Whitehorse Daily Star

Eleven groups receive funding to support marginalized youth

Yukon youth will benefit from more than $45,000 awarded to 11 community groups through the Youth Investment Fund, it was announced Monday.

By Whitehorse Star on December 14, 2021

Yukon youth will benefit from more than $45,000 awarded to 11 community groups through the Youth Investment Fund, it was announced Monday.

The groups received funding for a variety of arts, recreation and educational programming, including an art camp, music camp, snowboard program and wall climbing.

The fund provides financial support to short-term projects aimed at providing marginalized youth under 19, who may face discrimination, with opportunities to participate in activities in positive environments.

“The Youth Investment Fund continues to help marginalized Yukon youth gain new skills through valuable experiences and activities,” said Premier Sandy Silver.

“The goal of the fund is to provide healthy opportunities for marginalized youth in the territory that improve self-esteem, encourage development of positive lifestyle choices and creates social or recreational opportunities.”

The recipients and their projects are:

• All-City Band Society, All-City Band community tour;

• Boys and Girls Club of Yukon, Young Riders ski/snowboard program;

• Canadian Mental Health Association – Yukon Chapter, youth outdoor and wellness events;

• Carcross Recreation Board, winter/spring – games and rock wall climbing;

• Dawson City Art Society (Klondike Institute of Art and Culture (KIAC), youth art enrichment 2022 – multi-day intensive art camp;

• Holy Family School Council, 2022 Holy Family Spelling Bee;

• Japanese Canadian Association of Yukon, 2022 Japanese Kids Club;

• Marsh Lake Community Society, Music Camp for Youth;

• Riverdale Baptist Church, Riverdale Baptist Church Youth Group fun and recreational activities;

• Yukon Circle of Social Change Society, Restorative Circles Project Phase 2.0 – promotes social change and training in resiliency building and restorative practices; and

• Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Society, Kidsfest at the Yukon Rendezvous Festival.

The fund provides money twice a year to qualifying community groups. Eligible groups can apply for funding of between $501 and $5,000.

The application deadline for the next round of funding is April 1, 2022.

The fund is administered by the Youth Directorate, a branch of the Executive Council Office.

Comments (1)

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melba on Dec 14, 2021 at 4:56 pm

It's really great to see some support for the kids. Support their habits while they are still interested in positive things like art, learning to play guitar, bicycling, and other activities that could lead to life long friendships and community.

There is way too much whining from so-called adults in this territory. "Waah waah.. this happened to me, I have problems, I need u, v, w, x, y, z" (could not start at x, because the list of things that dysfunctional adults need is too long around here.)

Let's face the facts. If you are still royally messed up at age 27, there is almost no chance you are going to pull out of it. Focus on the kids. Stop them from becoming screwed up adults. Put them first.
$45,000 two times per year seems insufficient, but it's something. I'm glad it's there.

PS! I was at Nicole Edwards' funeral and two now-adults spoke individually about how she CHANGED THEIR LIVES with BYTE (bringing youth toward equality). They were headed down a path that would not have worked out so well for them or the rest of society. Something as basic as having a place to go and hang out that was safe and secure, warm and 'staffed' by Nicole, made all the difference. Back when she started BYTE, she was a vibrant, cool young woman who was a musician and a very creative, energetic person. One of the two said she threw a globe at him to catch and saying, "What are you going to do with it? Because it's going to be yours, you know."

We need more of that! If Nicole never did another thing in her life, (but she did), she earned her wings with BYTE. We all should stop and think about how we can follow her lead.

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