![Image title](https://whitehorsestar.blob.core.windows.net/images/StoryPhoto_55797.jpg)
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Mayor Laura Cabott
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Mayor Laura Cabott
Free transit is coming to Whitehorse, courtesy of the territorial government.
Free transit is coming to Whitehorse, courtesy of the territorial government.
The city’s mayor, however, wonders why council wasn’t consulted before last Tuesday’s announcement – or whether there are better ways to increase ridership.
As part of the new Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) between the Liberals and the NDP, the government has committed to fully subsidizing bus fares in Whitehorse.
Mayor Laura Cabott said in an interview last Thursday she was happy to hear of that, but doesn’t know why city council hadn’t been consulted – or at least informed – earlier.
“I had a brief conversation with the minister of Community Services (Richard Mostyn) and a brief conversation with the leader of the third party, Kate White,” Cabott told the Star.
“But that was after the announcement was made. There was no consultation, no discussion beforehand.”
She said she’s excited the government is interested in improving Whitehorse’s transit service, but providing those services is the city’s jurisdiction.
“The City of Whitehorse needs to be part of that conversation,” she said.
“So we’re happy to share some information, have some discussions, but just sort of landing on free transit may not necessarily be the solution to the City of Whitehorse’s goal, which is to increase ridership.”
In the past two years, the city has completed studies on transit service and demand in an effort to bolster ridership, relieve traffic congestion and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Cabott said the results of those studies and a public survey in light of route changes found people want better service, not free service.
“So more frequency,” she said. “Or increase the number of bus stops, or put in some bus shelters.
“Or if I want to get from A to B, don’t make me go in a different direction, and then have to transfer over …. That’s what we heard from people.”
She said the new transit routes and scheduling council approved in December 2022 were the result of that feedback and research. (Those changes will start in the summer).
The city has also already committed money in its capital budget for a study of free and subsidized transit fares.
“So this is a surprise,” Cabott said. “It was sort of a unilateral decision without the City of Whitehorse being involved.”
Cabott said the transit system costs about $6 million a year to run, and is already heavily subsidized. The city’s operations budget for transit is about $1.5 million.
She’s worried that if free transit funding from the territory is introduced through a CASA, which expires in 2025, the program could be short-lived, and the city would have to raise taxes substantially if it wanted to continue a free service.
Cabott said she hasn’t heard any timeline for implementing a free service.
She hopes to talk with the government about its plans, and whether the money can be used to enhance services rather than cover the costs for riders.
Whitehorse Transit resumed fare collection on Canada Day 2022, after fares had been suspended the previous May 18 to encourage ridership and reduce peak-time traffic congestion during the Robert Service Way closure after the April mudslide.
In December 2022, the city celebrated one-time funding of $754,000 from the Yukon and federal governments to help offset some of the negative impacts of COVID-19 on the transit service’s revenue streams.
The total contribution was $377,000 from each government.
“We know that residents in our community rely heavily on transit to get to work, run errands, or meet friends,” Cabott said at the time.
“We also know that a modern transit system reduces our impact on the environment, connects our communities, and helps us grow an accessible city for all.”
Whitehorse Transit’s investments have included improved routes and service on statutory holidays and Sundays.
The system has its roots in a series of pale green-and-white mini-buses that began circulating through the city in the mid-1970s, with the Yukon Status of Women Council as a key catalyst in creating the service.
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Comments (36)
Up 8 Down 0
Cloudberry on Feb 10, 2023 at 6:02 pm
COW hasn’t made any positive momentum on transit in decades.
Take the money Laura and focus on municipal issues roads, garbage, sewers, transit and lot development.
Leave the sister city and ceremony BS until you’ve got the city fixed.
Up 16 Down 4
the future on Feb 8, 2023 at 10:12 pm
This is the next stage of setting up Whitehorse to be a 15 minute City. They don't need to consult with anyone because the NWO will just do what it wants.
SMART cities because ghetto prison camp is too much truth.
S - surveillance
M - monitoring
A - analysis
R - reporting
T - technology
Up 21 Down 0
North_of_60 on Feb 8, 2023 at 5:59 pm
@CJ2 is right, that transfer policy isn't encouraging people to use the bus. The CoW should be making transit more convenient not more inconvenient. C'mon Mayor & Council, DO something to make transit work better with the powers you have, instead of forming yet another expensive committee to "study" it.
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Carson Drew on Feb 8, 2023 at 2:07 pm
Don't feel bad Laura. They did not consult with residential property owners before they threw us under the bus to stay in power either. It's the Ranj and Kate show.
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Groucho d'North on Feb 8, 2023 at 8:20 am
Even within their cadre of like-minded municipal members, the Liberals don't consult. It's not as easy as dictating.
Up 34 Down 1
CJ2 on Feb 7, 2023 at 10:33 pm
Nobody with any alternative at all declines to take the bus because it costs too much. There's a whole lot of things that should come first to make it more viable.
I do think the transfer system is positively medieval (you can only use a transfer for the next scheduled bus), not to mention mean-spirited. Cities like Toronto and Vancouver relaxed those kinds of restrictions on transfers years ago. Let people have a coffee or do an errand or two and take the bus after the next one.
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North_of_60 on Feb 7, 2023 at 8:17 pm
Free transit will turn into a heated mobile party wagon for derelicts, druggies and homeless. Vandalism will increase and ridership will fall.
However, it would be possible to make monthly bus passes very inexpensive. This would benefit regular responsible riders.
Up 43 Down 4
Geoff Capp on Feb 7, 2023 at 5:29 pm
Beware of socialists promising free things. They're not free because somebody's paying for what has to be paid for (vehicles, fuel, maintenance, driver salaries, garage). What happens when the NDP decides grocery stores must let food go for free? Eventually, people on the paying end will say, "NOT ANY MORE!" and they'll quit their work or leave the jurisdiction, and the money well will go dry.
And Max Mack is exactly right: criminal elements will take advantage of it to get aboard without paying. If you don't have to pay for it, you don't form a respect for it, and the transit system is just as much in need of respect.
Socialism only works until the government runs out of other people's money, and the NDP is socialist, no matter what "nice" labels they want to put on it like "social democracy". If you pin a New Democrat down to tell you what society looks like once "social democracy" is fully achieved, it will sound exactly like socialism.
Up 74 Down 6
Crunch on Feb 7, 2023 at 2:26 pm
Heads should roll on this one. Watch what happens. The City will get something else for (free) at the expense of inflation. Yukon: the home of incompetence.
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Max Mack on Feb 7, 2023 at 1:58 pm
Free busing is not a thing. It is, in fact, costing somebody money. Just not the users of the service.
Funny how the "progressives" argue that free transportation is a right, but driving a motor vehicle is a privilege and one that should be discouraged or outright banned.
Free public transit, as a general rule, has not worked out well in other jurisdictions. To begin with, the ridership doesn't change. Users of free public transit tend to be people who would take the bus anyway or that walk or cycle. Most people that drive to work are not going to take transit -- even if it is free.
In addition, there are little fiscal restraints on a "free" service . . . the provider of the service (CoW) can endlessly expand routes, bus frequency, etc, as demanded by activist groups and empire-building administrators until the taxpaying public revolts. At that point, the cost of the system will have escalated to such a degree that things truly will be critical.
Finally, there may well be unanticipated consequences of attracting a cohort of people that have little to no respect for anything that they don't pay for. Vandalism, graffiti, drunkenness, sleeping on buses, or unruly behaviour may be an outcome . . .
Up 22 Down 8
Body language on Feb 7, 2023 at 10:29 am
Nice hand gesture, Laura.
Up 83 Down 8
Exercise in empathy on Feb 7, 2023 at 10:18 am
The mayor who is running the city with 13% of the vote was usurped by the unelected premier. 😆
Up 86 Down 7
Overconfidence and Supply on Feb 7, 2023 at 10:08 am
Don’t take it personally, your worship. Last year Kate decided what I can charge for rent. The year before that, she decided my backyard was the best location for a safe injection site. We’re all under Big Kate’s big thumb together.
Up 36 Down 7
John - with a J on Feb 7, 2023 at 9:38 am
I guess laura doesn’t read the Star, because everybody else in Whitehorse read about it days beforehand.
More dumb political games - again.
Up 40 Down 4
YUKONER on Feb 7, 2023 at 8:45 am
What A joke.
Up 38 Down 6
Bell on Feb 7, 2023 at 8:11 am
Oh the politics here!
Cabott has never really sold herself as a Good politician. She's the Mayor of Whitehorse and doesn't seem to understand that in the scheme of politics.
And she's in tough with her Council.....a mix of wanttoland and disneyland.
Good luck to us!
Up 74 Down 6
Jack on Feb 6, 2023 at 8:11 pm
Wow this Liberal government is incompetently rolling out their gimmicks again. What next, free broadband without consulting NWTel? Free electricity? Free Air North?
Nothing is free, we all pay for it somehow.
Up 61 Down 5
Sorceress on Feb 6, 2023 at 7:52 pm
When I pull up to a red light and I glance over at the City bus, from my truck… I better see Ranj, Kate, Currie and Laura on that bus… smiling and waving at me… sitting together with the rest of the ridership… or maybe they have a short bus for them?…. until that day arrived I will be driving my truck.
Up 64 Down 5
George on Feb 6, 2023 at 7:32 pm
Unelected coalition making unilateral decisions without consulting stakeholders. That's what you do when you don't have a public mandate.
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Trevor on Feb 6, 2023 at 7:09 pm
Wow a concept out of the blue. It might be a good idea. But why does Whitehorse need Free transit? They have Transit, it needs tweaking to make it work. What the Yukon needs is a reliable, consistent, and affordable bus network connecting all Yukon communities. That would be an endeavour worth supporting and subsidizing. It would make meaningful contribution to the entire Yukon economy on many levels. We need our Government to stop thinking Whitehorse and start thinking YUKON.
Up 43 Down 5
Still fed up on Feb 6, 2023 at 6:57 pm
Typical of this government just doing whatever it wants to with no consultation with anyone ! Transit is and always has been a big question mark with Whitehorse residents. It still makes us wonder why the COW runs buses on Sunday ? THEY ARE EMPTY ! Take a look people ! No wonder it costs so much to keep them running ! Oh, but there are a couple of people who have to work on Sunday, so we better put the buses out there !
The last big plan that was suppose to change all the routing got brushed right under the carpet, with a huge amount of money gone......from two years of planning ! Well.....there was a couple of hundred people who complained....so we better cancel ! Bumper to bumper traffic every morning and after work......that's a lot of vehicles on the road ! Is ridership on Whitehorse Transit up ??
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David on Feb 6, 2023 at 6:06 pm
I think free transit is a great idea.
Up 12 Down 28
Thank you Mayor on Feb 6, 2023 at 5:41 pm
Thank you for seemingly being the only one in our local/territorial government with any sense.
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Charlie's Aunt on Feb 6, 2023 at 5:19 pm
A perfect case of dumb and dumber. Another poorly thought out brain child of the NDP, knowing COW had done a riders' survey a smart idea would have been to consult with COW on results of survey. What's even worse is Ranj & co agreeing without consulting COW. Have the collective brains evaporated?
Up 6 Down 30
Owen Williams on Feb 6, 2023 at 5:02 pm
I love the minibus ! I've been popping on and off the minibus since I was a kid. Let's have a free minibus! From each according to their ability, to each according to their need is a good idea. Only connect.
Up 62 Down 6
Mark on Feb 6, 2023 at 4:59 pm
It is surprising that not one person from neither the NDP nor Liberal Party seem to understand the jurisdictional boundaries of the Territorial Government. Moreover, not one person from either partly thought to consult or inform the City of Whitehorse about the funding for transit service. Did either the NDP or Liberal Party campaign on the idea to fund transit? What mandate do they believe they have for this program?
How ludicrous would it be if our municipal government suddenly announced funding for a program in the Department of Health and Social Services? How about buy a few dump trucks for the Department of Highways and Public Works?
Kate and the NDP have confidence in themselves, and an abundance of “confidence” that the Liberal Party will do as they are told…or else.
Pillai needs to call an election or (at a minimum) abandon the CASA. This “transit” fiasco is a perfect example of the output of the CASA…and they are just getting started. If democracy and the wishes of the electorate are still relevant, then it is time for Pillai to make a bold move.
Note to Laura Cabott: Start ordering new letterhead. Premier Kate has decided to change “the” name of the city. Mostyn will let you know about the change after he makes the announcement at the news conference. Regards, Mark.
Up 70 Down 3
Bingo on Feb 6, 2023 at 4:48 pm
Appears all Yukoners will be on the financial hook for Whitehorse proper free transit. You cannot make this level of incompetence up.
Up 43 Down 12
yukon56 on Feb 6, 2023 at 4:45 pm
No one rides the busses I see them with one or 2 people Cheaper to pay for cabs.
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Matthew on Feb 6, 2023 at 3:44 pm
Classic! Politics at its finest! Ha! More examples of no one knows what's going on anymore..
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Nathan Living on Feb 6, 2023 at 3:35 pm
It's a little disrespectful to not have discussed this with the City. However, the Liberals and NDP have their ears to the ground and have heard directly from Whitehorse residents.
Also, the City is often not responsive to the needs and wants of their residents.
Up 43 Down 6
Happy dance on Feb 6, 2023 at 3:18 pm
Don’t worry, premier Kate White is in control of the situation..
Up 54 Down 7
John on Feb 6, 2023 at 3:04 pm
Well there you have it. In one fell swoop last Tuesday Pillai managed to not only piss off landlords and other folk through lack of consultation, but also the CoW as well.
Son you are not off to a great start. In fact I would venture to say that this is what happens when you jump into bed with the devil - you reap the rewards of that venture.
So now we have more of the same - damage control with the blame game about to ensue. Hate to it say young fella, it all falls on your shoulders. All you had to say to both proposal is either no, or we will at least review the idea. No escaping dumb. If it wasn't so bizarre it would be funny...
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Lost in the yukon on Feb 6, 2023 at 3:03 pm
… another uninformed idea brought to by Kate “how far out of touch” White
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Yukoner on Feb 6, 2023 at 2:58 pm
Liberals can't even be bothered to pick up the phone to one of their own prior to signing the agreement. Shows how thrown together CASA really was. Kate with Ranj over a barrel.
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Daphne Privett on Feb 6, 2023 at 2:55 pm
I am thinking that is would be so good not to have to pay for bus fares. I love the idea not to have to be concerned about that go anywhere in Whitehorse sure would make things alot easier.
Up 56 Down 4
Thomas Brewer on Feb 6, 2023 at 2:48 pm
Good luck ever being able to charge a fare for taking the bus again, all the special interest groups will scream bloody murder.
Nice legacy Kate, but it follows the NDP's formula of spending until we're all broke.