Whitehorse Daily Star

Fifty-eight active COVID-19 cases reported

There are 58 active cases and 30 new cases of COVID-19 posted on the Yukon government website today.

By Whitehorse Star on March 8, 2022

Revised - The COVID-19 numbers in the Yukon continue to increase slowly.

According to the numbers posted by government officials Tuesday, there are 61 active cases and nine new overnight from Monday.

More disturbingly, the testing positivity rate has risen to 35 per cent, indicating a high level of community spread and likely many undiagnosed cases.

The positivity rate has been on the increase for more than a week, after dipping to about 23 per cent at one point.

That’s trending in the wrong direction.

In previous weeks, the acting chief medical officer of health, Dr. Catherine Elliott, had said an acceptable rate would be in the five per cent range.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Whitehorse General Hospital was in the red status on the government dashboard tracking the facility.

According to spokesperson James Low this morning, “this week we’ve been mostly in red status, with beds very limited in most areas at WGH.

“Today, we are in yellow status, which means the situation has improved slightly. However, occupancy levels do have these regular peaks and valleys.

“I checked with the nursing team in order to answer your specific question. There is no one factor driving these higher-than-normal volumes at the moment. We are busy and beds are limited, but it’s due to a number of issues, such as awaiting the release of patients from hospital back home, or the transition patients to another health facility in the community and outside Yukon,” Low added.

“The only thing I can say with some amount of certainty is that increased volume does not appear to be due to COVID. We currently have two COVID-positive patients admitted at WGH.

“Hospitalizations due to COVID have averaged in the 1-2 range over the last week or so.”

Comments (19)

Up 24 Down 5

Let’s Recap The Governments Madness of The Last Two Years on Mar 11, 2022 at 6:27 am

Two weeks to flatten the curve. Being cautious of Covid source countries and preventing travel here from them is racist. Masks are bad. 16 tons of Canadian PPE including masks sent to China. Masks now good but the feds gave our supply away and we don’t have enough so donate any you have to hospitals. Government buys masks from China, finds out they are defective. Masks now mandatory. Mix and match vaccine is good in Canada. Mix and matching vaccination is not recognized by almost every other country. AZ vaccine good. AZ vaccine bad. AZ vaccine banned. It’s ok to have an election but almost nothing else is permitted. Government tracks your phones to find out if you’re moving around. Maskless protests to take a knee, protest pipelines and topple statues ok, Trudeau participates to show what a weeny he is. Trucker protest bad, Trudeau gets scared and declares a national state of emergency. The rest of the world has moved on from Covid. And here we are…

Up 8 Down 13

Anie on Mar 10, 2022 at 8:42 am

DL please read the Charter, and the Emergency Measures Act. You will see that the Act specifically protects Charter rights.

Up 19 Down 6

Salt on Mar 9, 2022 at 9:19 pm

The vaccinated have immune systems locked onto a version of the spike protein that existed 5 variants ago. Not to mention other potential issues. The virus will continue to circulate in them at will. See recent explosion of cases in NZ.

Up 21 Down 5

DMZ on Mar 9, 2022 at 5:10 pm

I'm not against looking at the emergencies act, that's for sure. After two years, they've gotten complacent with it. The federal government is required to do a number of things to account for using that emergencies act on the convoy for three or four days, including the all-party committee to review it. They will be mired in accountability exercises for quite awhile. I don't know if there's anything similar for the territorial legislation.

But people turned out to be way too easy to control with it, all over the country. Instead of improving the health care system, two years into they still went to the fallback of restrictions, which were supposed to be extraordinary measures, not a way of life. Because it turned out to be easier, incredibly enough, to engineer social behavior, than fix the institutions. We're still not demanding that they present the data in a coherent and transparent way, that they're using to justify the iron grip they've had on individuals and businesses.

And here we are, with all the things that were unthinkable in March, 2020, vaccine passports, mask-wearing as "part of the culture now" and people surveilling each other as potential disease vectors, somehow acceptable to a certain part of the population.

The world's gone on in its terrible way, and we're even less prepared to deal with what's coming up now. It's embarrassing, that we've let our governments treat us like invalids for so long and pretended there won't be costs to it.

Up 22 Down 15

DL on Mar 9, 2022 at 3:41 pm

“Yukon Party Tables Legislation to Improve Civil Emergency Measures Act”


Yes! Lifting the emergency measures now would be the best cure for this plandemic. And amend the Emergency Measures Act so that it can never again be misused against our Charter Rights.

Up 28 Down 13

DL on Mar 9, 2022 at 3:33 pm

See? Bait and switch is the name of the game. First the covidians offer the promise of lifted restrictions because of lower ‘case count’. But soon after they claim ‘cases’ are increasing. Expect more restrictions. Never mind that ‘cases’ are completely irrelevant when the great majority experience only mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. The tests are unreliable anyway.

This covidian cultism has resulted in a huge national debt, inflation going through the roof and an economic crash seems inevitable. People already have difficulty affording food, and it’s going to get a lot worse. But it’s okay with these covidians if we starve, as long as we don’t get the ‘covid’ sniffles.

People, wake up. Stop all that pointless testing now.

Up 27 Down 12

Juniper Jackson on Mar 9, 2022 at 2:55 pm

Some more blah blah. I am so done with covid.

Up 9 Down 8

G on Mar 9, 2022 at 1:44 pm

@ Yukon Liberal - your government may have given up on you, but I haven't. Never. I'd be happy to give you a hug anytime.

Up 34 Down 19

Moose101 on Mar 9, 2022 at 6:02 am

Who really cares anymore !!!

Up 29 Down 12

Nell Fenwick on Mar 8, 2022 at 6:32 pm

A "testing positivity rate" is meaningless if the test is inaccurate. Imagine using a clinical diagnosis of illness instead. I wonder if you can.

Up 43 Down 17

marylaker on Mar 8, 2022 at 5:41 pm

The three of us in this household have had a fairly brutal non-covid cold for the past week (I got the self tests at the visitors center and we checked). Nobody cares about that. Why are we losing it over covid, which from what I've seen with a few friends is not even as serious as this common cold?!

It's all nuts. Get a grip and let's move on. There are far, far bigger things to worry about. We can't afford to carry on focusing on this nonsense.

Up 67 Down 34

bonanzajoe on Mar 8, 2022 at 2:56 pm

Bad news folks. We underlings haven't earned our freedom back yet. More lib under the boot - rules to come.

Up 67 Down 31

Jeff Bikaboom on Mar 8, 2022 at 2:32 pm

"The acting chief medical officer of health, Dr. Catherine Elliott, has said in past weeks she would like to see the positivity testing rate drop to as low as five per cent."

Justification for the government attacking out mental, social, and economic health has changed from number of infections, to number of cases, to number of deaths, to number of hospitalizations, to percent of positivity rate.

Why doesn't every healthy person in the Yukon go for a test this week so we can drop the positivity rate to 1 percent. I joke, because this won't work. If we are waiting for 5 percent and the error rate of tests is more than 5 percent, then we will never get there.

It is as if they don't want to get rid of the passports. The passports that were never about health, but are a form of punishment for those who did not comply. At the rate we are moving, covid restrictions are going nowhere. Perhaps it is time to question the legality of our perpetual state of emergency.

If only we had a couple billion dollars to invest in a few extra hospital beds.

Up 56 Down 25

iBrian on Mar 8, 2022 at 2:14 pm

It’s ok, everyone is vaccinated and only wanted days off. No biggie. Nothing to see here.

Up 67 Down 17

Yukoner on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:53 pm

This is just useless information, stop even publishing it. Unless you allow the general population to be tested you will not have an accurate picture.

Up 57 Down 14

Who is getting tested on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:39 pm

Just wondering, have they opened up testing to vaccinated people again? Or is it just the unvaxxed and critical service workers only?

Basically I’m wondering if more people are being tested, therefore higher positive cases.

Up 41 Down 89

Yukon Liberal on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:34 pm

I for one, can not believe we are giving up on the masks and passports given the positivity rate. 58 cases at 30% and we are giving up now???? Insanity to me. We should be more diligent then ever now to get the case count to 0 and make sure everyone regardless of beliefs are vaccinated. Can't believe the Gov is giving up on us.

Up 64 Down 29

DL on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:33 pm

Several implications here, not in any particular order:
- The PCR test to diagnose these 'cases' is unreliable, known to churn out false positives.
- Stop wasting our health care resources on these useless PCR tests.
- What is the CT level used to process these PCR tests? A CT level over 30 will result in many false positives. Why isn't YG providing that info?
- Number of 'cases' is irrelevant, what really counts is number of hospitalizations.
- The great majority of these 'covid cases' experience only mild symptoms, or no symptoms at all. We don't keep track of the flu 'cases' like this, even though the flu is known to result in hospitalizations and deaths.
- By now we know that covid isn't more lethal than the flu, many countries have concluded covid is now endemic and is to be dealt with just like the flu. Why not Canada?
- As for the CMO claims that 22 Yukoners died of covid: 1) many of us already know that several of these deceased actually died of other pre-existing condition, but are now labelled as 'covid deaths' by means of the unreliable PCR test that churns out false positives. 2) These 'covid deaths' have accelerated in 2021, the year of the covid vaccine. So, you have an obligation to tell us how many covid jabs these deceased had received prior to their deaths.

Those glaring omissions point to an agenda that has nothing to do with health. No wonder that trust in the health care system, and politicians, is at an all-time low.

Up 66 Down 28

Matthew on Mar 8, 2022 at 1:07 pm

"The acting chief medical officer of health, Dr. Catherine Elliott, has said in past weeks she would like to see the positivity testing rate drop to as low as five per cent."

....and!? Last year they also said 75% herd immunity.. where did that go!? Problem with lying is simple, when you actually go to tell the truth, no one believes you..

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