Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Dan Davidson

UP AND OUT – The George Black ferry begins its slide up the ramp to its winter berth this week.

Ferry season is in the books

The George Black ferry was put to rest on its winter berth shortly after 5 p.m. Monday, having done its last crossing of the Yukon River at 11 p.m. Sunday.

By Dan Davidson on October 20, 2023

DAWSON CITY – The George Black ferry was put to rest on its winter berth shortly after 5 p.m. Monday, having done its last crossing of the Yukon River at 11 p.m. Sunday.

That this would be the case had been announced on Facebook and on the automated sign at the ferry landing over the last week or more.

There was intense fog Monday morning, as there had been for the previous several mornings.

That, however, had no impact on the timing, as the winch trucks used to do the bulk of the extraction pulling did not arrive in town until later in the day.

The ferry had been moved upstream to the extraction point below the wooden rails, and was in place shortly after 3 p.m. Monday.

The date for the end of the ferry’s season was a day earlier than last year.

That’s even though there is so far no sign of ice in the Yukon River and, in spite of the snow flurries and freezing rain.

Those weather conditions have left the streets of Dawson quite slippery, with temperatures ranging between 3 and 6 C.

As there is no ice showing yet, people will be crossing the river with small boats for some time yet.

Last year, ice bridge construction didn’t begin until December.

Comments (3)

Up 8 Down 17

Perspective on Oct 23, 2023 at 2:54 pm

The town of Faro didn’t even exist yet when this ferry was put into service. It belongs in a museum before metal fatigue causes it to fall apart.

Up 8 Down 16

Dave on Oct 22, 2023 at 8:08 am

With a build date of 1967 this ferry has to be the oldest piece of infrastructure in the Yukon with the exception of some bridges.
It belongs in a museum.

Up 14 Down 7

Nathan Living on Oct 21, 2023 at 12:05 pm

A few welding repairs and and upgrades to the engine and a few spare props and this ferry will be good for another 40 years.

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