Whitehorse Daily Star

Comments should be thoughtful, not abusive

Ed. note: this is a statement to readers from the Star’s ownership and staff.

By Whitehorse Star on January 19, 2024

Ed. note: this is a statement to readers from the Star’s ownership and staff.

Re. Whitehorse Star comments section at whitehorsestar.com

In past months, we have had an ongoing issue with the comments section of the Whitehorse Star.

The comments section is not about censoring anyone. As a 124-year-old independent newspaper, we know the importance of allowing freedom of opinion.

Our readers should be allowed to express themselves, but the Star does not have to provide the venue for that.

Keeping the comments section open is a choice we’ve made, but it can be cancelled at any time. The Star is one of few media organizations that permit comments, and it’s rapidly becoming too large a task.

The abuse that comes in is astonishing.

People are complaining that comments are censored or not put up fast enough. We don’t look at the comments on weekends or after regular business hours.

Moderating comments is very time-consuming.

Comments have never been moderated on a volunteer basis, as has been suggested by some people. We will not be looking for someone or group to do this, as it is just not feasible.

However a lot of the comments that we receive are just plain nasty to one group or another. Some might find it humorous – but that doesn’t make it publishable. (It is amazing what some people will write when they don’t use their real name.)

The biggest problem with the comments is the length at which some of you will go to when you don’t like a comment, or when your comment is 
not published.

Everyone who writes a comment thinks theirs is 100-per-cent right, and any and all dissenting views are wrong.

The hate and vulgarity that we see are incredible. We are sworn at, called names and even threatened with violence.

We have been told comments will be nailed to the door if we don’t comply.

Ninety-nine per cent of this is done anonymously, of course – and with the use of fake email addresses.

While we are doing our best to keep the comments section open, there are some who consistently make that hard to do.

Just because a comment doesn’t get posted doesn’t mean we are a Communist or Fascist organization that is denying people their right to have their opinions.

Furthermore, we don’t care what side of the political spectrum you are on. We are non-political, and give access to all points, from far left to far right.

If people have that strong of an opinion and want that belief out there for all to read, please consider writing a letter to the editor. With letters, of course, you are required to submit your real name, which, with very rare exceptions, will be published.

However, that being said, here some of the rules for the comment section of our website.

You are supposed to send in comments with real names, not anonymously, as well as genuine addresses – not some of the nasty, made-up ones we see on a regular basis.

In the past, in certain circumstances, we have allowed anonymous comments so people could avoid having confrontations with employers or people in public in a small city as Whitehorse. The problem is that some commenters take advantage of this.

We don’t publish anything that can be considered libelous and or slanderous, racist or discriminatory. (What you consider to be libelous or slanderous may differ from the law’s definitions.)

You are not supposed to insult or degrade anybody because you don’t like their appearance, i.e. clothing or hair colour/style or what have you.

The Star cannot publish content taken from Facebook that may violate a court-imposed publication ban, or any other information that we cannot independently verify. Just because you saw it on the Internet does not necessarily make it true.

In the final analysis, we are not obligated to publish any comments from anyone.

Comments (24)

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David Roddick on Jan 26, 2024 at 12:28 pm

“Wokism”, really? Is the new Star new comments policy now going to admit any expression, so long as it can be found on the web?

Wokism is a polarizing term for which there is no “left-right” ideological equivalence. It is a term used by those who subscribe to a culture of grievance or “cancel culture”. It denies to others a historical grievance, no matter what its basis in fact. It does so by suggesting those who do acknowledge such histories are gullible and weak - “snowflakes”. The only requirement to join this club is to adopt the use of such terms.

The adopters of “woke” engage in discussions from a starting a point as if they themselves were ‘victims of victimhood’. To label something as “woke” - such as the concept of ‘gender fluidity’ - is to claim a right to demean others, and to deny them respect and dignity, as if it were an affront to one’s own dignity - rather than plain ignorance or prejudice. It is the politics of purity and pollution.

In this way, a “woke” attitude gives rise to a whole new vocabulary, built around the denial of others’ historical grievances, humanity, or freedom of conscience. There are legitimate debates as to whether society has pushed the idea of “victimhood” too far. But proponents of “wokism” typically do not engage this claim on the basis of facts. Instead, they assert a right to label arguments as “woke” as an exercise freedom of speech, as if speech itself were their own private language.

Do Star readers really want the comments page - or letters to editor for that matter - littered with words from a private, coded language? Or instead, clear expressions of thought and opinions on events coupled with reasoned thinking?

Mark Twain once described a gold mine is “a hole in the ground with a liar standing at the top of the hole”. The Star’s gold panner masthead and motto “Illegitimus Non Carborundum” evokes the same notion: A place for sifting truth from dirt. “Wokism” vocabularies are like bottomless pits, filled with dissemblance and misdirection. There is plenty of dirt out there in the form of Yukon newspeak for Star reporters to unpack without the opinion page manufacturing its own. Let’s stick with plain language.

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Al on Jan 24, 2024 at 9:16 pm

The term Woke or Wokism made it's way into everyday vocabulary around 2010.

If you want to get an excellent read on the subject there is an excellent read in an article (much too long for this forum) by Dr Chris Drew. You can find it at the following link:


I really do encourage all to have a look.

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Anie on Jan 24, 2024 at 3:30 pm

The tone of this article is very impolite. It reminds me of the approach taken at the ultra religious school I was sent to as a child, where we were regularly lumped into general descriptions of the dregs of society. But I'm not a child any longer, and I think I can respectfully point out that I find the attitude implied by the tone of the article to be, well, I think rude.

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CC Sabatical on Jan 24, 2024 at 2:34 pm

@ Apex Parasite

This all seems so confusing to me, It sounds like being "woke" is a good thing? Or at least that it means you care about others or global issues? But it makes no sense to me that you either are woke, or aren't. Or why it's being used as a slur then. Im not with all the new lingo but it basically sounds like a replacement for "Hippie" or something like that that was used more back in my day.

Thanks for your time explaining it though!

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Yukoner ‘71 on Jan 23, 2024 at 5:47 pm

Star. I have written many comments that are not hateful, nasty, slanderous or put anyone down but rather give a viewpoint from someone who has been in this territory for many decades. My viewpoint sometimes does not mesh with today’s status quo so you simply often choose to ignore them and not post them much as you probably won’t post this comment. You asked the community what you need to do to stay relevant in the 21st century and people answered by saying keep the comment section open.

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Apex Parasite on Jan 23, 2024 at 2:45 pm


Woke is a generally left leaning term meaning, more or less, that you are left leaning and are woke to the needs of the planet, marginalized groups, abused animals, etc. Woke used to be an obviously positive term but, to me, seems to have been weaponized in that now it represents more the "woke" and those who are not woke, the two sides representing the whole. You're either woke, or you are not woke. You can't be woke on climate change but not on gender fluid rhetoric. That makes you a woke poser. You cannot cherry pick wokeness. You are either in or you are out. By extension this might mean that you have issues pertaining to one area of woke but are otherwise perfectly woke. Sadly you are still labeled any number of ists or phobes because you are not fully committed to woke. So you cannot say I'm for EV's but don't agree with veganism....that's not woke. That is half asleep. So basically woke cannot be wrong and if you are not woke you are obviously a bigot, a racist, a transphobe or any number of unflattering labels as the situation dictates. I used to be woke, then I fell from grace with all things holy as I could no longer keep up with the causes jumping on to the wokewagon and just gave up trying. Mostly I try not to be an A$%hole, with varying degrees of failure.

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Juniper1 Jackson on Jan 23, 2024 at 2:30 pm

Star.. I was so sorry to read that people even threatened you people. That happened to me too, and threatened my kids. I stopped posting my real name. I used a fake for protection, but I see that others anonymous to let their inner beast out..but, I know how those threats and some kind of strange anger feel.

In print? I thought some of the off the wall comments were bad..but, I thought that if someone had a place to air it? On the plus side, so many knowledgeable people offering so much insight into some of our issues.. In all the years I watched this forum, you did not print twice. And, I understood both times. Both were my bad. I am however, grateful that you are keeping the forum open. Many of us read the Star because someone else left it behind.. :) Hoping your editors have a good New Year.

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Dave Roddick on Jan 23, 2024 at 1:46 pm

Thank you for making this change. The move to curate fair comment should improve readership. A further helpful step to encourage wider participation would be to dispense with the 👍 and 👎 buttons. Since these are anonymous, they tend to steer opinions in one direction or the other, rewarding controversial, polarizing views and inhibiting the expression of new ideas.

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Spud on Jan 23, 2024 at 12:37 pm

Absolutely no one should be exposed to threats, vulgarity, intimidation. In the past there have been contributions that were racist, hateful, generalizations of different groups in the Yukon. Mainly if I may say so, the First People of this land,
I am super encouraged that the WS is moving past this and encouraging everyone to be respectful. Like my mom used to say, we are all here, we are not going anywhere, why not get along. We are all Yukoners, let's set an example.

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Groucho d'North on Jan 23, 2024 at 11:43 am

I am encouraged to read the comments below and how some of our citizens are considering the changes taking place regarding communications and dialog on issues important to the community. There has been a decline in some people’s ability to conduct a conversation about issues some may consider controversial. From my point of view, I see it as an inability to share ideas or opinions without getting emotionally invested and as a result many have created a kill switch of some kind to end the discussion if they cannot respond with a thoughtful statement. Some will be accused of being racist, or far-right or to the other side, Woke, or some other accusation designed to end the conversation.
As I understand it, debate is no longer taught in our school system. That’s a shame as more new and improved communications tools and networks are available for all of us to share thoughts and ideas around the world on about just about anything. Yet while we can engage with more people about more topics, the conversations have turned into competitions.
Phycologists are saying people now listen to refute, not to understand. The objective is to win the debate or discussion and the rules of respect, politeness and understanding account for very little anymore. Is this a result of social media and the ability to toss your two cents into a discussion without any consequence?
Someone once said, “The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a discussion.” Too true!

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Patti Eyre on Jan 23, 2024 at 11:19 am

I personally love these new changes!

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Apex Parasite on Jan 23, 2024 at 10:14 am

@ CC....you asked a very valid and non offensive question, yet you will see people downvote it based on I don't know what really. Perhaps the very fact that you used the word woke? Being judged for not knowing what woke is? Being judged for admitting your age may have something to do with not knowing what a term means and so you are not worthy? But that's the tone, potentially being down voted, or judged, for even daring to ask what is woke.

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CC Sabatical on Jan 23, 2024 at 7:27 am

I have seen this work mentioned 100x recently with little understanding of what it actually means. If someone would be so kind as to define the term "woke" for me that would be fantastic. I feel like I am lacking context in my age.

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LeslieMcRae on Jan 22, 2024 at 4:41 pm

Thank you for posting your position. I agree with you, Virginia Labelle and most of the others in the comments. As well, there is no reason why employees of the Whitehorse Star should be exposed to threats, vulgarity or intimidation. That is disgusting and unacceptable. Thank you.

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Apex Parasite on Jan 22, 2024 at 11:20 am

Comments should be respectful and also moderated but in saying that it must also be said that if the only comments allowed are "in line" with current woke ideologies then what's the point really?

You should respectfully be able to disagree with a topic without it automatically being labeled hate speech. This includes areas such as lgbt and the burgeoning gender fluid narrative.

It was much the same during the high point of the covid narrative. Any rhetoric contrary to the vax or how to mitigate having covid was thoroughly squashed. Come to find, in time, that we were fed a lot of misinformation while legit accurate information was written off as misinformation in itself. If you questioned the efficacy of the vax many would treat you as a heretic or worse when really the questions were valid; and this was even after the truth started to come out. The vax turned into a hugely divisive topic where only one side was allowed to speak.

If only one side is able to express an opinion then there really is no point at all trying to comment.

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stephen Kay on Jan 22, 2024 at 8:33 am

I agree completely with your stance. How interesting it is people can be nasty and do so under assumed names and emails. People tend to be too afraid to show their true colours under their real name. Stay the course and know those that the majority of us reading your paper support your stance. You should not have to explain yourself to the far right or far left.

It's one thing to disagree its another to bully, threaten, intimidate, etc.

I would hope the Star turns over to the police any threats of violence so the police can follow the IP address and engage the person(s).

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Josey on Jan 21, 2024 at 8:22 pm

Yeah, that's easy for you in your ivory tower to spout off about.

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Vern Schlimbesser on Jan 21, 2024 at 2:22 pm

Yes Vern is a pseudonym.
You have done a pretty good job over the 50 years I have been here, and I appreciate it, and I thank you for it.
We all watch as you under go changes, look for new direction, and purpose.
I am not the only one to remind you that continue to exist because you are different. EXACTLY BECAUSE YOU ARE DIFFERENT.
Become another woke media source and, unfortunately, you will become irrelevant and endure what that entails.
But at least it will be fast never fear.

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YT on Jan 21, 2024 at 7:22 am

Sometimes, the actions of our governments regardless of party are worth scathing comments.
That being said, The Star does have the write to publish whatever it wants.
That’s not censorship/communism/fascism/whateverism, that’s business.
Buy copy at our local stores, take out an ad,
We don’t want to lose The Star.

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MikeP aka. North_of_60 on Jan 20, 2024 at 9:01 pm

Thank you for publishing rules for the comment section. They appear reasonable and I don't see a problem abiding by them.

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Moose101 on Jan 20, 2024 at 6:20 am

We’ll put but I would think there are many out there that think this is there personal paper and The Star cannot sensor there comments.Don’t let the Bastards grind you down

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John Smythe on Jan 19, 2024 at 6:41 pm

The Star is one of the only papers that continues to allow reader comments. I hope it doesn’t have to be discontinued.
The fact that people are commenting means that the audience is engaged and as an amateur journalist myself I can assure you that nothing strokes a journalist’s ego more than knowing he or she has struck a cord with their readers.
In my opinion that is what true journalism is all about.

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bonanzajoe on Jan 19, 2024 at 4:13 pm

Use Disquis. Let them do the Moderating.

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Virginia Labelle on Jan 19, 2024 at 2:44 pm

Completely agree with the Star's position on this. If you have to close the comments section because of the nature of the comments and the resources needed to moderate, please do so. We can always write!

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