Whitehorse Daily Star

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OBLITERATED – A Dempster Highway washout is seen late last week.

Dempster Highway’s reopening is within sight

Crews worked over the Discovery Day weekend to repair sections of the Dempster Highway that were washed out by heavy rains last Thursday.

By Whitehorse Star on August 16, 2016

Crews worked over the Discovery Day weekend to repair sections of the Dempster Highway that were washed out by heavy rains last Thursday.

Doris Wurfbaum, a spokesperson for the Department of Highways and Public Works, said this morning significant headway has been made since late last week.

However, a washout remains near Ogilvie at km 164. There are also three minor washouts in the Klondike section at km 107, 136 and 137.

Last Friday afternoon, a single lane was opened up to pilot out roughly 10 people who had been stranded on the highway, which was then closed from km 136 north.

Wurfbaum said today’s efforts include continuing to resurface and blade the highway.

If the Dempster reopens this afternoon or evening, it would be with an accompanying travel advisory.

Updates will be posted at 511yukon.com.

Very wet weather is forecast for parts of the highway today and tomorrow.

See letter.

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