Whitehorse Daily Star

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A NEW LOOK – City hall would have a substantially different look if council decides later this month to go forward with a $24.7-million rebuild. Above is an artist’s rendering of the new transit hub along Second Avenue, looking from the Wood Street and Second Avenue intersection. Below: a portion of Steele Street would be landscaped and designed as a public gathering space. Seen on the bottom left corner are the war memorials, which would be relocated there from the front of city hall. Renderings courtesy of KOBAYASHI & ZEDDA ARCHITECTS

Council to decide on massive reconstruction of city hall

Members of city council will be asked later this month whether they support the proposed $24.7-million reconstruction of city hall.

By Chuck Tobin on June 3, 2021

Members of city council will be asked later this month whether they support the proposed $24.7-million reconstruction of city hall.

Senior city administrators hosted a briefing Wednesday to explain the project, which is expected to be complete in late 2023 or early 2024, if council decides to proceed.

The reconstruction or renovation of city hall arose out of a building consolidation plan city officials began planning back in 2014.

It called for, among other things:

• demolishing the rundown Municipal Services Building (MSB) on Fourth Avenue;

• demolishing the old fire hall beside city hall; and

• building the new fire hall along Black Street and the new Operations Building off Range Road, both of which are now in use.

Under the proposed reconstruction project, also to be torn down would be the old part of city hall built in 1966, or the front half of the building facing Second Avenue.

Everything from the current Steele Street entrance that leads up to council chambers to the front of city hall where the public pays utility bills and parking tickets would be ripped down.

New construction would see an L-shaped, two-storey structure built and tied into the newest remaining section of city hall built in 1987, where council chambers are.

The re-construction would provide approximately 38,750 square feet of new space, predominately new office space.

If council approves the proposal, it’s expected the call for tenders would go out late this summer, with construction starting early next year.

Demolition of the MSB and the old fire hall will go ahead next year, but there is pre-demolition work to do, such as removing asbestos.

“There is some nasty, nasty stuff in there,” Peter O’Blenes, the city’s manager of the property management department, told reporters during the briefing, referring to the MSB.

Staff from the MSB have been relocated, many to the new Operations Building, and others to other city buildings or rented space.

Once the reconstruction project is complete, some of the staff would be relocated to the new city hall, or what would be called the new services building.

The new building would feature a new transit hub, sitting essentially where the old fire hall is. It would have public washrooms, and seating accommodations both inside and outside.

Traffic lights would be installed at the Wood Street and Second Avenue intersection so that transit passengers could activate the lights to cross Second and catch buses headed into Riverdale.

Steele Street would be turned into one-lane traffic as the new construction would provide for a landscape area on that side of the building where the war memorials would be relocated to.

There also would be public seating installed to turn the area into a community gathering place.

It would, for instance, provide more room for the Remembrance Day ceremonies.

Staff at city hall would have to be relocated during construction, and the city would have to find a place to hold council meetings.

While the 1987 section would remain, the project does call for renovating and rearranging the existing council chambers.

The new building would be heated primarily with biomass – wood chips – with propane and electric back-up.

The roof would be designed to allow for the installation of solar panels at a later date.

The Whitehorse firm of Kobayashi & Zedda Architects was retained in early 2020 to come up with a design concept.

There were three options under consideration for the new city hall: rebuild the old 1966 section, erect a steel structure to encapsulate the 1966 portion, or demolish the 1966 portion and build new to connect to the 1987 section.

It was decided in April to go with demolishing the 1966 section.

The cost was originally estimated at $20.8 million, but with the change in scope, the estimate is now sitting at $24.7 million.

A more refined estimate is expected this summer.

The city would contribute approximately $8 million, with $4 million coming from the Yukon government and $12 million-plus coming from the federal government.

O’Blenes said the city is on solid financial footing and can afford the $8 million.

Comments (48)

Up 2 Down 1

Adam Smith on Jun 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

I think there should be a rule that a council less than 6 months out from an election can not be asked to approve any expense of this magnitude.
Make it an election issue.

Why can't they sell the lot and let the private sector build it? Then lease it back on 5 yr terms.
Having the COW own this building means there is one less incentive for them to actually reduce the size of their workforce.

The sales proceeds could actually be used for a real housing solution. Oops.. I forgot - we all want solutions but we won't do anything about it.

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Twin Mountianview on Jun 9, 2021 at 4:28 pm


The hilarious part is the smooth brains in COW transit don't even have buses that go from WB to downtown. You have to go up to Copper Ridge, then transfer to downtown.


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Ready to go on Jun 9, 2021 at 3:45 pm

@Jim - Point taken, that's why it doesn't have to go through city council. But regardless, it was publicly funded money and there was not fair and transparent process with input by taxpayers. The museum certainly didn't pay for it.

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TMYK on Jun 9, 2021 at 2:29 pm

@TwinMountainview the backed up traffic and making downtown less vehicle friendly is a feature of CoWs planning department and not a bug. The planning department has recommended against any business expansion outside of the downtown core while at the same time recommending features that make the downtown core less vehicle friendly. It’s all on record. They are trying to force people to use their horrible transit system.

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Yukon Justice on Jun 8, 2021 at 7:50 pm

Build this big green monster right across the street from the big white toilet justice building.

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Charlie's Aunt on Jun 8, 2021 at 6:09 pm

Please spare us those ugly green things. An expensive, useless frill with no purpose. Reminiscent of the pikes on London Bridge where heads of supposed traitors were displayed so maybe there is a use for them.

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jim on Jun 8, 2021 at 5:22 pm

@Ready to go, exactly why would we have been involved in the museums design? Or why it would go before council. None of their business as the Museum is not part of the city structure. The only thing the city manages to do is blood suck out as much tax money as they can from the museum.

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unReal on Jun 8, 2021 at 2:52 pm

I recall when they replaced our old airport terminal building (early 80's?), the architects came up with a Spanish motif. That was kiboshed very, very quickly and some others came up with what we have today!

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Anie on Jun 8, 2021 at 1:13 pm

Surely if $24 million is available to build this, then council can free up a couple of thousand to have a qualified arborist look at that tree. I don't believe for a minute staff's argument that it is nearing the end of its natural life. The current city manager was in charge of parks dept back in the 90's when they were planting mayday trees all over the place and then ignoring them while they died from lack of water. Do not accept her word that the tree is dying anyway. Council needs to stop letting the tail wag the dog.

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Twin Mountainview now on Jun 8, 2021 at 10:41 am

The 'deciders' at COW are blindly turning an eye at the monster they have created in Whistlebend. Major arteries back up several times a day (Mountainview, Industrial, Copper Road, Range road and the AK highway between the dump and 2 mile).

While Dan feathers his nest, citizens sit in Toronto style grid lock because of the ineptitude of city planners to see the forest for the trees. Whistlebend is growing at an exponential rate (take a rip through there and see). All the new people are choking out the roads for WB and PC yet no plan in site to alleviate the issues.

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Groucho d'North on Jun 8, 2021 at 10:01 am

A large problem with elected people and construction projects is they become monuments to financial excess. Sure, they will defend their choices by saying it creates jobs and stimulates our local economy, but I believe there should be some prority projects that happen before these egotistic edifices are built.
A second bridge to the east side of the river perhaps; better road maintenance, update the aging infrastructure - remember the road lakes when the water mains burst? Involve the citizens you took an oath to serve and invite suggestions on how to spend the windfall (still our taxes) the Trudeau Liberals have provided to buy more sunny thoughts, and votes of course.

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Ready to go on Jun 8, 2021 at 9:36 am

@"is it approved" -- I don't think that matters. Remember the museum? It went from "concept" to "being built" within a couple weeks. I don't recall ever seeing a tender or decision with City Council.

I wouldn't be surprised if the demolition crew is already hired and ready to go as soon as they find office space for the few workers still there.

Up 12 Down 0

Vern Schlimbesser on Jun 7, 2021 at 6:55 pm

@ "Is it approved yet?"
You nailed it, a truth is obvious and stands all logical tests, once identified.

Up 38 Down 2

Is it approved yet? on Jun 7, 2021 at 4:39 pm

Don't forget the number 1 argument!
If we don't do this now then we may not see those funds again.
The question that is never asked is
"Could we use those funds to fix infrastructure OR build a second bridge into Riverdale? Or build infrastructure that can help ease congestion?"

The answer is "Yes, you could"
But where is the benefit for the City in that!

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Lost In the Yukon on Jun 7, 2021 at 4:07 pm

This should be shelved until after the next election and voters given an opportunity to ask the hard questions that taxpayers have a right to ask ... they can then vote for those who are aligned with their (the citizen’s) wishes.

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WhatDa on Jun 7, 2021 at 12:00 pm

Who exactly are they building this for?

The design looks like a 1960’s version of hospital hallway on a locked ward.
Raise taxes again and again and again for the actual cost versus reality.

There is no logic in this grandiose plan. This is a sham of an undertaking.

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Max Mack on Jun 7, 2021 at 11:04 am

To add insult to injury, the new building will be heated with biomass "wood chips".

Where will the wood chips come from? A sole-sourced contract to a FN Dev Corp or spinoff to supply wood chips from logs trucked up the highway?
Who is going to feed the biomass boiler? How much will cleaning and maintenance cost?
How are we going to pay for these increased costs?

Time for journos to ask some hard questions.

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John on Jun 7, 2021 at 10:10 am

How about you just downsize? Shared office space, small workspaces, small mayor office and common meeting rooms shared by all.

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Josey Wales on Jun 6, 2021 at 6:18 am

Gee...the political theatre continues.
Predetermined outcome, the civic wizards have certainly ordered the leather furniture and are scanning the art collection to adorn “their” chair warming stations and offices.
Not certain if anyone really cares or is actually paying attention, but we are in a state sanctioned class war currently. The nobles here on a civic level.
ACTUALLY feel like royalty has ZERO accountability.
Their fellow blowholes across this once great country run their sty’s as SJW PC Crusader indoctrinators.
We have a complete idiot at the helm of this country that thinks MUCH like our civic wizards...nothing too good for they...at the cost of others.
Engineered by absolutely flaming socialists, often clueless, also cunning and deceptive.

They should be in a zoo like setting, behind glass, fed when they need to eat, fed not when they act as royalty, visited by many daily seeing ...
the support group of monkeys with typewriters hammering out policies and rules in their natural state where narcissistic entitled life forms gather.
Like crocodiles to the rising Nile, where ever there is a giant pool forming of unaccountable power and financial gain?
What the peasants see as their reflection in the water, is tainted with gluttonous crocs. Often they strike when one attempts to merely hydrate to survive.

Up 33 Down 6

My Opinion on Jun 5, 2021 at 5:36 pm

I guess if you get federal Infrastructure money it only makes sense it should all be spent on our Overlords digs. Why would you spend that found money on the peons? I mean it only makes sense, Right????

Up 47 Down 4

My Opinion on Jun 5, 2021 at 5:34 pm

That design just sucks. Plain and simple.

Up 35 Down 4

My Opinion on Jun 5, 2021 at 5:33 pm

Look no further then across the street at K&Z's own building, the old Horwood's Mall. No Fancy Design money being spent there by the Design Gurus. We need a competitive design option from another designer, this is not their own personal playground. It is shocking how many properties thrown. Must be nice.

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Jim on Jun 5, 2021 at 10:47 am

It’s unfortunate to see how our elected officials justify these extravagant building exercises. We now have most government and city departments with locked doors and staff working from home with no end in sight. We spent over 60 million on that Tajmahal on the hill that is barely accessible to the public. So in essence it was built with the sole purpose of luxury accommodations to our public servants. The city spent millions on renovations to a building that they deemed “falling down” to move our fire hall so they can build a fancy transit hub for a bus system that is seldom used. But I’m sure the drunks from the Breakfast Club will enjoy those nice clean washrooms.
Traffic is a disaster in the downtown core and the best solution they can think of is to post lower speed limit signs. This is a giant fail not only by our elected council and mayor, but our administration as well. This type of incompetence in the private sector would cause heads to roll. But the city just goes back to the trough for another feed. Watch how this vote goes and remember at election time for all those who want to be mayors.

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dick on Jun 5, 2021 at 9:38 am

At First, I thought Trudeau's investment in infrastructure was a great idea. I visualized new highway, bridge, transit, and health care infrastructure that was so badly needed. What has happened, is politicians and their vanity, has lead to o excessive spending on projects that - one, we don't really need, and two, we will be paying for, for a long time. I did not mind paying the bill, for the needed infrastructure, and according to those in the know, we could afford, a little debt to achieve it. Now what scares me most, is we may have crossed that threshold where we have accumulated more debt that we can pay for.
The Yukon is an example of that. The cost of all this new spending, will have repercussions long after those that built it have gone.

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CJ2 on Jun 4, 2021 at 11:09 pm

I certainly agree that we need to get those lines on the road. I can't remember missing them so much before. Maybe it's because of the new roadwork.

I thought I misheard the news that the average Yukon household spends more than $100,000 a year. Am I out of touch or is that not a lot of money? That's how you get projects like this one. I had no idea we were so rich. Or rather, that you all were so rich.

I might not mind if buildings were made to last. But it seems like they go for the showy stuff and ignore the details, like they're planning on a lifespan of about 30 years. A city hall should be here into the next century.

Anyway, it's too bad that Kobayashi and Zedda have no love for mid-century design. Because apparently we're stuck with their dismissal of anything about the city as they found it a couple of decades ago.

With projects this size, we should really think of having a design review panel to at least establish some parameters. It's just not fair to let one firm dictate the form the city takes and seemingly skirt any due process to do so. (And I say that in this case because who knew the city was contemplating taking down this city hall until they were presented with a concept and a budget to vote on?)

I get that it can be hard to get consensus about design, but the tone seems increasingly bitter at one firm dominating our built environment.

Up 40 Down 3

Yoduh on Jun 4, 2021 at 9:16 pm

“Take me now Lord”
It’s simple actually, whoever on Council votes for this ostentatious abomination, gets voted off in the next election.

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Crunch on Jun 4, 2021 at 1:10 pm

Watch them delay the vote till after the fall election. If they vote before they get judged on this pipe dream rather than the infustructure changes (traffic) which the city residents desperately need(want). They'll use the " rising cost" issue as a way to bail as things will settle back to more reasonable pricing as things get back to normal.

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Max Mack on Jun 4, 2021 at 11:48 am


Agree with you that Council's plan to throttle traffic is a serious mistake.
But, it's worse than that. I suspect the plan vis-a-vis the transit hub is to deliberately create even more congestion by altering the design and flow of 2nd Avenue in that area. Oh, and to give public transit "priority".

Further, the planned crossing lights at Wood and 2nd are totally unnecessary (there are lights at Main Street, just 2 short blocks away) and will simply create yet another traffic bottleneck.

City planners, the Mayor and Council have become little more than zealots in their puritanical zeal to make the city "safe" for pedestrians and cyclists.

"Zero" risk is not a thing whenever multi-thousand pound vehicles and pedestrians mix. But, this is exactly what Curtis and his acolytes are trying to accomplish.

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Wilf Carter on Jun 4, 2021 at 11:20 am

What if the costs come in over the budget estimate? Do you still go ahead or hold onto the project? Dan Curtis stated that the total project would be $53.5 million now we are up to $90 million and still all costs are not in on the operations building. City residents do you want this at any costs? Material cost are up by 30 to 35% so is it the right time to go ahead with this project or any other projects?

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Sheepchaser on Jun 4, 2021 at 9:03 am

As with the $500k YG spent on a new logo and millions on a website that still doesn’t work a couple years ago, you’d have to be completely lacking in creativity and a sense of proportion to be spending this kind of money on painting over all the negligence and waste with more negligence and waste.

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Dave Laveck on Jun 4, 2021 at 7:53 am

I agree with earlier comments about our roads-we desperately need some planning for the excess traffic we now have. Some of the roadways are also in bad, bad condition. The lines on the hwy. are a bit of a joke. Let’s spend the money where all the taxpayers can enjoy it a little at least.

Up 55 Down 2

Crunch on Jun 3, 2021 at 6:59 pm

There is only one word. Entitlement. It's what happens when money falls out of the clouds. Anyone who came here in the 70's has watched the whole show.

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Yukongirl on Jun 3, 2021 at 6:47 pm

How much more will taxes go up because of this ugly, ugly creation? I cannot imagine anyone having pride in saying “Look at our beautiful new city hall”. It’s a regurgitation of several other unattractive buildings in downtown Whitehorse. There is no creativity involved in this design except, I would expect, in the budget.

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Nathan Living on Jun 3, 2021 at 6:23 pm

Please hold off until after the election.

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I personally love the Native Art on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:34 pm

Granted it is in a medium/colours never used by FN, it probably was "stock images" versus hiring an actual local artist (that would cost more). Looking out the windows will always lead to an impeded view. But still, the native art, wow "Let's just sprinkle some of this on to show diversity." No meaning, no sentiment, no recognition of anything, just a cultural appeasement program. As ridiculous as the bus stops and the buses.
Native art is now a garnish. Something you add a dash of to show "healing and diversity." But, it's a simple artificial feeling. Cold, calculated, steel box, that meets the "legislation," but has no connection to the unique culture of Whitehorse, the Yukon, or its residents. There is nothing there to "ingest." It follows the "nouveau chic" model that represents all "woke architecture." It'll be studied a 100 years from now. "Yes students, this building encompassed all of the elements to appease every group. Make everyone feel safe. It also included no identity marks, no character, and no sense of belonging."

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NickyB on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:33 pm

We DO NOT need a new City Hall.
Fix the roads and upgrade critical infrastructure FIRST.
This is nothing more than superficial aggrandizement.
Those who feel they must have new offices can move up to Curtis-Castle On-The-Hill.

Up 95 Down 6

Seriously on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:25 pm

Are you freaking kidding me?? How can you sit in those elected chairs and seriously believe that it is more important for you to vote and decide on a new city hall building rather than deal with the ongoing traffic issue in this city??? Seeing as how you all thought it would be a brilliant idea to lower the speed limit to 40 from 50, maybe, just maybe you should continue on that thread and figure out how to improve traffic flow in the city! In other words, hell no to a new building!

Up 67 Down 15

Told Ya they stepped on a kleenex box! on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:25 pm

I just didn't think they'd flip it upside down. Oh, would you mind telling us the cleaning bill for those green slats from rain/dirt/wind each year? Or are we going to be like every other building that has them and let them look disgusting after a year? We'll call them the "rain/snow/ice drippers"

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Bingo on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:17 pm

What's the over and under that Kobiashi and Zetta were the consultants and reported that a new building was needed. What's the over and under that K/Z get the contract for some god awful looking tin can?

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VERN SCHLIMBESSER on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:11 pm

"run down"... "nasty, nasty stuff"...Yea we know, COW figures a new palace is due and you haven't built a multi-million dollar monument to yourselves for what....it must be months now.
Run down is better than my house, and there is asbestos in there, but it's fine if you leave it alone.
Once again the press release is crafted to sway public opinion, if you don't know or just gloss over it. There mixing the messages here, trying to confuse the public about what was promised, what has been completed, and what is already budgeted. This is dishonest is it not?

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Yukon star on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:09 pm

People from down South designing this stuff LMAO turning steel street into one lane - can't find a real designer to do something right. lol Second Ave. now going to have traffic lights all the way down pass Boston Pizza.

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corrugated sheet metal for all on Jun 3, 2021 at 4:05 pm

Sigh. Of course it's Kobayashi Zedda. Are there no other architects in the territory? I am not necessarily opposed to a new City Hall but don't put another corrugated sheet metal monstrosity up please. The MacBride museum is ugly enough for all of downtown.

(Side note: this exact comment was "deactivated" by CBC, not sure which words were too harsh for the snowflakes. Especially since i thought i was being nice about it, go figure.)

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Sarah Macklon on Jun 3, 2021 at 3:41 pm

Boy it’s not a pretty building is it ? Another industrial design. I cannot believe they are tearing down Martha Blacks May tree for this. And how do they think a transit hub on 2nd avenue is going to work - it’s already terrible with the current transit stops

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ProScience Greenie on Jun 3, 2021 at 3:40 pm

Has council gone right off the deep end? Stop the stupid right now.
(so hard typing that without lots of swearing)

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Anie on Jun 3, 2021 at 3:21 pm

If K&Z cannot design a building that protects and preserves the historical mayday tree, then their design should not be used. And When are we going to rename Whitehorse to KibyashiZetta Village? Are their no other architects interested in projects for this City?

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The answer is it will be approved on Jun 3, 2021 at 3:12 pm

The reason why is this. If you haven't noticed yet, we're copying a model from Victoria/Vancouver. In order to have a University we need to have transportation that drops students off in the downtown core. Then the HUB, which we use to have by the old cdn tire (when it was the shopping center), will allow people to walk around the city.

The biggest thing the government is doing is this. They are taking fed money, spending it on themselves, while services for the public decline. The reason being the "locals" don't really "need" much money. If we look at our economic condition the more money moved around in government, the more money we need. The council has to approve this for one simple reason:
if we don't then we won't get the money. That's our economic reality. There is no conception of balancing a budget because we don't have one. We also don't have a government.

Show me one element of our territorial or City planning that we'd ACTUALLY had a say in and caused a change?
The government has a policy of this "just put out an online survey, only listen or reach out to the people that agree with our stance, then move ahead with the project." When we're audited (which will never happen) we can show that we have the data that we consulted with the public.

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Jayne W on Jun 3, 2021 at 3:06 pm

Where do I live again? There should be a By Law where any new structures have some sort of Historical (maybe not the right word, I am looking for ) outside look to it. Similar to the Hougen Centre, Starbucks corner, KRS etc. Is K& Z the only architect in town now? I think Council should hold off voting on this till after the fall election. Let the citizens decide who gets in based on their opinion of the building. Any bets on Mayor Curtis giving it one last kick at the can?

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JSM on Jun 3, 2021 at 2:52 pm

You are going to ask the people that operate in the building if they want a brand new state of the art building? hmmm wonder how that decision will go. I have no issue with revamping the frankly sad looking downtown area but I do not think this is the place to start.

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