Whitehorse Daily Star

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NOT TOLD THE TRUTH – Tintina Air’s Dave Sharp (above) told the Star today that Rod and Ekaterina Baker presented nothing out of the ordinary in their flight to Beaver Creek last week. Photo courtesy TINTINA AIR

Couple had ‘a boring flight’ to Beaver Creek

A local airline which flew a British Columbia couple to Beaver Creek where they are accused of fraudulently obtaining the COVID-19 vaccination isn’t happy with the situation.

By Tim Giilck on January 27, 2021

A local airline which flew a British Columbia couple to Beaver Creek where they are accused of fraudulently obtaining the COVID-19 vaccination isn’t happy with the situation.

“Yes, we took them, but do you think they came into Whitehorse and the Yukon, and lied to the government, lied to the people in Beaver Creek, and didn’t lie to the charter people who flew them there?” Dave Sharp of Tintina Air asked in an interview with the Star this morning.

He was reluctant to say much at first, saying he was concerned about privacy issues.

“You can’t just call up Air Canada or Air North and ask them about their passengers,” Sharp said.

The Star had traced two flights leaving Whitehorse for Beaver Creek last Thursday to their respective airlines using internet resources.

The first was an Alkan Air flight transporting the COVID clinic team to Beaver Creek.

A second plane was traced through its call numbers to Tintina Air.

Strangely enough, Sharp said that wasn’t the plane Rod and Ekaterina Baker of Vancouver chartered for the flight.

The plane appearing on the flight record was chartered by a consulting team to head to Dawson City, he said, and was mistakenly associated with the Bakers’ flight.

It was another plane owned by Tintina that the Bakers used, Sharp said.

He said another media outlet erroneously picked up on the consulting flight – resulting in some bad publicity for the charter customers.

Sharp isn’t happy about that, and wanted to clear the record.

“We had no clue what they (the Bakers) were up to,” he said.

“People say they must have been very entitled to do what they did, but they didn’t present like that. If anything, it was a very boring flight.”

Sharp said the Tintina aircraft landed in Beaver Creek without any problems, then waited the “usual two hours” at the airport for the Bakers to return.

“That’s what we do for people who have meetings or whatever,” he said.

He wouldn’t say exactly how the couple deceived the airline, or if they used assumed identities.

Sharp simply reiterated that there was nothing out of the ordinary in the situation.

“Hey, come on, do you seriously think if we would have a pilot get into a plane with someone from Ontario if they said they hadn’t self-isolated or been tested?” he asked, perhaps giving away one ruse the couple used.

“No; it wouldn’t have happened. “We’re not the bad guys here.”

Comments (28)

Up 5 Down 2

JSmonk on Feb 1, 2021 at 10:50 am

@SheepChaser and @Josey Wales, although I agree with some of your points in principle, picking a side is necessary for any true and real progress to be made. Otherwise we will just flip flop for eternity never actually making any true strides. It is absolutely FOOLISH to believe the liberals are the party of true diversity and progression whilst they want to throw us back 20 years.

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Jon Jones on Jan 31, 2021 at 10:10 pm

Dee Kay - did you read the article? He specifically says that a different flight went to Beaver Creek and was then headed for Dawson... that was for the consultants. He specifically says the other media source (which you linked) was wrong.

These guys didn’t do anything wrong, you don’t have to tell your cab driver what you’re doing at your destination and these guys are simply a taxi service.

Up 7 Down 5

Nathan Living on Jan 31, 2021 at 4:40 pm

My wife and I have had our first covid shot and may be happy with just one shot.
Can we give our second shot to the people who jumped the cue?

Up 2 Down 9

Josey Wales on Jan 31, 2021 at 8:22 am

Hey Sheepchaser...your participation here on the 29th @ 10:18hrs?

Very well stated, free of hyperbolic silliness and a litany of logic.
wished to express that is some of the most recent Sheepchaser participation
not only I agree with...but would respect even if I did not.
Sometimes one need give more cred, than a mere up thumb that matters far less than the actual discourse.
Please Sheepchaser, carry on...

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TheHammer on Jan 30, 2021 at 8:37 pm

Dave Sharp definitely not the bad guy. Looks like an all round definitely Canadian good guy. Carry on Dave.

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Dee Kay on Jan 30, 2021 at 10:04 am

In the Toronto Star article:
“They were travelling to Dawson City, Yukon, they told Caulene May, who runs the Beaver Creek airport, but the so-called home of the Klondike Gold Rush was fogged in. So they’d touched down while they waited for the clouds to Lift”

How convenient for the plane to land in Beaver Creek along the way. How exactly did that happen?


Up 11 Down 6

Jake on Jan 29, 2021 at 8:22 pm

Getting tired of the hypocritical lynch mob and minister. These people broke a rule, big deal. Whole bunch of others, including the minister who broke the “rules“. I guess if we start a witch-hunt we’ll make things better. How did they get vaccine in the first place? And you know what, this is Canada, we have rights to move around.

Up 9 Down 5

Josey Wales on Jan 29, 2021 at 6:25 pm

Hey speaking of charters...we should get a fleet of helicopters all leased up.
Why Josey? Then we can offer free helicopter flights over the Rockies to rabid socialists.
see if they identify as birds...birds that can fly.

Our most recent lady killer (most recently caught at least...certain there are others), as in lady that killed a man. we have quite a pile of ACTUAL serious crimes unsolved in the form of homicide.
She used to be employed at the transportation museum, does that implicate YTM in a manslaughter case...I mean just like this pilot...they shoulda known eh?

Me thinks the mobs of compliant virtue need put down their tiki torches and pitchforks.
Coppers have real criminals to seek...not appease every Karen that gets her panties in a twist.
REAL Criminals have killed more folks than this Kung Flu, and will carry on doing so virtually unmolested...BOLE ensures it...it IS our economy.
Enabled well by the YLP & the CLP these recidivist maggots are in fact.

Up 26 Down 4

Minto on Jan 29, 2021 at 10:58 am

You did nothing wrong Dave. See you next Thursday.

Up 14 Down 7

Sheepchaser on Jan 29, 2021 at 10:18 am

@iBrian and JSmonk
Not a liberal or conservative. Choosing sides limits your ability to recognize good or bad ideas on their merits rather than the person speaking them. Tribalism is for morons from the last millennium. Humanity will shrug them off soon, hopefully.
Never fly-in hunted anything in my life. Add I never bring home trophies, only the edible meat. Paddling the rivers is the point. Maybe some photographs and charcoal sketches.

As to the article, just think it’s a bit rich that, yet again, grey hairs in the Yukon are so used to being able to have it both ways and are arrogant enough to think we’ll take their word for it. Only do what’s in your own best interest, right? When it’s in your interest to not ask questions, do that. When it’s in your interest to act as landing zone enforcement, do that. Right... the really sad part is that this is so much the status quo you are here defending that behaviour. An entire generation up here that is mostly unemployable anywhere else in the country and routinely demonstrates either ethical, moral or legally dubious double standards. The only difficult thing is sorting out what’s mistaken ignorance, what is done with nefarious intent and what’s just habit.


Corruption, identity politics and the old boys club is what keeps the Yukon poor. Defenders show how it twists even those it subjugates.

Up 21 Down 7

Just Sayin' on Jan 29, 2021 at 7:42 am

We actually have to make a big deal of it, otherwise we'd be sending the message to BC that we don't really care if people travel to the Yukon to lie, cheat, and put our residents at risk. I would expect more people from BC to come to the Yukon as a result. This could eventually lead to a Covid-19 outbreak in our communities, resulting in potential death. So yah, let's not just shrug this off...

Up 21 Down 11

good question on Jan 28, 2021 at 2:55 pm

@pot meet kettle -- in another article, I think Globe and Mail (or some more national news broadcaster), they named the pilot and it wasn't Dave. But it would be good to know the measures taken by the pilot and the vaccination team after being exposed.

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pot meet kettle on Jan 28, 2021 at 2:14 pm

So did Dave Sharp self isolate for 14 days following this event or did he just continue flying?

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Dave on Jan 28, 2021 at 12:00 pm

I think there are a lot of goodie two shoes Yukoners with to much time on their hands from reading these comments. Good thing these two left the territory when they did or apparently the crowd would have thrown a rope over a tree branch. You do realize that you are being given almost unimaginable priority immunization doses courtesy of southern Canada manufactured in other countries way before most other Canadians or other people in the world right? Way before even southern elderly Canadians are getting a shot right? So stop your incessant, entitled bitching and moaning because two people gamed the system and be thankful for the gift you have been given.

Up 39 Down 25

Jail time for these losers on Jan 28, 2021 at 10:19 am

They absolutely need jail time. Anything less would be a slap in the face to all they deceived. Their lies could have infected many people and whole communities, and they could care less. If this doesn’t warrant jail time...what does?!?

Up 31 Down 16

JSmonk on Jan 28, 2021 at 7:32 am

@Sheepchaser - It is very possible to come up with a lie and stick to it with enough gusto. What an obscenely ridiculous comment to suggest that Tintina was in on it for the payday and not fooled like the rest of system. Skeptic Liberals like you are the reason our economy is a mess.

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iBrian on Jan 28, 2021 at 6:57 am

The difference in the charter that happened and the type your going for is these people went to a public airstrip.
You are trying to land at leased areas with groups that are already onsite. And further, you're attempting to go to a location to harvest a trophy animal. It’s not like you're attempting to get dropped at a head water of a river to float down in a canoe. So don’t compare apples to oranges.

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YT on Jan 28, 2021 at 5:47 am

Sheepchaser, while you raise a good point, I would hold Tintina or other air charters responsible. Outfitters threaten air charters with loss of business if they fly locals into “their” area. If Tintina won’t play ball, they’ll get Amber air or someone else. The government knows this but refuses to do anything about it by ignoring their own legislation. Air charters would take locals but they don’t want to lose business.

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Joe on Jan 27, 2021 at 9:31 pm

What’s happening to this country? No vaccine if you’re not from Yukon? (give them my dose, I don't want it) Indigenous get priority? You can drive to BC but you can’t drive to Alberta? Don’t argue COVID because that makes you a bad person? You need to wear a mask even if it’s el cheapo and creates more risk than good? What is wrong with you?

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Nathan Living on Jan 27, 2021 at 6:15 pm

How can there be a call from government for a tougher penalty than what is laid out in the law these two broke?
The lawyer for these people should not allow them to return to Yukon for a public shaming and wild west justice.

They made a mistake and John Streicker and others should dial it back a little. Please stick to outrage for we are beyond public lynchings.

Up 18 Down 5

Spud on Jan 27, 2021 at 5:15 pm

The bottom line is, from the time this virus started making life difficult for us, all the guidelines put in place are based on the Honor System, with a good smattering of Common Sense. Some folks including these two have none of either, there will be more, unfortunately anything short of throwing some people in jail, will result in these sorts of stories.

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DA on Jan 27, 2021 at 3:53 pm

The idea that the airline is to blame is so ridiculous that it didn't enter my mind... at least not until I read this article.
I highly doubt the airline (or the clinic) knew anything about the selfish and pre-meditated plan.

Up 25 Down 18

Matt on Jan 27, 2021 at 3:46 pm

Folks.....this is not the end of the world....dude lost his 10/mil a year job and will soon lose the candy on his arm......justice is served. And no other harm will come of it.

Up 219 Down 14

BnR on Jan 27, 2021 at 2:47 pm

Everyone is outraged and blaming everyone: the gov, Tintina, give me a break.
Anyone think for one minute that a local air company is going to turn down work during these tough times? Not everyone works for the gov and gets to get paid for napping at home. Dave did nothing wrong. Why would he ask for other ID etc? Charter to Beaver Creek? That pays his bills. I'll always support Tintina. Good guys.
And let's not blame YG either. These two found a loophole, and exploited it, put the blame where it lies.

Up 204 Down 9

Quit blaming the wrong people on Jan 27, 2021 at 2:23 pm

Thank you for speaking out, and I agree, you did NOTHING wrong. Same with the clinic that administered the vaccines.
I wish people would quit blaming the victims. Everyone was lied to and deceived by these 2.

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Suzanne Scollon on Jan 27, 2021 at 1:35 pm

The couple is to be castigated for their arrogance.

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JSmonk on Jan 27, 2021 at 1:33 pm

You are a fool if you are blaming the airlines for this. Everyone was lied too by these self entitled 1 percenters and the book should be thrown at them. As well as the kitchen sink, the bookshelf and whatever else we have near by.

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Sheepchaser on Jan 27, 2021 at 1:23 pm

Hmmmm, I’m not sure about this. Every time I call local charters, I get the twenty questions and, often enough, told some story about how there’s ‘already a group in there’ anytime I want to go somewhere they have effectively reserved for their big dollar commercial guiding flights. I wouldn’t hold them responsible for the couple getting to Beaver Creek, but when I call this summer don’t try to manage landing zones without the authority to do so. If you’re just an airborne taxi, fine, but don’t play it both ways an expect us to forget.

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