Whitehorse Daily Star

COVID cases steady, data show

The latest figures show COVID-19 cases in the Yukon as holding steady.

By Whitehorse Star on March 31, 2022

The latest figures show COVID-19 cases in the Yukon as holding steady.

According to data released on Wednesday afternoon, there are 91 active cases. Twelve new cases were identified overnight from Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Jack Hulland Elementary School temporarily moved to remote learning today for all students.

“At this time, we have planned for remote learning to last through Friday, Apr. 1, and we anticipate students returning to class on Monday, Apr. 4,” Department of Education spokesperson Kyle Nightingale told the Star.

“We are making this change for operational reasons due to staffing challenges currently faced by the school.

“This change is not the result of any public health concerns. Schools remains safe, and the acting chief medical officer of health has not recommended any changes to the direction to continue with in-person instruction.”

Comments (22)

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Mitch Holder on Apr 18, 2022 at 4:33 pm

@ North of 60 - why wouldn't both of those things mitigate infection? Do you wash your hands? Likely. Do you take vitamin D? Likely. If you take vitamin D, why do you then also wash your hands? You are a liability, you probably were protesting for autonomy less than 2 months ago and yet, here you are, telling others what to do, Liberal.

Anyone who stands for autonomy forfeited their right to comment on the life lived by others. This means masks, abortion, orientation, political opinion, the latter to the extent that I can acknowledge my own hypocrisy in pointing this out. My curiousity is, why can't people just say, you know, in addition to masking, don't forget the importance of your vitamin intake, especially in times of inflation when people forego the quality of their food for quantity. If you are so interested in good health, why do you compromise your own messaging with you vs, disinformation? Leave that to the feds.

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Mitch Holder on Apr 18, 2022 at 2:01 pm

@ Anonymous - because it is their damned choice to. When I protested for autonomy, I forfeited the right to tell others what to do. Why does it matter to you? Next time, you won't get choices so enjoy this while it lasts.

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DMZ on Apr 5, 2022 at 2:56 pm

There's no point in complaining about people wearing masks. But it's galling to me that the media entertains almost exclusively medical officials scolding people (and governments) for not wearing them and for lifting the regulations "prematurely". Does anyone believe that no matter what the date was, there wouldn't have been a chorus of "too soon"?

They aren't even explaining what their benchmarks are anymore. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to be finding all of it a little over the top. It's time to cut the microphone cord for at least some of these people and maybe introduce a few variations on the theme.

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North_of_60 on Apr 5, 2022 at 1:32 pm

Wearing a mask won't do anything to prevent C0vid infection, however taking 3 to 4 vitamin D tabs per day will boost your sunlight deprived weakened immune system, thus reducing your chances of getting C0vid and significantly reducing the severity if you do catch it.

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Anonymous on Apr 5, 2022 at 12:15 pm


I think it's cute, like they're clutching their little safety blankets. My favorite are the ones with the nice designer masks they ordered on amazon so they match with their outfits. "No, not me," they decry, "I wouldn't be caught DEAD wearing one of those ugly 'surgical' masks," as the order is placed. rofl xD

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Matthew on Apr 5, 2022 at 6:59 am

Hey @CharliesAunt, yes it's their CHOICE. HOWEVER, we also have a choice, NOT to wear one, EVEN when we are "mandated" to. Mandates don't work in Democracy, only in Dictatorships. Comical to though, they are x2 or x3 vaxed, proving they didn't actually believe in the vaccines to begin with! Oh the irony..

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Absolutely right, Charlie's Aunt on Apr 5, 2022 at 6:03 am

Just another example of the delusion and hypocrisy. For months, we heard all about the right of 'choice' for those who didn't want to get vaccinated - ad nauseum. Now that masks are encouraged rather than mandated, some of the Einsteins around here don't think people should have the 'right' to wear masks if they choose. Sigh

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Charlie's Aunt on Apr 4, 2022 at 2:51 pm

@ Anonymous: "Why are people still wearing masks?" Maybe because it is their choice, just as it is your choice not to. Some may be immune-compromised. You asked a stupid question and unless others are breaking the law, their actions should not be your concern.

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Chris Caldwell on Apr 2, 2022 at 1:53 pm

On March 22 I pulled all my art from the Arts Underground due to their insistence for Government Covid rules in the galleries: prior to magical March 18 all patrons over the age of 19 years were required to show Covid passports ...to quietly view art in an empty room whilst fully masked and sanitized. I expressed my confusion to the administration as to why patrons under 19 were not required to show proof of vaccination, seems no one could answer.
I am appalled the public was barred from enjoying (and possibly purchasing) visual art because of age or vaccine status, and equally confused that people under the age of 19 are somehow mysteriously immune to Covid and cannot spread it. Who knew? I show my art exclusively on Facebook now - no vax ID required, look, enjoy, book a pet portrait 'cause I don't get grants!

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Psychotically Liberal! on Apr 2, 2022 at 11:34 am

Agreed - North_of_60 on Apr 1, 2022 at 3:35 pm:

It will be interesting to see future psychological, and neuropsychological (imaging) studies deconstruct this social experiment into the effects of an induced mass formation psychosis. We know from previous obedience studies that people are absolutely mental under the coercion of a dementing authority such as what we just saw with the mandates, lockdowns, and societal level chaos.

It is absolutely frightening to see the commitment of sheeple to bad ideas, bad science, and improperly motivated authoritarian Liberal Leadership… And now they have the audacity to subvert democratic processes through alliances with other dementors of the public trust.

FFS!… Your country is being deliberately tanked, you have been chastised by a puppet for your character flaws, and you are spending money like a drunken sailor having a manic episode for reasons you are being misled to believe.
It’s seems like an intelligence issue but I haven’t seen anything I can measure. A psychotic break seems more like the answer. Get back on your meds!!

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Anonymous on Apr 2, 2022 at 10:58 am

Why are people walking around town still wearing masks?

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"covid derangement syndrome"? on Apr 2, 2022 at 6:10 am

Oh, it's real all right, North of 60. Just not in the way that you or this Dr Levy fellow might define it.

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Matthew on Apr 1, 2022 at 6:02 pm

Hey @Mitch I'd love a healthy debate! I'm so confident I'll even take on Elliot or Hanley. I can expose things that will topple this gov so easily (with links from Mainstream media to back it up) Sad thing, gov don't want to hear from us minions..

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Dr Matt Strauss, north of 60 on Apr 1, 2022 at 5:44 pm

I didn't watch the youtubrvdut there are dozens of articles about Dr Strauss. It's been months since cloth masks were discouraged by CMOs (except with a filter, and then they are nearly as effective as surgical masks). But aside from that, he is an advocate of vaccination, and opposed to mandates. He certainly hasn't been 'shut down', he's everywhere! https://nationalpost.com/opinion/matt-strauss-im-a-doctor-heres-why-im-done-with-masking

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North_of_60 on Apr 1, 2022 at 3:35 pm

Whether it was the obsessive rules about masking, punitive vaccine mandates or the bullying tactics used against the unvaccinated, Canada’s Covid policies were characterized by repeated failures.
The public health advice was confusing, hypocritical, hectoring and oftentimes, completely counter to what we knew about the virus. It was opposed to scientific knowledge.
In this interview Dr. Matt Strauss, the Medical Officer of Health for Haldimand Norfolk and an ICU doctor at Guelph General Hospital, discusses a comprehensive scientific study on the limitations of masks – especially cloth masks.
They talk about the repeated failed approaches to Covid, the limitations of vaccines, the bullying tactics used in the media against people with dissenting opinions (including Dr. Strauss!) and the many unintended consequences of our failed policies.

COVID hypochondriacs dread every case of the sniffles
"It’s beyond being fearful. I call it COVID Derangement Syndrome. It seems to have also brought out the worst in those who may already be suffering from OCD or some other compulsive disorder."

Up 12 Down 4

Mitch Holder on Apr 1, 2022 at 12:26 pm

MATTHEW - I hope you get a good summer out of this season, it sounds like you really need, pretty sure we all do. I have raged against everything in this system for way longer than the last two years, so I feel your fatigue. Question: WHAT is an example of how scared people are of a virus with EXTREMELY high 98+% survival! I am not sure how your response pertains to my comment. I was commending people for largely getting along with such divisive differences of opinion in public, without governmental forced mitigation. I think it is commendable of my fellow citizens to be prudent where they think best, but have the freedom to choose. Do you disagree? I of course, welcome your thoughts, always up for a good civil debate or conversation. Stay healthy.

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Mitch Holder on Apr 1, 2022 at 12:05 pm

Matthew - your ability to be as edgy as a plastic spoon belies your inability to comprehend what I am saying. Double vaxxed, wear my mask where needed, donated to the national protested, marched in it and defend YOUR rights to autonomy. Where I commended seeing hope in peoples' eyes and even faces - you remember faces? - you were so stuck in your echo chamber you thought I was advocating that garbage. I applaud this community for using its discretion. I only have concern for your well being.

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Matthew on Apr 1, 2022 at 6:41 am

No Mitch, that's an example of how scared people are of a virus with EXTREMELY high 98+% survival! Of course, those people wearing mask are DOUBLE and TRIPLE vaxed, proving that they don't actually believe the "vaccine" works.. point of getting Vaxed clearly way beyond my puny brain.. LOL cowards, feel safer behind a mask that's proven to do NOTHING!

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Lift the Travel Restrictions NOW on Apr 1, 2022 at 6:33 am

I don't care what the CMO has to say anymore unless she's recommending that all of the mandates be lifted. I'm running out of savings, living on one meal a day. I'm chronically hungry and need to get back to work. So long as there is a vaccine mandate I am unable to do so, which means pretty soon I'll be lined up at the salvation army, and begging the vaccinated for money on the sidewalk. What a great way to stop the spread of covid. Have people lose their jobs and then throw them all into the shelter when their savings run out.

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Wilf Carter on Mar 31, 2022 at 9:44 pm

It is very easy to CV19 from another person if you get too close. That how I got it with out a mask. I keep wearing a mask. Get the higher grade mask which Yukon Gov't should supply all to Yukoners which will slow down the spread of Cv19. I had to isolate for 20 days not 7 or 14 days. Finally done.

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No way jose on Mar 31, 2022 at 5:33 pm

Oh look at that - people masks are the new A** wipe. Now those people can smell the BS.

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Mitch Holder on Mar 31, 2022 at 2:27 pm

We are all working towards having a summer. look around town, people are using masks at their discretion and from what I can see, mostly responsible conduct from most. This is an example of what people can do when they have an outcome to work towards. Ending the pandemic is so vague. Ending the pandemic in a timeframe gives people a deadline to shoot for. This is what is still being asked for by Canada to its government. They lifted masks, but not vaccine mandates - now cases are rising and you are still mandated to get shots. More people will need shots, soon. A new wave is coming, a wave of insider trading from our government personnel who invested in vaccines.

So folks, keep shooting for that summer, might be the last we have for a really long time.

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