Whitehorse Daily Star

Couple’s case adjourned again

The case of the B.C. couple accused of duping Beaver Creek out of two COVID-19 vaccinations was adjourned Tuesday afternoon for a second time.

By Chuck Tobin on May 19, 2021

The case of the B.C. couple accused of duping Beaver Creek out of two COVID-19 vaccinations was adjourned Tuesday afternoon for a second time.

January’s actions by Rod and Ekaterina Baker have sparked outrage, particularly from the residents of the community, including then-White River First Nation (WRFN) chief Angela Demit. (Bessie Chassé was elected chief last month.)

Their actions have been called disrespectful and potentially dangerous for residents of Beaver Creek. The case was adjourned to June 15.

No pleas have been entered by the Bakers, who are each charged with two counts under the Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA).

The Bakers were not in court Tuesday in Whitehorse, nor was their lawyer, who appeared by conference call.

Justice of the peace Sharman Morrison told the defence and Crown lawyers that she expects the Bakers to enter pleas at the next appearance.

The Bakers’ caper has gained international attention.

National media coverage indicated Rod Baker resigned as president of Great Canadian Gaming, and surrendered his seat on the company’s board of directors as a result of the incident. Available information indicates the Bakers arrived in Whitehorse and filed isolation plans – but instead chartered an airplane to fly them to Beaver Creek. Once there, they attended a vaccine clinic, claiming they were working at a local motel.

But after the inoculations, they were known to have been asking around for a ride to the airport.

The CEMA enforcement team was contacted, though the chartered plane had already departed the community on the western edge of the territory.

Authorities, however, caught up with the Bakers at the Whitehorse airport while they were waiting for a flight south. They were formally charged.

The WRFN issued a statement condemning the couple’s actions.

“These individuals made false statements to Yukon government officials regarding their intentions within the territory, and willingly violated self-isolation orders,” the First Nation wrote in a statement.

“WRFN is particularly concerned with the callous nature of these actions taken by the individuals, as they were a blatant disregard for the rules in which keep our community safe during this unprecedented global pandemic.”

Comments (15)

Up 5 Down 9

Anie on May 24, 2021 at 2:31 pm

In answer to why did they do it - probably because, unlike the rest of Canada, the territories received much more than their fair share of vaccine. People in many provinces are still waiting patiently for their first shot. In Canada, we are all equal, but some people are more equal than others, it's just the way it is.

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Groucho d'North on May 21, 2021 at 11:25 am

Too bad there isn't a vaccine to cure hyperbole because there is plenty of it in the reactions to this event.

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Just Sayin' on May 21, 2021 at 8:58 am

Dave, what kind of argument is that?

Yukoners who receive vaccines are acting in accordance with the law. People that maliciously come to the Yukon and put a small community at risk for the purpose of obtaining the vaccine are not acting in accordance with the law.

Who cares how the Yukon obtained vaccines. Yukoners are legally entitled to them. Rich people from BC that want to cheat the system are not.

Up 21 Down 10

Why did they do it? on May 20, 2021 at 4:07 pm

I would just like some explanation of why they did it. Spent all that money and time to jump the cue, lied on their way in, lied in Beaver Creek, too lazy to walk back to the airport and asked around for a ride, and finally got caught on their way out and pulled out of the line at the Whitehorse airport. lol. That's all pretty degrading. Not the way I'd want to spend the weekend!

All I can think is that it was their idea of proving how clever and cool they are, like 'we are above the law', and, 'look at me! I've got the latest thing first'; or else there was a real reason. Maybe not a reason that everyone else thought was a justification, but to themselves. Like he had to travel for business or she wanted to visit her relatives in Russia.

They are either total idiots, or they are people who thought they had a good reason and that somehow it was okay.

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lock em up on May 20, 2021 at 2:41 pm

I'd be happy to see them serve 3 months in jail and some meaningful community service and restitution to WRFN and the Yukon.

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Dave on May 20, 2021 at 12:33 pm

A lot of people on here throwing stones who have received their Covid vaccines only due to the generosity and courtesy of southern Canadians. Before you get on your high horses with your noses stuck up in the air maybe you better stop and think of the big picture instead of with your usual sense of entitlement.

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Sheepchaser on May 20, 2021 at 12:21 pm

Smart lawyer.

If the emergency order in council is rescinded before they are convicted, the case will be dropped.

Also, do we want to be paying their way in jail? Nah, fine them the maximum financial penalty and be done with it. Someone who’s made a career off stacking the odds against folks who think losing money is fun isn’t an ethical person to begin with and is unlikely to become one while incarcerated. Would perhaps just stumble into his next career idea in there.

WRFN is to be commended for their strong stance. This national news story and the related backlash has likely prevented similar situations occurring elsewhere.

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Lennie on May 20, 2021 at 9:59 am

Let's just get them their 6 months in jail and be done with this fiasco. It would be good insurance for Yukon for all criminal types to see jail time.

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DA on May 20, 2021 at 9:14 am

The max penalty (six months in jail) doesn't seem appropriate given no damage was done. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any penalty, just not the max.

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BnR on May 20, 2021 at 6:59 am

JSM, everyone know these two are prominent Conservative party of Canada members. Common knowledge. Typical CONservative entitlement! Money makes it all right.

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iBrian on May 20, 2021 at 4:28 am

A little over the top there chief Angela Demit. They didn’t put the community at risk. It wasn’t like they went door to door.
They were looking out for Self Preservation. Which is a natural instinct. I don’t agree with how they did it. But, if you could afford to do what they did, wouldn’t you try and save yourself?

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Wilf Carter on May 19, 2021 at 6:05 pm

Give them six months jail term as this type of crime calls for and no one will try it again or anything like it in the Yukon

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bonanzajoe on May 19, 2021 at 5:05 pm

Typical smart lawyer tactic - have the case adjourned enough times, the Judge throws it out.

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George on May 19, 2021 at 2:50 pm

Give them a break, pay the fine and move on, no damage done. Beaver creek had thousands of American travellers go through the town last year.

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JSM on May 19, 2021 at 2:46 pm

Does Lieberal fear and entitlement know any limits? These people clamoring to get a vaccine that they are not entitled too is crazy. Not waiting in line like the rest of us had to do because they think having a lil bit of money makes you incredibly important. It's a shame that they put the great people of WRFN in danger over there own greed.

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