Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

UNDER WATER – Several property owners along Loganberry Lane in the Hidden Valley subdivision are seeing high water in their yards. Some driveways, such as the one seen above, are covered by water but are said to be still passable. The subdivision is located off the Mayo Road.

City to take action on waterlogged lane

The city is mobilizing to begin pumping water out of Loganberry Lane in Hidden Valley, says the city’s manager of engineering.

By Whitehorse Star on April 28, 2021

The city is mobilizing to begin pumping water out of Loganberry Lane in Hidden Valley, says the city’s manager of engineering.

Taylor Eshpeter said today staff have mobilized the diesel generator pump, and he’s continuing to plan the steps.

The plan is to lay approximately 600 to 700 metres of hose from Loganberry to the Takhini River, he explained.

Eshpeter said he still has to determine if they need to check with the Yukon Water Board and whether there are any restrictions about pumping the water out of the area as waterfowl enter their breeding season.

“We are in the process of doing the planning and getting ready to pump,” he said. “We have initiated the process.”

Eshpeter said they’ll only be pumping during the day, as the pump will be noisy.

Determining how far to bring down the water level is also part of the planning, he said.

Loganberry Lane is no stranger to flooding, but the city hasn’t had to take any action in the past five years.

Eshpeter said they do have a capital project on the books for a permanent fix, but it will require public consultation.

Comments (4)

Up 10 Down 5

Wha? on Apr 29, 2021 at 12:12 pm

So they are dumping contaminated surface water into a salmon spawning river?

What could possibly go wrong?

Up 14 Down 2

Spud on Apr 29, 2021 at 10:40 am

Can hardly wait to build on a Flood Plain!!

Up 23 Down 5

Olav on Apr 29, 2021 at 9:58 am

Since when is the COW responsible for pumping water off of private properties?
That area an old ox-bow from the Tahkini River. Developed and sold by a private developer. Now the COW is absorbing the costs of poor design.
Buyer beware comes to mind!

Up 24 Down 1

Tyler on Apr 29, 2021 at 9:50 am

This represents just about all that is wrong with modern Whitehorse. Red tape. Process. Hurdles. I feel like back in the day it would have been a case of 'fire up the pump and let her buck'. Now, if the planning stage takes long enough, the water will sort itself out before the pumps even make it on scene. We have neutered ourselves.

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