Whitehorse Daily Star

Electoral District Boundaries Commission members appointed

The names of the Yukon Electoral District Boundaries Commission were made public last week.

By Whitehorse Star on December 19, 2023

The names of the Yukon Electoral District Boundaries Commission were made public last week.

They are:

• Yukon Supreme Court Chief Justice Suzanne M. Duncan – Chair, determined by legislation;

• Warren Holland – nominated by the Yukon Party;

• Patricia Cunning – nominated by the Liberal Party;

• Elizabeth Hanson – nominated by the Yukon New Democratic Party, which she once led; and

• Maxwell Harvey – chief electoral officer.

The commission's main goal is to examine the current territorial electoral district boundaries and suggest changes to the boundaries, number and names of electoral districts for the next general election.

For example, it’s been pointed out that Whistle Bend’s population is to the point where it merits its own seat, instead of being part of a Porter Creek riding, as it is now.

The Elections Act was amended during the fall sitting to ensure an electoral district boundaries commission can conduct work and submit recommendations to the Yukon Legislative Assembly before the next scheduled Yukon election, expected in 2025.

“Regularly reviewing electoral boundaries supports balanced representation of Yukoners in the Yukon Legislative Assembly and strengthens democratic governance in the territory,” Premier Ranj Pillai said last Thursday.

“Nominees from each party represented in the House have been appointed to conduct this important work.”

The boundaries commission was last established in May 2017.

A commission is established after every second general election, and the membership term concludes upon submitting the final report.

The commission is expected to conduct public hearings, delivering an interim report within seven months of its formation and a final report within an additional five months.

The commission is required by the Elections Act.

Comments (10)

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Giant Tiger on Dec 25, 2023 at 7:44 pm

Maybe you should focus on the city's problems with snow clearing before you go picking fights with the territorial government. Take some ownership over something for once instead of always blaming others. C.O.W sucks at snow clearing for people with disabilities and others who need it. You've had years to fix this problem but haven't along with the rest of council. Sounds like we need a wholesale change next year when municipal elections are held. At least I hope it is next year.

Up 34 Down 12

@Politico - You're Wrong On Ranj & Currie Votes on Dec 21, 2023 at 10:10 am

Exposing continued Yukon Liberal gaslighting:
Party vote totals in 2021: Yukon Party 7477 (39.3%), Yukon Liberals 6155 (32.4%), Yukon NDP 5356 (28.2%)

Ranj & Currie individual Votes:
Currie in Copperbelt North - 717 of 1388 (51.6%)
Ranj in Porter Creek South - 309 of 656 (47%)

Not a single vote cast for Ranj for Premier in either the 2021 election or his leadership coronation.

Womp womp. Sucks to be caught peddling Liberal fiction.

Up 28 Down 8

Juniper1 Jackson on Dec 20, 2023 at 3:41 pm

A LOT of Liberals moved here from Ontario. A majority of the new housing looks to be in Whistle Bend. Just sayin'

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Groucho d'North on Dec 20, 2023 at 3:24 pm

Just to add an important bit of info to Whistle bender's post: The current MLA for Whistle bend is Yukon Party member Yvonne Clarke of the Official Opposition and as such, she has no direct power to change any policies of government. All she can do is ask the Liberal government of the day why these issues are not being dealt with to the electorate's satisfaction.

Up 39 Down 12

Whistle bender on Dec 20, 2023 at 9:54 am

Pond Algae nice try. I live in whistle bend and have seen our MLA more than I have ever seen the former one. She has helped with every issue me or my neighbours have ever had. And there are many in this area. Algae, parking, noise, sidewalks, water. You name it, she’s done something on it. I know this because we have had a great talk about the things going on in the area.

Your post makes zero sense to the people who have actually asked her for some help, because she is really a good MLA. I think you’re just posting to knock her down. Fickle prickles around here.

Up 64 Down 20

Joe on Dec 20, 2023 at 9:09 am

@politico..the only votes Ranj got were the few he got from the liberal party to replace the shamed premier sandy. He has no mandate, Yukoners didn't vote him in and the unethical ndp/ lib is not supported by Yukoners. So call an election and see what happens.

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Darren P on Dec 20, 2023 at 8:41 am

I’m in the Yukon and our Premier doesn’t even spend time in the territory and is absolutely clueless as to what the concerns of constituents are.

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Pond Algae on Dec 19, 2023 at 3:01 pm

I’m in Whistlebend and our MLA doesn’t even live in the riding and is absolutely clueless as to what the concerns of constituents are.

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Politico on Dec 19, 2023 at 1:43 pm

He got more votes the Dixon that's why he gets to do this. He Dixon wants to run the government all he has to do is win a non-confidence vote. Oh right, he's tried that and lost, well that's democracy for you, majority rules.

Up 65 Down 22

YT on Dec 19, 2023 at 1:01 pm

“Regularly reviewing electoral boundaries supports balanced representation of Yukoners in the Yukon Legislative Assembly and strengthens democratic governance in the territory,” Premier Ranj Pillai said last Thursday.

Says the guy with no mandate……

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