Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FIRM RECEIVES CONTRACT – On Monday, city council awarded Kobayshi & Zedda Architects a $1.47-million contract (plus the GST) to design a major addition to city hall (above right). The fire hall (left) will be demolished to make way for the addition.

Contract awarded for city hall addition

City council has awarded Kobayshi & Zedda Architects a $1.47-million contract plus the GST to design a major addition to city hall and oversee construction of the project.

By Chuck Tobin on April 28, 2020

City council has awarded Kobayshi & Zedda Architects a $1.47-million contract plus the GST to design a major addition to city hall and oversee construction of the project.

Council voted on the award Monday evening after taking an unusual step of going in camera, or behind closed doors, to discuss the matter.

Council returned to the public meeting a half-hour later and voted to award the contract.

Earlier this month, some concern was raised by members of council regarding the disqualification of the firm that submitted a price $400,000 lower than the bid by Kobayshi & Zedda.

It was noted the firm’s bid did pass the technical evaluation but was disqualified in phase two after the pricing envelope was opened.

Council voted earlier this month to defer the contract award in order to have more time to understand the evaluation process.

The award was approved Monday by a vote of six to one, with Coun. Samson Hartland registering the only opposing vote.

The administrative report provided to council Monday said the evaluation process was reviewed and it was determined the process was in conformity with city policy.

A legal review was conducted and it was determined there was no evidence suggesting any of the bids received were treated unfairly, council was told.

The city hall project is budgeted at $20.8 million, with $16 million coming from the Yukon and federal governments.

Administration reminded council Monday evening it was important to award the design work this spring in order to be ready to issue a construction tender by the spring of 2021. The funding from the two senior governments requires that the project be complete by March 2023.

Hartland told his colleagues he would prefer to cancel the existing request for proposals and instead issue a new RFP.

But the majority of council indicated Monday they were satisfied with the review of the evaluation process and did not want to see the project delayed.

“Administration has determined that there is no evidence that this procurement was conducted other than in conformance with city policy,” says the administrative report.

The fire hall next to city hall is scheduled to be torn down once the new fire hall under construction on Black Street is ready for occupancy.

The lot will be used to accommodate the addition to city hall and will include a new indoor transit transfer station complete with public washrooms.

The project also involves a major retrofit to city hall to improve energy efficiency.

Many of the city employees working at the Municipal Services Building on Fourth Avenue who are not moving up to the new Operations Building off Range Road will be moving into the new city hall.

Comments (18)

Up 7 Down 3

Jane on May 3, 2020 at 8:20 pm

....so when are they building a new city animal shelter to replace the one that's been falling apart for years? City management, politicians and priorities. Pfffhhhh.

Up 9 Down 0

Gringo on May 3, 2020 at 6:48 pm

@Anie...I stopped and I’ve thought....why are we all guessing, it’s on the COW to tell the tax payers the people who elected them what the reason is period.

Up 3 Down 19

Anie on May 1, 2020 at 3:21 pm

Stop and think for a minute folks. Perhaps the other bid included info that created a concern that the bidder could not do the work within the price. Perhaps the team did not have the expertise or experience that is needed. Would it be fair to make that public? If you were the bidder, would you want it discussed in public ? If you were a councillor would you feel comfortable doing that? I would not.

Up 41 Down 0

One One-Lesser-Voice on Apr 30, 2020 at 12:06 pm

Thanks Hartland
This was discussed in public and a closed door meeting is not good.
Council and administration should tell why the lowest bidder was not good for the work.

Up 33 Down 1

Astonished one on Apr 30, 2020 at 9:48 am

So will there be ten (10) city buildings now? Who will man all these buildings?
Better start dreaming up titles and intended responsibilities Bill. 9 for 1.

Up 13 Down 12

Kent Brockman on Apr 29, 2020 at 8:14 pm

I for one, welcome our new corrugated sheet metal fortress dwellers in the city hall extension.

Up 48 Down 0

stephen on Apr 29, 2020 at 12:57 pm

Hartland first you can cancel a RFP, but unless you are able to prove a significant change in the scope of work you can't go back out to the market for about a year. If you do you could be considered bid shopping and that is illegal in Canada.

I would like to know why the lower bid was set aside. As its public money there has to be a reason. I hear and FOI coming from any smart reporters.

Up 57 Down 2

Jack on Apr 29, 2020 at 12:38 am

The city needs to get its priorities straight. All this council seems to have done is built themselves nice offices and given themselves raises.
Why aren't they striving to control costs?

Up 49 Down 2

One One-Lesser-Voice on Apr 28, 2020 at 6:42 pm

It's our money, they should not have gone in camera.

Up 51 Down 0

Tater on Apr 28, 2020 at 5:22 pm

"The city hall project is budgeted at $20.8 million, with $16 million coming from the Yukon and federal governments."
The source of funding is TAXPAYERS!

Up 53 Down 0

Matthew on Apr 28, 2020 at 5:20 pm

Old news. What we want to know is who will be covering the 20-30% extra when it comes in over budget.. surely it's gotta be KZA? Nah, it's me and you. silly!

Up 50 Down 0

Gringo on Apr 28, 2020 at 5:17 pm

"disqualified in phase two after the pricing envelope was opened" Why, Why, Why that is the 1.47 Million Dollar Question!

Up 56 Down 2

Corrugated sheet metal for everyone on Apr 28, 2020 at 3:48 pm

I am disgusted but not surprised.
Are there no other architects in the territory?

Up 51 Down 0

Thomas Brewer on Apr 28, 2020 at 3:25 pm

What are they hiding??? Time for reporters to start digging and asking hard questions.

Up 10 Down 36

Politico on Apr 28, 2020 at 3:10 pm

Does Hartland vote yes for anything?

Up 57 Down 2

Wes on Apr 28, 2020 at 2:17 pm

KZA was involved with the Municipal Services Building fiasco where a local helicopter company, Trans North, was forced to move because someone didn't investigate clearances to the property from flight paths and how that would impact Trans Norths business.
Shouldn't this negligence have automatically excluded them from this City of Whitehorse project?

Up 60 Down 1

BnR on Apr 28, 2020 at 2:06 pm

KZA gets the golden handshake, again!
Words of wisdom to any other architectural firm, just don't bother, KZA have it all sewn up.

Up 61 Down 0

Mr M on Apr 28, 2020 at 1:04 pm

Ha ha ha . Had to have known the winning bid would get disqualified and KZ Architects would get the contract. Also they aren't building a new Fire Hall they are retrofitting an existing building.

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