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NDP Leader Kate White

Clarify stance on trans rights, NDP tells YP

NDP Leader Kate White is calling on the Yukon Party to clarify its position on trans rights.

By Whitehorse Star on September 14, 2023

NDP Leader Kate White is calling on the Yukon Party to clarify its position on trans rights.

She is doing so after federal Conservatives overwhelmingly endorsed a ban on gender-affirming care for trans kids at the party’s convention last weekend in Quebec City.

“Where the federal Conservative Party goes, their Yukon cousins are likely to follow,” White said Wednesday.

“For many folks, gender-affirming care, like hormone therapies, is life-saving. It is an essential part of our health care system.”

Yukoners, White added, “deserve to know exactly where Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party stand on this issue.

“Does Currie Dixon stand with trans and gender-diverse kids here in the Yukon? Or would he force them grow up in bodies that don’t match who they are?” White asked.

“Trans kids deserve to live in bodies that match who they are.”

Asked about White’s statements, Dixon stated later Wednesday, “I believe that the Yukon should be a safe and welcoming place for all people, regardless of their gender or sexuality.

“Despite progress towards inclusivity and equality, we recognize that many transgender and non-binary people continue to face discrimination.

“Each and every transgender person is deserving of respect, dignity and equality, and we’ll continue to fight to ensure those rights are respected and protected.

“The Yukon Party has no official relationship with any federal party,” Dixon added.

Comments (3)

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Joe Boyle on Sep 14, 2023 at 3:59 pm

People can’t get a doctor here and this is what Miss White is focusing on?

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Groucho d'North on Sep 14, 2023 at 3:15 pm

As I see it, Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms includes ALL Canadians so from this perspective I believe we are all equal in programs and services available to us. Are some asking for more than the rest of us, moreover, are they asking for something not identified within the Charter?

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George and jane on Sep 14, 2023 at 2:44 pm

This is not a complicated issue. Children under 16 require parental supervision and support for all decisions. You don't have to be a doctor or clinician to understand brain development in children and their ability to make life altering decisions at that age is limited. As per the rest of Canada, the significant majority of Yukoners support this. Kate you should focus on the liberal coalition mess you've made for Yukoners.

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