Whitehorse Daily Star

Counterfeit currency circulating through city

Whitehorse RCMP have seen an increase in fake currency circulating in the city – and are warning the community to watch out for bills labelled as film props.

By Whitehorse Star on June 23, 2023

Whitehorse RCMP have seen an increase in fake currency circulating in the city – and are warning the community to watch out for bills labelled as film props.

Police have received multiple calls from local businesses who have inadvertently accepted counterfeit currency.

“Though the bills may initially look and feel somewhat real, they are labelled as film props, and are not legal tender,” police pointed out Thursday.

“There are multiple files under investigation, as police believe these bills may have been passed on purpose to defraud a variety of Whitehorse businesses.”

The Bank of Canada has recommendations available for anyone who handles money, to prevent the spread of bogus or suspicious bank notes.

Their recommendations include routinely checking the security features of all notes and, if it safe to do so, politely refusing to accept cash that you believe to be fake – while explaining that you suspect it may be counterfeit.

“Consider checking any bills you may be carrying in a wallet or cashbox for marking that show they are not legitimate currency and reporting suspicious bills to police,” the RCMP advised.

“Timely reporting helps police and the courts bring counterfeiters to justice, and if it’s real, you’ll get it back.”

Anyone with information about these incidents is encouraged to contact police at 667-5555.

To remain anonymous, contact Crimestoppers by phone at 667-6715 or online at http://www.crimestoppersyukon.ca.

Comments (2)

Up 13 Down 13

AdmiralA$$ on Jun 27, 2023 at 7:24 am

Indeed there is counterfeit fiat floating around. Spewed from our own central bank at this point. Better start buying real money, leave that fiat currency and turn it into something that holds purchase power.

Up 6 Down 6

Guncache on Jun 26, 2023 at 7:25 pm

How can it be counterfeit if it's labeled as a film prop?

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