Photo by Whitehorse Star
Premier Sandy Silver
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Premier Sandy Silver
The Yukon government has extended the state of emergency so that COVID-19 rules will be enforceable for another 90 days, until Sept. 10.
The Yukon government has extended the state of emergency so that COVID-19 rules will be enforceable for another 90 days, until Sept. 10.
It had originally been set to expire June 25.
“Extending this state of emergency does not change our Path Forward plan and does not signal an increased risk to Yukoners,” Premier Sandy Silver said Friday afternoon.
“It means Yukon has the tools to manage the situation.”
Silver announced the extension as well as plans to further lift COVID-19 restrictions alongside Dr. Brendan Hanley, the chief medical officer.
Silver said the state of emergency was extended so the territory is able to act quickly should the status of the pandemic change.
The state of emergency can be revoked at any time, Silver said.
“The need to self-isolate upon the return to the Yukon is an order, and continues to be enforced,” Silver said.
The premier said an individual was recently fined for violating self-isolation orders. This is the second time a person has been fined under the state of emergency rules.
“We are definitely not out of the woods yet,” Silver said.
The premier noted that neighbouring jurisdictions, like Alberta and Alaska, are continuing to see cases of the virus.
“We are making huge progress, but we need to continue to try and be diligent.”
The Yukon will see several areas reopen in the next week as phase one of the territory’s reopening plan continues.
Visits for long-term care residents are now permitted. One visitor can schedule an outdoor visit at a time.
This is the first stage of a four-phase reopening plan at care homes. Stage two will allow two outdoor visitors at the same time.
The Yukon’s five long-term care homes have been closed to visitors and volunteers since March 16.
Bars can begin reopening at 50 per cent capacity this Friday, after their operational plan has been approved by the government.
Groups of 10 or more are not allowed to sit together at bars once they are open.
Live music and recreation areas such as dart boards, pool tables, dance floors and video games are not allowed in bars during this phase.
Libraries are also beginning a phased reopening. The Whitehorse Public Library began offering curb-side book pick-up today.
The government is continuing with plans to reopen the border to B.C. on July 1.
Hanley said he is hearing from Yukoners who are concerned that the open border will lead to a surge in COVID-19 cases.
Hanley said the civil rights and economic costs of keeping the borders closed are too high to pay.
At B.C.’s current point in the pandemic, the chance of a random case of COVID-19 coming to the Yukon from B.C. is about one in 5,000, Hanley said.
There will likely be some case importation, which is why it’s important that Yukoners continue to observe physical distancing and frequent hand-washing.
“Even if the risk of COVID spread is very small, perhaps negligible … there is always risk,” Hanley said.
The closed border is a temporary measure that isn’t sustainable long term, in response to recent questions of the measure’s legality.
On May 27, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association sent a letter to the Yukon’s Justice minister expressing concern that the Yukon’s closed border violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Last week, the N.W.T. opened its borders to Canadians to avoid conflicting with the Charter.
Silver said his government doesn’t share the N.W.T.’s concerns.
“We believe that our border control measures are reasonable, and they don’t go against the Charter, and they are in place to keep Yukoners safe,” Silver said.
Last week, the Yukon Party publicly requested that the Yukon government release any legal advice it obtained indicating that the closed border is legal under the Charter.
Yukon Party MLA Brad Cathers, told the Star this morning the closed border and public health emergency extension should have been subject to debate in the legislative assembly.
“In these times we’re in, we recognize that there do need to be public health restrictions, but it’s almost important those are subject to informed public debate,” Cathers said.
“Responsible governments need to ensure the actions they take are legal, and not in violation of the Charter.” (See related story below.)
Cathers said Yukon Party members don’t necessarily disagree with the decision to extend the public health emergency, but are anxious for the opportunity to debate the issue.
“There’s absolutely no public health reason why the legislative assembly can’t be meeting,” Cathers said.
“It’s simply reluctance to answer tough questions.”
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Comments (31)
Up 3 Down 3
JohnW on Jun 21, 2020 at 11:37 pm
It was not the pandemic that blew up our lives, it was the response by media and governments!
The pandemic didn’t do this. It caused a temporary and mostly media-fueled panic that distracted officials from doing what they should have done, which is protect the vulnerable and otherwise let society function and medical workers deal with disease.
Instead, the CDC, WHO and politicians, at the urging of bad computer-science models uninformed by any experience in viruses, shut down schools, churches, events, restaurants, gyms, theaters, sports, and further instructed people to stay in their homes, enforced sometimes even by police action.
It was brutal and egregious and it threw millions of people out of work and bankrupted countless businesses. Nothing this terrible was attempted even during the Black Death. Maximum economic damage; minimum health advantages. It’s not even possible to find evidence that the shut-downs saved lives at all.
Up 5 Down 2
Juniper Jackson on Jun 21, 2020 at 1:45 am
I just read that 14% of the people who contract covid are asymptomatic.. They aren't running a fever, they aren't coughing, they feel fine.. if that is indeed the case.. it can not be contained.
Up 5 Down 5
Adam Smith on Jun 20, 2020 at 5:40 pm
@Groucho. Those are great ideas, but as a good conservative I can't support that kind of socialism. Any programs that give money to people from government are left wing things. My ideology says that you should have saved money throughout your life for retirement and not look to government to make up for your shortfall. If need be, there are charities you can go beg from. Tax cuts are the conservative way, not handouts. If you happen upon rough times, that is your problem, not society's.
Up 18 Down 4
Groucho d'North on Jun 20, 2020 at 10:17 am
"Most seniors are already on a fixed income and are not losing income." While your statement is mostly accurate, I believe that many of us on a fixed income are feeling the pinch of the Carbon Tax and how it has influenced higher prices for just about everything.
Being on a fixed income we depend on strict budgets to get through the month. While our Prime Misery is handing out CERB benefits to a wide range of Canadians impacted by COVID and the governments diddling with the national economy, there is little to no support for we seniors living on the edge month to month. With what has been recently revealed about senior residential facilities and the complete lack of oversight by government, not many of us are keen to sell the farm and adopt that living option either.
Perhaps if rather than increasing monthly income levels to seniors, governments would focus on limiting how much they take out of our pockets we could make ends meet better. Things like a preferred property assessment tax rate, reduced or no fees for drivers licences and vehicle registrations or similar benefits to help those of us who have carried this nation for the past 65 + years.
Up 5 Down 24
GE on Jun 19, 2020 at 3:50 pm
@ One One-Lesser-Voice
You want to give people money for the inconvenience of not dying in a pandemic?
Most seniors are already on a fixed income and are not losing income.
Up 23 Down 9
One One-Lesser-Voice on Jun 19, 2020 at 9:38 am
I think all seniors over 65 years with an income under 40k after taxes should be given $2000 for all the inconvenience the covid measures have caused.
Up 21 Down 8
Yukoner123 on Jun 19, 2020 at 9:13 am
Govt officials keep spewing the line, "unprecedented times", like they are an army of chosen messiahs, and the only ones capable of "handling" this pandemic. Yet an "unprecented" special sitting can't be arranged, while every big box store cesspool has remained open.
A quote from Sandy Silver's 2016 election campaign:
“If you look at which party understands the issues most important to Yukoners, which party has the platform that addresses those issues in a realistic and holistic manner, and which party has the team of candidates to deliver their platform and govern this territory in a transparent, respectful, collaborative and accountable manner – you would be looking at the Yukon Liberals.”
Transparent, respectful, collaborative, accountable. What's that in your pipe, Sandy?
Up 11 Down 11
One One-Lesser-Voice on Jun 18, 2020 at 4:34 pm
If there was an advisory group with a few members of the group challenging the government approach we could perhaps be in a better position
Clayton Thomas is a great representative for first nations and some of the other group members have our interests at heart.
Up 39 Down 13
Dave on Jun 18, 2020 at 1:16 pm
Woodcutter, jeez man what can I say... Reading your comment I was getting all choked up and almost felt a tear coming on.
And then I regained my senses and realized you were talking about Sandy Silver and the Liberals who firmly believe that while minimum wage earners can be back at work there’s no need for highly compensated politicians to do their jobs by sitting in the legislature as our elected representatives.
Stop Silver!
Up 17 Down 30
woodcutter on Jun 17, 2020 at 5:04 pm
I pity any politician in power at this time, it's so easy to be in opposition.
A leader has a no win choice right now, close things down and save lives, or keep things open and have disease, pestilence and death on ones hands. Any choice that is made will be countered by the opposition folks, it's either keep the tourist traps open and allow the same level of deaths as being seen south of the Canadian border, or close things down and preserve the lives of Yukon citizens.
Attacking our chief medical officer is just more right wing targeting by folks that find bullying easy. Being a Haines Junction resident, I can attest that beside a few gas stations, a couple of bars and few rundown hotels, there is not much of an economy other then government work, so it's not a big loss overall.
It appears Sandy is supportive of the idea of life being more valuable then lining a few business pockets. I agree with his choice, and for making these hard choices he will be recognized and re-elected. Good job, keep it up and never mind the complainers, you never had their vote to begin with.
Up 40 Down 19
C Bukowski on Jun 17, 2020 at 10:53 am
It really wasn't that long ago that Silver proudly identified as a 'centrist'- maybe he misspoke at the time and meant to say 'cis-gendered'....Far be it from me to say folks can't evolve... I used to identify as Liberal, after all. The horror of it. The greater pandemic we're all witnessing is the death of integrity and genuine leadership. If you're wondering why Silver looks like he's aged 25 years in the last 6, it's because he has. It's what happens to us men (women too, of course) when we live disingenuous lives.
The tag team of Silver and Hanley delivering our Daily Bread presents two men who couldn't find their backsides if someone turned off the lights; they appear to only know what to say once given their cue cards. If either had any sense or courage, they'd ask the driver of the Liberal clown car to pull over to side of the road, and start walking.... Let's not hold our breath... Wait, unless our government tells us to start holding our breath. Then hold your breath.
Up 37 Down 17
Max Mack on Jun 17, 2020 at 7:40 am
I agree that the extension of the so-called emergency and border controls should have been debated in the legislature.
The rationale for extending the "emergency" is very, very weak given the current state of COVID in the Yukon.
It's time to end the shutdown.
Up 31 Down 23
Lynx on Jun 16, 2020 at 10:21 pm
I agree with the Yukon Party conservatives. The borders should never have been closed and we need to open this place up already! I was happy to see a letter from Wade Istchenko in the paper calling out the lieberals for closing down parks in the first place. Contrary to what Sandy thinks, people in Haines Junction and other communities WANT people out in their towns so that their small businesses can survive. They aren't worried about the stupid virus. Come election time I hope people remember which party shut everything down and which party would have kept the economy up and running.
Up 37 Down 19
Lost In the Yukon on Jun 16, 2020 at 8:04 pm
Lest we forget ... Hanley and Slippery Sandy, and all the YG folks working away at home watching Netflix (on the taxpayers dime) are still getting paid handsomely, plus enjoying dental, optical and an ever growing pension ... they are unaffected, other than their European vacation is delayed.
Up 55 Down 21
Lost In the Yukon on Jun 16, 2020 at 4:16 pm
Brendan Hanley is out of control - he needs to stop making policy statements and simple advise on what are in his OPINION the course of action needed to reduce risk. Slippery Sandy Silver needs to grow a pair and start making decisions based on all the variables.
When it gets bad enough and people become a lot more vocal about the way this Liberal government is ruining the Yukon watch Slippery Sandy completely disappear jnto his basement playing video games and the “be kind to one another” doctor hung out to dry.
Up 54 Down 21
Dave on Jun 16, 2020 at 4:11 pm
Time to put an end to your little dictatorship there Silver, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You and Bagnell will both pay a price next election in spite of trying to buy us off.
Up 22 Down 8
Harvey on Jun 16, 2020 at 3:01 pm
Your Liberals, the "all peoples party".
Up 31 Down 8
SheepChaser on Jun 16, 2020 at 1:36 pm
Has anyone else used this lockdown time to get fit and healthy?
Even as a middle-aged asthmatic, I feel I'll survive this thing now. The government basically offered to shove money in my pocket this spring. I used the time to prepare my body and immune system for the new normal. Had to buy smaller pants last week, but they paid for those too I guess.
Up 56 Down 12
Groucho d'North on Jun 16, 2020 at 12:30 pm
"Goverance by debate is democracy, goverance by decree is a dictatorship."
Up 56 Down 18
Yukon Cornelius on Jun 16, 2020 at 9:52 am
"Bars can begin reopening at 50 per cent capacity this Friday, after their operational plan has been approved by the government. Groups of 10 or more are not allowed to sit together at bars once they are open. Live music and recreation areas such as dart boards, pool tables, dance floors and video games are not allowed in bars during this phase."
What's the point of telling bar owners that they can reopen if they're only going to lose money doing so? Much like the restaurant business, the bar business requires a certain number of people each spending a certain amount of money in order for the establishment to turn a profit each night. How pray-tell does Sandy Silver expect bar owners to turn a profit when these establishments are not allowed to entice people into the bars with live music, darts, pool or dancing and they're only permitted to host half of their normal capacity?
Yukoners may as well stay home and drink - which is exactly what most people will do. Congratulations Sandy. Once again you've proven that you don't have a clue how businesses operate.
Up 54 Down 23
Juniper Jackson on Jun 15, 2020 at 11:05 pm
I really called this one! I said from the start, if the government got a hold on us, they would never give it up..they are going to use 3 months to solidify how things are going to stay just like this when the state of emergency is over. They will always be telling you now, where you can go, how you can go, who you can meet with, what you can say, how long you can go for..what you have to eat is also coming down the pipes as Trudeau moves to close down the cattle ranches. In the end folks..stand for something or fall for anything..on a Federal level..Canada has fallen and apparently doesn’t want to get up. I write a lot of letters. I want Parliament reconvened..I want our legislature convened..I want the rampant spending stopped..I want oversight committees back on the all know we have no leadership without acting government right? In reality, it appears Hanley is running the territory..
Up 21 Down 52
Arturs on Jun 15, 2020 at 9:00 pm
Look just because Brad lost the conservative leadership race doesn't mean that he has to take it out on the good Liberal government being offered up by Sandy and his party.
Up 32 Down 14
Peggy Land on Jun 15, 2020 at 8:22 pm
While I'm grateful that so far protective measures have prevented community spread, with recent loosening of restrictions has come what appears to be inconsistent logic regarding face masks. For example, hair dressers must wear face masks to wash hair, but day care workers are strangely exempt, even when changing diapers, and so are school children on buses. We are lucky that so far children have been spared but this does not mean they are less vulnerable. Indeed, in the US too many children have died from multi-system organ failure associated with exposure to Covid-19. So exactly how many cases will it take here to enforce better protection? This feels more like an experiment on vulnerable populations than sound policy based on facts and experience elsewhere which we would be foolish to ignore.
Up 51 Down 9
Megan on Jun 15, 2020 at 8:03 pm
"Hanley said the civil rights and economic costs of keeping the borders closed are too high to pay." Why is the Chief Medical Officer of Health making political decisions? Who's looking out for our medical decisions?
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Guncache on Jun 15, 2020 at 7:35 pm
Is it Premier Sandy Silver or Premier Brendan Hanley? Let's get the show on the road.
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Borderpatrol on Jun 15, 2020 at 6:11 pm
Whitehorse is a retirement town. Seniors provide jobs, seniors are a resource of spiritual and material benefit to the community. They must be protected.
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JC on Jun 15, 2020 at 5:45 pm
"Hanley said he is hearing from Yukoners who are concerned that the open border will lead to surge in Covid19 cases". Is he also hearing from Yukoners who are concerned for the economic problems caused with the continued closure of the border? Methinks the good doc is just making stuff for political reasons - like make the Silver's gov. look good and accountable. Yes, folks, i'ts all politics. But like I said before, many of us Yukoners will still remember October 2021.
Up 52 Down 17
JC on Jun 15, 2020 at 5:34 pm
Was this "State of Emergency Rules" duly legislated into law? Was it debated in the house? And the extension of these rules, as a taxpayer I demand the opening of the legislature so the opposition can question the government on their decision. The MLAs can all wear masks in the chamber as well as the visitors. Either they go back to work or go on EI like thousands of others. I object to their not doing the job they were elected to do with full pay and benefits.
Maybe it's time for another protest march by concerned citizens. I for one am getting tired of the Liberal dictatorship in Yukon and in Canada by the little Napoleon's son JT. By the way, for those too young to know, the little Napoleon was JT's father Pierre. Many of us older ones still remember.
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Black Rifles Matter on Jun 15, 2020 at 5:19 pm
Water killed two people more than Covid 19 thus far, water sports banned till January?
Up 50 Down 13
joe on Jun 15, 2020 at 4:39 pm
So the other day when I complained about the protest downtown where hundreds of people gathered, obviously in breech of all the rules supposedly in place to save lives as per " the Plan", the COVID enforcement team told me they cannot enforce Yukon medical orders because the Constitutions right of assembly supersedes Yukon orders. Long story short is the rules don't matter and they can't enforce them. So Hypocritical.
Up 24 Down 31
Yukoner on Jun 15, 2020 at 3:53 pm
Roughly $114 million in visitor spending during summer for the last available data. 42% of visitors are people from BC.. and half the summer will be over by the time the border is opened, and really how much of those people still want to go on a trip at this point 1/4.. maybe and really people from BC probably aren't spending like someone coming from Europe or Asia. So we are risking an outbreak for $6 million. Sounds like a great idea...
Opening to BC is so arbitrary and the CMO saying it's because people have family there, well people have family all across this country. And in the "1 in 5000" chance this territory is going to be screwed, we don't have the resources to deal with an outbreak and social distancing around town is laughable.