

Poor Dixon, he’s just a little boy, trying to lock horns with one of the top lawyers in the Yukon. Very entertaining to watch. Clarke will tear him and anyone else apart.

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bonanzajoe on Jun 1, 2021 at 8:44 pm

Why ask, that's what Lieberals do and how they work. They know how to dole out money that will work for them at election time. But don't expect an honest answer, so again, why ask.

Up 38 Down 2

Jim on Jun 1, 2021 at 7:48 pm

Value driven procurement is costing the taxpayers an extra 6 to 8 million. A project that was almost 20% over budget and awarded to a bid 20% higher than the lowest bidder. So to think political influence was not part of the award is ludicrous, with an election being called a day or two later. And now with material prices skyrocketing we will have no idea where the final tally will end up. Usually when a project is that far over budget, a re-tender happens with changes to reduce costing to get a little closer to the budget. But it makes it hard to re-tender when the only other bidder was almost on budget.
I think the taxpayers will soon realize that their money is not going to buy them as much as it should with this new value driven procurement policy. Now every project will appear to have political influence and bidders will be questioning and challenging the bid process more. Project costs still have to have limits no matter what community is receiving it. Old Crow is no exception.

Up 66 Down 15

JSM on Jun 1, 2021 at 4:23 pm

The points Currie bring up are extremely valid, it seems like there is far more than just coincidence. Vote Buying is in the Lieberal handbook and this seems like one of the most obvious examples. It's clear as day to me and anyone with common sense that this was part of the Liberal strategy.

Up 57 Down 10

BNR --- ACTUALLY on Jun 1, 2021 at 4:16 pm

The star seems fairly balanced. The thing is, all of the last session Silver did the same thing. Check how many of his responses included "THE YP PARTY DID THIS." versus just answering the damn question.

Up 69 Down 11

Yeah --- but look at what else happened on Jun 1, 2021 at 4:05 pm

Ketza took 6 million extra and quickly made a donation to the University.

Looks great for optics but taxpayers are on the hook.

Up 37 Down 46

BnR on Jun 1, 2021 at 3:01 pm

“As is the habit of the government, Clarke went further on the attack rather than making much of an attempt to provide a clear answer”
Man, the Star doesn’t even bother to hide it’s political bias.

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