Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

TAKING A STAND – Lane Tredger, the NDP MLA for Whitehorse Centre, is seen at Tuesday’s protest outside the Andrew Philipsen Law Centre. More than 30 people were protesting Gladiator Metals Corp.’s mining activities near Cowley Creek.

Gladiator Metals set to enter plea

Gladiator Metals Corp. is scheduled to enter a guilty plea to several mining-related charges Friday morning in territorial court.

By Whitehorse Star on August 17, 2023

Gladiator Metals Corp. is scheduled to enter a guilty plea to several mining-related charges Friday morning in territorial court.

Justice Larissa Ferland set the time during a brief court session this morning.

Australian-based Gladiator faces six charges related to its mining exploration project near Cowley Creek.

The Quartz Mining Act charges relate to the company’s activities between April 24 and May 12.

On Tuesday, more than 30 people, many with placards, gathered in front of the courthouse before Gladiator’s first court appearance to express their disapproval of the mining company’s work in their area. They say a major mess has been left in the wilderness.

The court also decided a date for sentencing – Aug. 30.

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Thatsnotright on Aug 17, 2023 at 7:29 pm

I for one am looking forward to the day when Yukoners collectively say, "enough is enough", and get our politicians to grow a backbone and set an example of how a mining company is supposed to do business in the Yukon.
For far far too long, mining outfits have come to this country and ripped and damaged this beautiful country to no end, with no consequences. In many cases taking millions out of the ground and leaving a mess.
What does that say about us as Yukoners?

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