Photo by Vince Fedoroff
‘TRAILBLAZER’ REMEMBERED – Al Falle, seen here in 2017, was first elected as a territorial MLA in 1978. Falle has died at the age of 79.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
‘TRAILBLAZER’ REMEMBERED – Al Falle, seen here in 2017, was first elected as a territorial MLA in 1978. Falle has died at the age of 79.
Al Falle, who was elected as a member of the former Yukon Territorial Progressive Conservative Party with the arrival of party politics in 1978, died Saturday at the age of 79.
Al Falle, who was elected as a member of the former Yukon Territorial Progressive Conservative Party with the arrival of party politics in 1978, died Saturday at the age of 79.
“Al Falle was a political trailblazer in the Yukon,” Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon said today.
“He helped shape the Yukon Progressive Conservative Party, which was the precursor to the Yukon Party.
“He was one of the first PC MLAs elected to the legislative assembly during the historic territorial election of 1978, which was the first election recognizing party politics.
“He won a second term for the riding known as Hootalinqua in 1982, before retiring in 1985,” Dixon said.
“Even after retirement from elected office, he was actively involved. Al was a respected member of the Yukon Party, and served party supporters in a number of volunteer roles on both the party’s central board, and his local riding association.
“He remained actively involved on the board of the Yukon Party Lake Laberge Electoral District Association until his passing.
“On behalf of the Yukon Party, I would like to express our condolences and sympathy to the Falle family during this difficult time.”
The Quebec-born Falle was a backbencher in the two governments headed by the late Chris Pearson.
He also operated a sod farm north of Whitehorse for many years, and was involved in placer mining.
“I was very sad to hear of the passing of Al Falle,” said Brad Cathers, the Yukon Party MLA for Lake Laberge since 2002.
“Al has been a friend of mine for decades, and provided helpful advice to me on many occasions.
“Al was one of the first people to encourage me to run for office, and he stood beside me throughout the ups and downs of my time as MLA for Lake Laberge, helping out in every election campaign.
“He was passionate about the Yukon and Yukon politics,” Cathers said.
“Al was also a well-respected member of the Yukon’s farming community, and volunteered in a number of roles, including as president of the Yukon Agricultural Association.
“My family and I join Al’s family in mourning his passing. We will miss him. My sincere condolences to all Al’s family and friends.”
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Comments (9)
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art biddulph on Feb 25, 2023 at 5:55 am
On this day Feb. 25, 1968 Al Falle and I rolled into Whitehorse meeting a host all wrapped up in a parade and a winter party. We had to pull into an empty lot across from Jacobs Service to get out of the way. Stories of big money at Anvil and the lure of adventure brought us . Al stayed I left.
My sympathies to Irma, the boys and their children.
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Art Jones on Dec 8, 2022 at 2:59 am
I knew Allan, his parents, and siblings growing up in Gaspe. Yes I remember the 58 Ford and the motorcycle too.. A good guy who did well.
RIP and my sympathy to the family.
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Doug Caldwell on Dec 3, 2022 at 9:47 am
Condolences to Al's family and his many friends and former co-workers. I admired Al for his no BS view of the world and a strong voice he was not timid to use when he took issue with something. I used to tease him about being the first legal grass dealer in the Yukon, I think he liked that label. Rest easy sir.
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Lynn Patterson on Nov 30, 2022 at 2:36 pm
Our condolences to Irma and the rest of the family. We have been to The Yukon a few times and met up with Allen and been to the farm. He was always glad to see folks from back home. Was always an enjoyable visit. Sorry he had to leave us so soon.
Thinking of Irma and the family. Lynn Pat Patterson and Josee Trudel
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Mark Roussel on Nov 30, 2022 at 1:49 pm
I knew Allan many years ago when he lived in Murdochville and I worked at the mine. We chumned around together with 5 to 6 others and had lots of fun and got into lots of trouble, but not bad trouble. I loved his '58 Ford. Had lots of good times in that car. We connected again in the last few years. I had some interesting discussions with him. He will be missed. My deepest condolences to his family. May he Rest In Peace.
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martha on Nov 29, 2022 at 6:41 pm
Condolences to Al's family from a childhood friend.....fond memories. R.I.P.
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Sharon Howell on Nov 29, 2022 at 6:41 pm
My sympathies to all of Allan’s family and friends. Allan is often remembered by his many friends in his hometown of Gaspé, Quebec. When I lived in Whitehorse in the early 2000’s I had the opportunity to speak with him on the phone and when we spoke of our mutual hometown he said that I had to go and visit at his farm. Eventually it happened that I was in the neighborhood and dropped by and luckily he was home. He was very easy to talk to. He made you feel comfortable and welcome. So sad to hear that he has passed. He certainly made the most of his allotted time and I am sure that most people would love to have had him around for quite a few more years. Rest in Peace Allan.
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dale patterson on Nov 29, 2022 at 5:44 pm
Our sympathies to Allens wife Irma and Family. Love Dale and Hilda Patterson. Al s friends from Gaspe Que.
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Wilf Carter on Nov 29, 2022 at 5:12 pm
Great person