Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

John Streicker

Firings not planned as mandate deadline looms

The Yukon government isn’t planning on firing any of its recalcitrant civil servants who aren’t co-operating with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

By Tim Giilck on January 24, 2022

The Yukon government isn’t planning on firing any of its recalcitrant civil servants who aren’t co-operating with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

That was the word this morning from John Streicker, the minister responsible for the Public Service Commission.

He provided the Star with the latest numbers for the ongoing mandate. It requires employees of the Yukon government and associated and allied services and organizations to provide proof of vaccination.

The final deadline for the mandate is next Monday, Jan. 31.

What happens after that in terms of numbers isn’t clear, Streicker said, but there has been no talk of simply terminating the services of anyone who hasn’t complied.

“We’ve talked about this in cabinet,” Streicker said. “We don’t have plans to let anyone go at this time.”

While that’s good news – of a kind – for anyone who is on unpaid leave, there’s no sense the government is backing down on the mandate anytime soon.

Streicker said there’s no definite intention on the part of the government to make the mandate permanent. Nor is there any decision to make it only temporary.

Instead, the decision rests with the territory’s public health officials – ­ notably Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health.

“It’s a medical decision,” Streicker said simply.

He said the numbers haven’t changed much since his last interview with the Star.

Amongst full-time, permanent workers, 92 people remain on unpaid leave. That’s down about 10 people from earlier numbers, Streicker said, which had been in the low 90s before suddenly ballooning to a little more than 100 as the applications for exemptions began to be processed.

That represents about 1.5 per cent of the work force, Streicker said.

Across the board for casual and on-call workers, 204 remain on unpaid leave. That’s 3.1 per cent of the workers.

Streicker said the government is most concerned with the permanent employees, whose numbers are only showing “incremental change.”

As for what to expect after next Monday’s deadline, Streicker said he couldn’t offer any predictions.

“It’s impossible to know the numbers,” he said. “There’s a spectrum of people we are dealing with, with tough choices to make. It’s a challenging choice.”

Streicker said he has “made sure there are enough appointments available for government workers who want to get vaccinated before the deadline at the clinic in the Whitehorse Convention Centre this week.”

He encouraged everyone – not just public employees – to take advantage of the clinic.

Comments (40)

Up 5 Down 3

Admiral Ass on Jan 29, 2022 at 8:45 pm

Classic, government can't even fire people correctly. Funny I used to remember when the words "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" were not really words you wanted to hear in your day to day or, at all really. Now it seems too many of us can't perform our daily tasks without government edicts or assurances. Interesting how all the blue faced bolsheviks here pretend to be such intellects but cannot commit to any idea with integrity. Complain about government, prop up government. You expect others to listen when all you can do is pick on others and spread more useless ideas. Keep banging the table were all listening...truly.

Up 21 Down 15

Jeff Bikaboom on Jan 28, 2022 at 9:51 am

"Is anyone impressed with how many legal scholars and medical experts we have in the Yukon?"
I am. It is great that people are taking responsibility for their health and legal rights. We are adults in a free society, not infants in need of a babysitter.

I can counter your Washington statistics with statistics that enforce my point of view. We can go back and forth all day. There are risks on both sides of the argument. This is why the it needs to remain a choice to take experimental treatments. All current laws and human rights support this. I am not a danger to anyone, I just want to be left alone. The shot doesn't stop the spread. I am healthy and young, and statistically have close to zero chance of going to the hospital so I am not taking up space. Just let me be and live your own lives.

Up 18 Down 27

Anie on Jan 27, 2022 at 2:54 pm

Is anyone impressed with how many legal scholars and medical experts we have in the Yukon? Oh, wait. Yahoo University and Google school of medicine aren't recognized in the Yukon, or Canada, or anywhere. Oh well. Take their comments with a huge grain of salt.

Up 6 Down 16

ProScience Greenie on Jan 27, 2022 at 2:01 pm

Anonymous, here's some fact checking on Russophile Sen. Ron Johnson (Q-WI)...


And a bonus link for you DL...


Up 23 Down 6

DL on Jan 26, 2022 at 11:51 pm

Quote: “Denmark said it would lift almost all Covid-19 restrictions and stop designating it a “societally critical” disease on Wednesday in the latest sign that western European countries are easing or even eradicating strict measures brought in to combat the Omicron coronavirus variant.”
“Government follows UK, Ireland and Netherlands in easing restrictions despite high number of cases”

Up 26 Down 15

DL on Jan 26, 2022 at 11:47 pm

This vax mandate is illegal as it is breaching the 'informed consent' principle. Many folks will not ever take this covid injection because they're informed on the risks and harms of this experimental jab. Information which is suppressed by mainstream media.

In addition, we don't even have any covid disease emergency at this time, so all these covid restrictions and mandates made under the 'emergency act' have no validity. John Streicker, you will be recorded in the hall of the infamous for having imposed these harmful mandates on us, along with your Liberal pals.

Up 7 Down 26

Yukoner32 on Jan 26, 2022 at 8:35 pm

@Anonymous " You merely adopted the memes. We were born in them, molded by them. You are about to get clowned on, everywhere on the internet."

Yes it's true. Conservatives are masters at memes because it's the most effective way for them to connect with their simple minded base. Trying to have any kind of intelligent discourse or policy discussion with them is pointless. The average conservative voter responds much better to simple, childish memes that make them angry. These memes are typically based on outright lies or out of context quotes. It's very shocking to see these cringey, childish memes spread like wildfire amongst conservative minded people.

Ones of note that usually have a foreign stock photo or photoshopped image as a background:

"Liberals love terrorists and are welcoming terrorists into Canada who will threaten your family"
"Liberals are giving all of your money to other countries"
"Liberals are communists or nazis"
"Trudeau was a drama teacher" (he mostly taught French and Math)
"Liberals are gonna take all yer guns away!"

Anyways keep up your emotional meme game, your dumb base eats it up. You are doing a great job of speeding up our country's decent into an idiocracy.

Up 24 Down 13

Joe on Jan 26, 2022 at 5:56 pm

Liberal party needs to be fired.

Up 8 Down 11

Roy on Jan 26, 2022 at 3:37 pm

@ Jeff B

that post below saying if everyone got vaccinated then this would have been all over was not written by me. I would never have said that. Whoever posted that is either also named Roy or wanted to make it appear it was coming from me.
Yes I think the comment sections here give a very distorted view of the truth - that is that the *vast majority* of Yukoners have been vaccinated and also support the mandates.

Yes - people can post and say "I'm not!" or "I'm vaccinated but I don't support the mandates". That's great. That's also anecdotal. And does nothing to change the fact that those that feel that way are in a small minority. Facts don't care about your anecdotes. You guys have a lot trouble accepting it - some might call that snowflake behavior.

But I do not think had everyone in Canada been vaccinated that this would have stopped the pandemic in its tracks. It would have saved lives yes. It would have saved the system money yes. It would have prevented a lot of needless chronic disease from long covid yes. But that alone would not have stopped the pandemic.

Also the Yukon (along with the rest of the north) were the first areas of Canada to be vaccinated - so we should be seeing this epidemic of immune system dysfunction from the vaccines you guys keep latching onto...first I heard it was gonna happen in the fall. Then I heard one year from the first dose. What will be your new prediction for when this is going to happen?

For all of you saying this is a Liberal problem see Alberta and New Brunswick with their conservative leaders....get out of your Yukon bubble and get your head out of the sand and stop being so cowardly - you don't dare look do you?

And if you want stats on vaccinated vs unvaccinated hospitalizations and deaths then look for a bigger population place that actually posts the data you keep crying for - here is Washington state - hospitalization *RATES* are 7 times higher if you are unvaxxed. Covid death *RATE* is 11 times higher if you are 65 or over if you are unvaxxed. You guys struggle with the concept of rates - I know it's taking you back to grade 8 math.


Up 10 Down 17

Patti Eyre on Jan 26, 2022 at 2:07 pm

@Kevin Neufeld you charge a lot to inspect homes and then in your report you say you can't be held responsible for the findings contained those reports. Grab a spine and stick by the findings your clients pay you for!

Up 13 Down 6

Josey Wales on Jan 26, 2022 at 1:02 pm

Hey FleecedSheep...yeah ewe sheepchaser.
Your opening volley aimed at me?
Not certain why, there are Josie’s in this world...along with opinions diametrically to yours.
Gawd you people....

Up 27 Down 10

Jeff Bikaboom on Jan 26, 2022 at 12:57 pm

You are always going on about the 5%. What is this? What people make up 5%.

You also state that if everyone was vaccinated this would be over. Can you please identify one place where this has happened. Last I checked Israel is reporting more cases per week than they had in the entirety of the year 2020. That is the opposite of successful. All around the world the highest vaccinated areas have the most cases. The vaccinated are filling the hospitals now because their immune systems are shot. This is why long term testing is needed before giving something to billions of people with fingers crossed that it will work.

@I want to speak with the manager
"If not, then be prepared for round 2 of the Karen Konvoy to roll through town again next weekend honking and throwing tantrums! The crying will only get louder and the diapers fuller if you don't give in to their demands."
No, the shelves will get emptier. I am pretty sure their demand is to have their human rights respected. Their "tantrum" is far more respectable than blind submission to authority.

Up 35 Down 7

Trent Jamieson on Jan 26, 2022 at 11:25 am

"Firings not planned as mandate deadline looms
The Yukon government isn’t planning on firing any of its recalcitrant civil servants who aren’t co-operating with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate."

A play on words by a slippery politician.
Explain to me how "Unpaid Leave" pays the bills.

Up 19 Down 5

Anonymous on Jan 26, 2022 at 10:20 am

"Millions of people have received the Moderna jab(s) worldwide (including me). If you have factual evidence to submit, I beg you to approach the relevant authorities in a reasonable manner. It’s really important that we establish the long term effect of these vaccines. Which we can’t be sure of until enough time has passed."

I encourage everyone to watch and share this video. The whistleblower testimony begins around 4:54:00. Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.


Up 13 Down 16

Sheepchaser on Jan 25, 2022 at 10:22 pm

Calling out @Josie for using something other than the usual handle and spreading the worst case scenario without corroboration.

If, and only verifiably if, your ‘friend’ suffers from some form of discrimination, please take it to court. I’ll donate.
On the other hand, if this is just another comment intended to produce an emotion without evidence, then punt off, would yah?

Millions of people have received the Moderna jab(s) worldwide (including me). If you have factual evidence to submit, I beg you to approach the relevant authorities in a reasonable manner. It’s really important that we establish the long term effect of these vaccines. Which we can’t be sure of until enough time has passed.

Honestly, I don’t expect the result to be perfect. Take a poll of the dead though, and I think they’d agree we’ve all kinda underestimated this sh*t.

Up 12 Down 4

drum on Jan 25, 2022 at 8:52 pm

Have we already forgotten about the starving horses and animals at Jim Dillaboughs farm at mile 8 on the Mayo Road? How quickly it goes out of the news
The animals are still starving and neglected. They need help.

Up 29 Down 11

At home in the Yukon on Jan 25, 2022 at 6:57 pm

Recalcitrant or not, we can't just throw 5% of our population on the trash-heap of life. Covid is coming to an end. We must let it be done! No later than when the emergency order is lifted, these 5% need to be returned to the fold. Though I am fully pro-vax, I believe it wrong to remove employability from people over this.

Up 44 Down 25

Anonymous on Jan 25, 2022 at 1:46 pm

"The VAST majority of YG employees have been vaccinated, and there is no reason to lift the mandate because of 5% that won't get on board due to their own selfish ideals and misguided beliefs."

So 95% of the population is vaccinated. If that doesn’t achieve herd immunity, it isn’t achievable. It won’t though, because the vaccinated are the main source of the spread.

Up 38 Down 17

Anonymous on Jan 25, 2022 at 12:07 pm

Of course the 'Karen Konvoy' stills are here. You guys need to try harder, the meme isn't funny. Over 4 million dollars has been raised for the truckers. There are hundreds of thousands of supporters, from all over the planet. Their cause is a righteous one and the world is nodding with them in agreement. You're not going to stop this incoming wave with your sorry attempt at memeing. You merely adopted the memes. We were born in them, molded by them. You are about to get clowned on, everywhere on the internet.

Up 53 Down 12

TMYK on Jan 25, 2022 at 9:54 am

If the workers were fired they could collect unemployment. The Liberals are literally trying to starve them into submission.

Up 55 Down 10

Groucho d'North on Jan 25, 2022 at 9:05 am

LOL! Nothing is planned. Over the past couple years it has become quite evident they are making it all up as they go.

Up 17 Down 16

unReal on Jan 25, 2022 at 8:52 am

Well folks, whatever you read on the internet should often be taken with a grain of salt. There is an opinion on everything. I can find lots of convincing material that the earth is still flat, Americans didn't land on the moon, there is a God/Santa Claus and vaccinations are a hoax!

Darwin Award candidates for sure!
(I'm also at my wits end on this but my lungs don't need any more irritants at my age)

Up 18 Down 46

I want to speak with the manager! on Jan 25, 2022 at 8:30 am

"with the harsh reality of the atrocities committed by the government in the name of health over the last year." - Jeff Bikaboom
"Proof right there that this illegal mandate is about social control, NOT health" - DL
"The medical tyranny we have been subjected to for two years" - Kevin Neufeld
"I have been in the Yukon a long time and have yet to experience anything as pathetic as this current Lieberal government" - Crunch.

ATTENTION JOHN STREICKER and SANDY SILVER: The Karens from the Comment Section would like to have a word with you!

If not, then be prepared for round 2 of the Karen Konvoy to roll through town again next weekend honking and throwing tantrums! The crying will only get louder and the diapers fuller if you don't give in to their demands.

Up 47 Down 11

Still FED UP ! on Jan 25, 2022 at 6:57 am

What a joke ! I used to be able to email all the MLA's . This morning I emailed all the MLA's again, and guess what ?? They were all "Undelivered" It seems our local government can't stand the heat anymore and have blocked their incoming emails.......maybe only mine ?? This is the thanks I get for helping these MLA's get in to office in 2016 ! All I asked in my emails was for them to read the comments at the end of the Whitehorse Star Jan. 24 article on John Streicker's "Firings not planned as Mandate DEADLINE LOOMS !
Oh.....and to pass this off as a Medical Decision! How cowardly to use that as an excuse! It's not a medical decision......IT"S YOUR DECISION LIBERAL GOVERNMENT !

Up 24 Down 59

Roy on Jan 25, 2022 at 6:19 am

Keep up the good work, YG! The VAST majority of YG employees have been vaccinated, and there is no reason to lift the mandate because of 5% that won't get on board due to their own selfish ideals and misguided beliefs. The vaccine is safe, that has been proven, and there is absolutely no reason these last 5% can't get vaccinated. If they want to be out of work, that decision is all on them, but it's not up to the government to coddle the last radical holdouts. Talk about entitlement!

If everyone had been vaccinated in the beginning, we would have "returned to normal" by now. Does the vax stop transmission? No! But it stops most people from dying! With the looming threat of death removed for the majority, it would be much more likely for the medical community to say "Ok, this is manageable now, let's lift the restrictions."

Up 50 Down 11

Jim on Jan 24, 2022 at 8:23 pm

Streicker stinks. Sandy is shady. Carry on.

Up 53 Down 18

bonanzajoe on Jan 24, 2022 at 7:55 pm

With at least 85% of Yukoners vaxed, and the cases continuing to grow, its obvious its not the unvaxxed that are spreading the virus. Its the vaxxed. So, send them home on unpaid leave. The truth is, the vaccine is a dud. It's not working like the experts said it would. I've had two jabs and I won't be getting anymore. I know I will most likely get it sometime anyway, might just as well be from the unvaxxed as from the vaxxed.
Whats the difference? Brittain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson finally saw the stupidity in this whole plandemic scam and has stopped the nonsense. Now, someone tell that to that tyrannical wannabe dictator in Ottawa.

Up 44 Down 17

Josie on Jan 24, 2022 at 7:40 pm

Better not make it mandatory. Only time will tell!
My friend is severely injured immediately after his first Covid injection and Dr here won't acknowledge the injury so can't get an exemption from the 2nd injection.

The choice is pretty easy to make when you could lose your life taking a second jab.
Government Job = Not Worth It

#coercion Is Illegal in Canada

Up 16 Down 47

Nathan Living on Jan 24, 2022 at 6:06 pm

It's medical advice and a government decision.

As John would say the government has to do what's in the best interest of folks which I assume should be mandatory vaccination of all government workers.

Up 45 Down 8

North_of_60 on Jan 24, 2022 at 5:04 pm

Mr. "Pass-the-Blame" Streicks out again. The LIBgov C0vid debacle has been entirely due to wrongheaded and poorly-thought-out political decisions, NOT medical decisions. Their top-down political micro-management has been an on-going disaster. Silver is hiding behind Streicker who is hiding behind the Village Elliott. No wonder the situation is unraveling as it goes from bad to worse.

We will be far better off when these idiots back off, declare the fabricated 'emergency' over, remove all restrictions and mandates, and let us sort this out on our own with good old common sense.

Up 46 Down 14

Juniper Jackson on Jan 24, 2022 at 4:52 pm

The "Mandate" is stupid and unfair. Bring them back to work, APOLOGIZE FOR BEING ***HOLES. and get on with it. Are you not watching the 'truckers movement'? Just get with the program, people are not listening to you anyway. They are getting on with their lives and families.

Up 129 Down 25

T on Jan 24, 2022 at 3:51 pm

Either that or we could do like the UK has done and put and end to the mandates. Balls in your court Madam Elliot. Clocks ticking. Getting tired of waiting.

Up 148 Down 20

Grow a pair on Jan 24, 2022 at 3:40 pm

No, the decision does NOT rest with the village Elliot. Duly elected: lead, follow or get out of the way. You’re making yourselves a redundant expense, a precarious position when we are verging on bankruptcy.

Up 142 Down 31

Crunch on Jan 24, 2022 at 3:24 pm

I have been in the Yukon a long time and have yet to experience anything as pathetic as this current Lieberal government. Why not just resign John so you don't have to embarass yourself any longer.

Up 36 Down 87

BnR on Jan 24, 2022 at 2:42 pm

More entitled YEU members getting their way.
At least they’re all face booking on their own dime, for the time being at least.

Up 131 Down 22

Yukoner on Jan 24, 2022 at 2:40 pm

“It’s a medical decision,” Streicker said simply

Not true!!! The CMOH has been VERY careful NOT to say that she/they recommended a vaccination mandate. Listen to the questioning in the legislature back in December…
AND also look for the times when Striecker himself said that the mandate was about getting people vaccinated and not about public health ‘safety’.

Up 107 Down 23

DMZ on Jan 24, 2022 at 2:24 pm

"It's a medical decision"? I don't agree. It's the government that needs to weigh all the factors. We are in trouble if Streiker's acquiescence is the party line.

Up 135 Down 31

Kevin Neufeld on Jan 24, 2022 at 2:09 pm

Mr. Streiker,
As one of your constituants, this is NOT a medical decision! This is a decision for those who have been elected by the people to speak on behalf of the people. You chose to stand for that job and were elected. The medical professionals provide information to work with but we did not give them political power! Look outside your window this past weekend and pay attention to what is being proclaimed across the nation and grab a spine and do your job.! The people are speaking!
The medical tyranny we have been subjected to for two years has had marginal to little effect on virus spread and infection but has had huge negative impacts on mental and financial well being! Certainly at this stage in the health threat there is NO justification for tyrannical coercion of experimental medical research which will extrapolate mental and financial hardship and damage far beyond any health benefits! Drop the Mandates and work to restore the livelihoods of those so callously stripped of them by the vicious Federal government!
IT IS TIME to do the job you stepped up for and work for the sane restoration and betterment of the people of this Territory, NOT the utopian agenda of a Hellbent Federal government...

Up 132 Down 39

DL on Jan 24, 2022 at 1:39 pm

The covid vax mandate makes absolutely NO sense. Even the own gov't webpage on covid admits that the covid vax doesn't stop the transmission of the virus. Proof right there that this illegal mandate is about social control, NOT health.

Up 93 Down 42

Jeff Bikaboom on Jan 24, 2022 at 1:36 pm

It is a delicate act to balance the coercion of people accept an experimental vaccine that has failed epically, with the harsh reality of the atrocities committed by the government in the name of health over the last year. Better just push it off to the health officials. “It’s a medical decision”.

"He encouraged everyone – not just public employees – to take advantage of the clinic." Is this a serious statement? Perhaps it is time for an updated risk-benefit analysis.

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