Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

A HAPPY TRIO – Representatives of three levels of government were all smiles Thursday in Whitehorse as millions of dollars for Canada Games Centre improvements were announced. From left to right are Yukon MP Brendan Hanley, Highways and Public Works Minister Nils Clarke and Mayor Laura Cabott.

Games Centre to receive major improvements

Federal funding is continuing to flow into Whitehorse.

By Whitehorse Star on January 19, 2024

Federal funding is continuing to flow into Whitehorse.

On Thursday afternoon, some $7 million in funding was announced for improvements to the Canada Games Centre.

According to MP Brendan Hanley, Yukon Highways and Public Works Minister Nils Clarke and Mayor Laura Cabott, the upgrades will enable the facility to better serve 735,000 people a year who pass through its doors.

The work is for improving the ventilation systems in the centre.

The federal money, totalling $4,530,000, comes via the COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program.

The City of Whitehorse is contributing $2,475,000 to the project.

Cabott said, “Every day, more than 10 per cent of residents utilize the Canada Games Centre to work out, participate in sports and activities, and take part in community events.

“This funding will improve ventilation in the pool space and improve the building’s overall efficiency, ensuring it remains open to residents for years to come.

“It is hard to explain the value of this facility,” she added. “So many people used it on any given day. It is such a valuable place.”

Cabott continued to praise the project, saying the facility is in excellent shape and kept well-maintained by city staff.

The pool, which is the oldest section of the building, is around 20 years old, and “needs a little bit of work.”

“The money we’re receiving today is going towards something which is not necessarily flashy but it’s something really, really important. The funding is always very appreciated,” Cabott concluded.

The aquatic centre opened to the public well before the completion of the rest of the complex, which was built for the 2007 Canada Winter Games.

Hanley said, “Supporting the Yukon through the improvement of multipurpose facilities like the Canada Games Centre is an important part of creating a healthy community.

“Upgrades announced here in Whitehorse will ensure that Yukon families, competitors, as well as visitors have access to modern, reliable services that improve their quality of life.”

According to a prepared statement, the Canada Games Centre facility is open 16 hours per day, seven days a week.

Its pool-section HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) requires a significant upgrade to improve air quality and ventilation, and to address the effects of the high humidity.

The project will also install new insulation in the area which will improve overall energy efficiency in the building.

Under the COVID-19 Resilience Stream, the federal cost share for public infrastructure projects is 80 per cent in the provinces, and 100 per cent in the territories and for projects intended for Indigenous communities.

Some of that money had been announced previously in city budgets in November 2021 and 2022, 
including $1.7 million from the city.

“The Canada Games Centre supplies invaluable services in sport and recreation,” said Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn.

“Yukoners come to work, play and lead active lifestyles at this facility.

“We are grateful to see the Government of Canada invest over $4.5 million to support the City of Whitehorse with important upgrades that will improve air quality and ventilation while also helping the facility conserve energy.”

Comments (3)

Up 3 Down 1

Nathan Living on Jan 23, 2024 at 9:41 am

If the City was better at managing their spending there would be no need to seek external spending.

Up 22 Down 21

YT on Jan 20, 2024 at 7:17 am

This further illustrates that Whitehorse can’t afford this facility, even with our population/tax base having increased since its construction.
Kinda like owning a house you can’t afford to heat or maintain.
Oh well, the Ottawa money pipeline is never ending, right?

Up 9 Down 31

Jean Gwertny on Jan 19, 2024 at 5:10 pm

Boy the Liberals sure know how to build community. It makes you proud to be a Yukoner!

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