Photo by Whitehorse Star
Shelley Cuthbert
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Shelley Cuthbert
A Yukon deputy justice has ordered the former owner of the Tagish dog kennel to vacate territorial land she is using in the Tarfu Creek area by March 1.
A Yukon deputy justice has ordered the former owner of the Tagish dog kennel to vacate territorial land she is using in the Tarfu Creek area by March 1.
The territorial Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (EMR) had petitioned the Yukon Supreme Court for the order. Deputy Justice Bryan Mahoney issued his oral decision this morning.
Shelley Cuthbert set up her dog rescue operation on the land in question in 2018. It’s located 1.2 kilometres off the Atlin Road. She relocated there after losing a nuisance lawsuit brought forward by her Tagish neighbours, and the subsequent appeal.
A permanent injunction was imposed on the property, under which she could only have two dogs as pets. She argued this made the property useless to her.
EMR argued that Cuthbert’s use of the Atlin Road land was negatively impacting other people’s ability to enjoy it. The noise generated by the dogs and smell of urine was disturbing others in the area.
EMR also argued some of the dogs are a danger, should the animals escape Cuthbert’s enclosures or someone wanders inside.
The department said she is not camping on the site, but rather occupying or squatting in the area. It points to all her tents, fencing and camper as proof.
Cuthbert countered that she is using the site while she looks for a more appropriate location to move to.
She maintained that she is camping, adding she can do so on territorial land for up to 400 days. She said her plan was to move away before those days are up.
She claims to be homeless, and argued she has a right to shelter as per Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Mahoney, however, did not feel that section of the Charter applied in this case.
“This is not a Charter seven case,” he said.
He explained that Cuthbert herself has said she walked away from her Tagish property because of the permanent injunction. He said this means she lost her home by choice.
Mahoney rejected Cuthbert’s evidence that she was never told to apply for a land use permit.
He explained that, in Cuthbert’s own evidence, she stated she went to apply for a permit but was told not to because it would not be approved.
The deputy justice said the Yukon Lands Act is used to regulate land use. It is meant to ensure people can enjoy territorial land. No one is challenging the purpose of the legislation, he pointed out.
As for the issue of camping or occupying, Mahoney said there is no legislation that properly defines camping. He said the court will have to look at what the individual in question is doing and how he or she is behaving.
He did not believe Cuthbert is camping. He clarified that this is because of the multiple tents, fencing, wood stove, water tank and camper in the area.
“She does not fit the definition of camping,” he ruled.
He felt she is occupying the land or squatting without permission. He reasoned that she quickly went there to operate her business after she abandoned her Tagish property.
He accepted that she thought she could be there for 400 days.
Mahoney said he was granting the petition and ordering Cuthbert to vacate the land in question. She will have to remove herself, the dogs and every structure she has put up in the area.
Given her circumstances, he said he is willing to give her until March 1 to comply.
If she does not follow this order, she could be forcibly removed. He felt this should allow her time to find another location through the proper channels.
Mahoney understood that she is struggling, but explained that the land still needs to be protected. He added Cuthbert is responsible for following both the law and this court order.
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Comments (13)
Up 0 Down 0
Joe on Feb 5, 2019 at 12:29 pm
I heard that the courts threw out signed affidavits. Wait uh.. what kind of court does that?
Up 28 Down 3
Cathy on Jan 30, 2019 at 11:43 am
For pete's sake she should not have dogs. It sounds like she has nearly abandoned them.
Up 8 Down 34
Alan Manning on Jan 29, 2019 at 3:24 pm
Is there still a cross like structure in town?
This sounds more and more like a public shaming that in the old days involved whipping and burning.
Up 8 Down 42
Vet on Jan 28, 2019 at 9:16 pm
She usually goes to Alpine Vet. Creating problems for a vet? She is bringing her dogs to the veterinary clinic to help these animals. She is putting thousands of dollars into these animals. She is saving lives. She is saving animals. The rest of you need to get off your high horse and realize that Whitehorse is in desperate need of a rescue. Shelly you have a big mouth but you actively save those dogs from death. Bless you.
Up 59 Down 7
How is she doing it? on Jan 28, 2019 at 9:08 am
I don't know how she is feeding all of these dogs, let alone giving them all proper care.
Even dog mushers with this many dogs have handlers to help.
How did she end up with 15 more dogs? I thought she only had about 50.
This is getting WAY out of hand.
Up 10 Down 52
Shame on Jan 28, 2019 at 7:37 am
Where are all the protesters marching down main street denouncing the heavy handed treatment of this strong, powerful woman like there are for every other perceived injustice?
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moe on Jan 27, 2019 at 7:10 pm
People are checking up on the place and say Shelley isn't even living out there! Helpers go out in the morning and evening to feed the dogs and that's about it. Nobody is there most of the time. We had a long stint of very cold weather recently. I wonder how the house pet breed dogs did? Maybe she had them in airline kennels under a tarp, nice and warm!
Psychiatric nurse?! Holy. If that doesn't beat it all.
Listen people. This is and always has been more a power struggle than a 'let me take care of these dogs', type situation. Shelley can't be wrong, won't be anything but the Seargent General. She works a lot harder at fighting and fighting and fighting, than she does at caring for these animals.
Enough already! I don't care about Shelley. If she were holding snow machines hostage, nobody would care. She has dogs for a reason: it gives her leverage and attention. She has wasted tremendous resources that the public could have employed better than on her. She was a nightmare at the humane society, when she lived in country res. in Whitehorse south, out in Tagish, and now on the Atlin Road. I hope we can learn from this and change our laws so another Shelley Cuthbert can't come along and 'rage against the machine' for years and years at the expense of the public.
At least Tagish Elvis didn't hold dogs hostage when he was suing the RCMP and others, before being declared a vexatious litigant.
Up 15 Down 66
Alan Manning on Jan 27, 2019 at 1:03 pm
I am tired of people and the court picking on her.
Up 61 Down 9
Roy on Jan 27, 2019 at 10:23 am
She moved her entire operation from Tagish to the middle of the bush in under one month, rather than obeying the Court; she can obviously relocate again no problem if she puts her mind to it.
Don't worry, we haven't heard the last of this. She'll relocate again, to some other spot of Crown land, and either:
a) jump through the right hoops this time in order for it to be classified as "camping", or
b) wait to be located by the authorities, waste taxpayers money in Court, cry to the media again about how persecuted she is, and ultimately dig herself a deeper hole.
The point is, she doesn't want to obey the Court, and doesn't think she needs to obey them. That's been her problem all along: Not abiding by the law and thinking she can do whatever she wants. This has become less "about the dogs" than it has become a contest of wills, pure and simple.
Up 11 Down 22
Rolf H on Jan 26, 2019 at 2:21 am
This sounds like a bunch of "Mahoney" to me.
Up 16 Down 63
Max Mack on Jan 26, 2019 at 12:28 am
And there you have it, folks. Further evidence that the courts in the Yukon are anything other than tools of the state and the political elite.
It's end of January. The courts have told her she must be off the land by March 1. That gives her one month to relocate all of her dogs. In the middle of winter.
Question: will YTG be following her around, harassing her endlessly?
Up 18 Down 70
Marlene on Jan 25, 2019 at 9:13 pm
Sounds like this woman is providing a public service and she's not getting enough support from the community.
Up 62 Down 11
More drama on Jan 25, 2019 at 7:45 pm
Dogs should be saved from her. Most of them don't have the coats for Yukon winter and should not be outside on -20C or colder, 24/7. This "rescue operation" is nothing more than a scam. This many dangerous dogs kept together and not finding home for them is just asking for a trouble. Shelley wasted Humane Society's funds and Courts time over the past few years.
Bigger question is who is behind all this and who put a registered psychiatric nurse (Shelley) to be Humane Society's President and keeps giving her legal advice to continue with wasting taxpayers money. She has created lots of problems for one of the local vets and her mission here in Yukon is very questionable, to say the least.