Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Kate Mechan

City asked to assist with housing project

The Safe at Home Society is seeking $1.7 million from the City of Whitehorse to assist with converting the former High Country Inn into 55 supportive housing units.

By Chuck Tobin on February 7, 2023

The Safe at Home Society is seeking $1.7 million from the City of Whitehorse to assist with converting the former High Country Inn into 55 supportive housing units.

Kate Mechan, the society’s executive director, told council at Monday night’s meeting the issue of homelessness in Whitehorse is a serious one.

There are 230 individuals and family groups who are homeless, she said.

Mechan said there are several hundred clients receiving social assistance, and the number is going up.

The Safe at Home Society, she said, is the only society to find permanent homes for the homeless.

Mechan said she is looking forward to partnering with the city to get the project done.

The administrative report prepared for council noted the amount requested is $1.74 million. That includes other fees and charges and a waiver of outstanding penalties and levies.

The list is as follows:

• forgiving anticipated municipal taxes over a 10-year term ($1,408,724);

• waiving permitting and inspection fees ($213,000);

• forgiving utility charges for 2022/23 ($25,000);

• writing off outstanding taxes ($69,212) and interest/penalties ($7,587); and

• writing off outstanding utilities ($10,266) and interest/penalties ($1,735).

City administration is recommending council approve the funding request. Council will vote on the recommendation at an upcoming meeting.

Mechan told council they’ve already received $16.7 million in funding for their project and will need a similar amount to complete the project.

Funding so far has been provided by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp., other federal funding agencies and theYukon government.

Once Safe at Homes has its design 65-per-cent complete, it will be able to put together a much better estimate, she said.

Mechan said the society believes it can secure the additional funding, and once it does, it will finalize the design and solidify the estimate.

The society would like to see construction begin after the final estimate is available in the early fall, she said.

Mechan said they are hoping for project completion in early 2025.

The Safe at Home Society purchased the High Country Inn in January 2022.

It has been issued a temporary occupancy permit by the city to the end of June.

The permit will allow the society to provide housing beginning this month while it advances the project design and planning.

In a statement late last month, Mechan said the society was “thrilled to put this building to us for the next five months by directly supporting individuals who are experiencing homelessness.

“A foundation of this temporary program will be to work with tenants to obtain permanent housing. In the background, Safe at Home will work with Government of Yukon and other funders to ensure the future state if the project will be realized.”

Comments (44)

Up 4 Down 0

Jim on Feb 13, 2023 at 11:39 pm

@yukoner99, and that’s what you draw away from the comments section. That Drum should be thankful that he lives in such a wonderful place with low taxes. Not the fact that this NGO and the government are dumping an insane amount of money into this old structure? The fact that the cost will most likely come in around $2000.00 per square foot? Regular building should be in the $350.00 to $450.00 range. Just imagine if every government facility didn’t pay property taxes, utilities, permits. Guess who picks up that tab? The taxpayers in case you weren’t aware. And yes, we expect them to charge property taxes by using a formula to keep it fair for all. When the museum wanted a tax exemption the city refused. And yes, Drum is correct, we are sick and tired of picking up the tab on this crap.
The 35 million is mostly dollars from taxpayers elsewhere, but it’s still taxpayers money and we should be accountable. But what do we hear from government? I am not sure what’s on the wish list for this white elephant project, but someone is taking home a very nice bonus. You do realize that the new build facing south access was only $20,000,000. Even that is a crazy amount as I believe the award was in the $13,000,000 range. If we are going to spend $35,000,000 on the homeless (many coming over from the Chilkoot) we should get a hell of a lot more than 55 units. That kind of money should end our homeless problem.

Up 38 Down 2

BnR on Feb 11, 2023 at 4:02 pm

Hey City, I’d like to do some renovations on my rental properties. Can I get some cash too?
I’m just trying to provide safe, clean energy efficient places for folks to rent.

Up 31 Down 2

drum on Feb 11, 2023 at 3:45 pm

How much did NVD sell the High Inn to the YG for or is that a secrect that the Taxpayers of the Yukon are not allowed to know. We are paying for it (taxpayers) we have the right to know what it is costing us.

Up 9 Down 22

yukoner99 on Feb 10, 2023 at 7:11 pm

@Drum Oh quit the sob story. If you live in the Yukon, you pay less tax than almost every province aside from MAYBE Alberta. Then when you factor in the northern living allowance and travel breaks most of us get, we get it EVEN better.

If you think I'm wrong, please tell me which province you think has less of a tax burden. Heck, we don't even have a PST in Yukon. Plus most of the fees/fines we pay were set about 30 years ago and amount to peanuts. Look at the royalties paid by placer miners for example.

Nothing screams entitlement more than a Yukoner complaining about how tough they have it financially. If you can't live comfortably in a place like this, it''s almost certainly due to your lifestyle choices and inability to follow a basic budget.

Up 20 Down 1

drum on Feb 10, 2023 at 5:20 pm

How much did YG buy the High Country Inn from NVD? That should not be secret.
We the taxpayers who are paying for all the restorations have a right to know.

Up 48 Down 3

drum on Feb 10, 2023 at 3:26 pm

We, the taxpayers, are expected to give and give. We do not have anything left to give!!!!!

Up 52 Down 1

fuzzy memory on Feb 10, 2023 at 2:11 pm

Better story might be how much the government paid Nvd for the quarantine hotel before Nvd sold it to them and how much the gov rented the conference center for. Was Michael Hale (the current deputy minister) COO for NVD during that time? Silly me I can’t remember.

Up 34 Down 3

NGO.no on Feb 10, 2023 at 12:24 pm

Many moons ago there was a study that suggested that many of the NGO’s could amalgamate which would reduce/eliminate overhead. Why can’t this org work with Challenge and the John Howard Society…?

I also agree that First Nations should be an equal partner in this endeavour.
If the repairs and debts are too great, demolish the building sell the land look somewhere else?

Up 43 Down 1

Jim on Feb 10, 2023 at 10:24 am

My previous post I was aghast at the increase of the cost of this project. But rather than double the previous budget let’s take a look at that again. Let’s take off the $10,000,000 that NVD fleeced YTG for the purchase of the property. The original reno estimate was $5,000,000. This has actually increased by 500%. Yes 500%. And nobody is asking why is the shocking part. NGOs should never be given free reign on projects this size unless they have shown that they have experience in this work. We should not be paying for their learning curve. Instead of asking the city for more handouts, Mechan should be explaining the reasons why her project is 5 times the original. Maybe YTG should just hire any of the condo developers to build for them. They seem to build them, sell them and make money. If the city of Whitehorse Mayor and Council invests in this project with our tax dollars, they should be recalled. The group of city administrators who think this is a worthy use of tax payers money should be fired. But alas, these are the same greedy bureaucrats that are building their own giant plush offices on the hill to over look their serfs.

Up 49 Down 1

Spoiler Alert on Feb 9, 2023 at 11:19 pm

There will be no accountability in the near or long term for anything related to how this money got spent. Between it being a ‘Kate White signature project’ and Ranj’s bankroll buddies being deep in the pie, no audit or review will ever see the light of day. This is corruption. The very dictionary definition. Idealistic social engineers taken for a ride by profiteering pillagers with inside connections. The truth is always more boring than fiction. No big conspiracy here, just everyday average uninteresting systemic corruption. So transparent it’s almost criminal.

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drum on Feb 9, 2023 at 6:07 pm

All I can say this is disgusting. We the taxpayers are supposed to pick up the bill!!!!!!!!!! Too many bleeding hearts expecting handouts.

Up 24 Down 10

jane on Feb 9, 2023 at 11:09 am

Why don't they just give some money to the Chilkoot? Oh maybe because there isn't a paid ngo involved ? Makes way more sense than wasting all this money.

Up 37 Down 3

bonanzajoe on Feb 8, 2023 at 7:22 pm

@70% First Nations on Feb 8, 2023
It's called "Reconciliating". Politically correct term for, "contributors give to the non-contributors".

Up 50 Down 5

Ranj Ranj Ranj on Feb 8, 2023 at 7:15 pm

This is a hilarious story. This society was given money approved from our new premier Ranj Pillai so the society could overpay northern vision (Ranj's former employer) to keep this hotel off the market and in the hands of someone who can do nothing with it. Huge profit for northern vision, huge kick back for Ranj huge tax bill for the rest of us!!!

Up 93 Down 1

@shakeyourhead on Feb 8, 2023 at 3:49 pm

$16.7 million already spent
$16.7 million more needed
$1.7 million forgiveness

Total - $35.1 million for 55 units
Just over $638,000 per unit

Seems perfectly reasonable? Give your heads a shake if anyone thinks this is a good idea.

Up 79 Down 3

70% First Nations on Feb 8, 2023 at 3:29 pm

If 70% of the homeless are FNs, why isn't the society specifically asking the FN governments to contribute or to contribute 70% of the costs?
WHY am I always on the hook for people who won't/don't take care of themselves?
WHY am I always on the hook for FN people when they have their OWN governments to rely on?
And so you got an occupancy permit even though the building is not yet up to code or finished or actually worthy of that occupancy permit. What happens if there's a fire or something? Who'll be liable? Oh, wait! I know! The taxpayer, of course.

@ pete... the Chilkoot is privately owned. It is/was a business FOR PROFIT, not a non-profit society. It should NEVER get free government money; it should only be eligible for whatever incentives/grants/programs are available to every other business in the Yukon, for which they must apply.

Up 50 Down 10

Interested Observer on Feb 8, 2023 at 2:04 pm

Where is the “fiscal conservative” Ted these days? Cue the crickets…

15 million more for ops building upgrades, 1.7 million more for safe at home, committees at 500k a pop, free transit…I could go on. Nary a peep from the boy wonder.
Must be settling in and getting ready for the next step, whilst federal politicking in Ottawa thanks to the association of municipalities footing his bill.

This territory is so hopeless.

Up 57 Down 0

John on Feb 8, 2023 at 10:32 am

I've came to realize many years ago that NGO's, such as these, believe, expect and demand that everyone is their golden egg, or cash cow if you will. It is their god given right to hold these values as their entitlement.

This whole venture needs to be put under a microscope - a good job for the auditor general who has purview over government spending - including grants. There are way too many glaring abnormalities. Funding for one appears to flow like the waters of Victoria Falls - it simply gushes out. Why? And why is this facility being used and repurposed at tax payers expense for 55 people? This works out to $300,000+ per person (16.7 million (and counting) divide by 55). For that money you could build and house a whole lot more in tiny houses for under $125,000 each.

I personally do not believe that this society lacks competency to manage this facility. Furthermore, based on their history to date will continually be knocking on our doors for more money. This is especially the case when one sees they have their foot between the and door jam door. The have hooked the fish and they will forever be on the line well into the future.

The city may have the legal authority to wave fees and taxes but at the same time they are "responsible" and obligated, as stewards of our monies, to ensure they are used for municipal purposes - not freebies to outfits such as this. To cut off future revenues is in fact but virtue of this action raising taxes - the shortfall has to be up somewhere. In short the City should say no! Let this group go back to their benefactors and squeeze them - not short change the residents of Whitehorse.

We need to draw a very firm line in the sand with a resounding NO! However our council is made up of the same like-minded people and they simply do not care if it hurts others, directly or indirectly. They think of themselves as saviours...

Up 60 Down 0

Mark on Feb 8, 2023 at 10:02 am

I know that many of us are concerned with the never ending use of tax dollars for various social programs. This does not imply that we do not have compassion for those that truly need support or could benefit from temporary assistance.

My initial thought after reading this article is that the CoW is NOT a social services agency, hence the request from the Safe at Home Society should be directed towards the appropriate governments that have jurisdiction and established resources to deliver health and social services. I note that the CoW does provide some relief for service clubs and the like, but the request from the Society is not only misdirected and inappropriate, but the magnitude of the request is shocking.

It is troubling that the Yukon Government is meddling in CoW responsibilities (e.g., free transit), and the CoW administration is recommending (to City Council) that the CoW be substantively involved in social assistance programs. To be blunt each government needs to “stick to their own lane”.

I also agree with some that the local First Nations (governments) should be directly involved with providing support for those in need. This includes financial support from finite resources that we must all work within. Has Ms. Mechan presented a request to the First Nations for support (I do not know the answer to this question)? I know that the local First Nations have ample land (for building) and social services departments. I would have expected the First Nations to demand responsibility for delivering social assistance similar to the demand it has for First Nations Child welfare.

Lastly, it “appears” (emphasis added) that the Safe at Home Society is not clear on its numbers. I guarantee it would be thrown off the stage on a Shark Tank or Dragon’s Den episode.

Up 41 Down 1

Concerned Citizen on Feb 8, 2023 at 6:01 am

Oh and by the way... the Convention Centre space was not part of the deal. Guess what else is probably coming down the pipe then? NVD renting that space out at a premium to Safe at Home or whatever non-profit at premium to help support the residents. I am actually all for such endeavours, but the sly sale of a building that was not in great condition, the scope of the project, the money involved in this seems a bit off - if Safe at Home is saying publicly it's been a "learning curve", guess what, having 60+ residents who are difficult to house is going to be a learning curve and a half. I truly hope this works out in the end and my worst fear do not come to pass.

Up 64 Down 0

nancy drew on Feb 7, 2023 at 11:04 pm

The NDP calling landlords greedy and horrible, meanwhile they need $590,000 per room to make a tiny little apartment for one or two people.

Taxpayers will be footing the bill for this NDP - Liberal Party boondoggle for decades to come. $140,000 a year in lost taxes for municiple services will have to be made up by the other taxpaying properties in Whitehorse. Private landlords pay taxes on their properties to the city, then taxes to the territory and federal government on their income. They also house people at zero cost to the public, and not in 'the projects'. But ya, let's destroy private rentals and get "non-profits" (profitable for those who work for them), to provide housing at 6x the price. The building, maintenance, the staff, utilities, etc.

Up 59 Down 0

Jim on Feb 7, 2023 at 9:03 pm

The alarm bells should be ringing city wide on this one. This project should hopefully end up under $35 million dollars. Over twice the original budget, which was insane to start with. With only 55 units it works out to over $635,000 per unit. That includes no O&M. You could buy everyone a brand new condo and be $300,000 ahead per unit. Is there nobody competent watching over this project? The least the government could do is have a supervisor on site to keep track of taxpayers money.

Up 36 Down 1

bonanzajoe on Feb 7, 2023 at 7:48 pm

@Lost In the Yukon on Feb 7, 2023
Or to go back to their own communities and stay there.

Up 42 Down 0

bonanzajoe on Feb 7, 2023 at 7:44 pm

And another million a year for damage repair.

Up 31 Down 0

TheHammer on Feb 7, 2023 at 7:17 pm

YHC seniors housing tenancy agreement; “Yukon Housing Cannot be sued.” This puts them on the same page as WCB, above the law, and an opportunity to ignore serious complaints from tenants subject to abuse by residents with unstable sociopathic personalities. This is a major safe at home issue. “Bed Bugs, we are on to it,” A big fat lie that is the tip of the iceberg.

Up 47 Down 0

TMYK on Feb 7, 2023 at 6:59 pm

Just no. If our museums have to pay their taxes then this group of charlatans have to as well.

Up 39 Down 0

comen sense on Feb 7, 2023 at 5:38 pm

There should be a cap on the amount of tax-paying dollars spent by any government in power unbelievably irresponsible.

Up 98 Down 6

Hobo on Feb 7, 2023 at 5:17 pm

Northern Vision Development was looking for a target and they found it. What a good corporate citizens they were.

Up 110 Down 5

Credit where due on Feb 7, 2023 at 4:45 pm

What’s sad is that it isn’t the tenants who are the big drain on resources. It’s Northern Vision, government and Safe at Home.

Up 123 Down 2

Clayton on Feb 7, 2023 at 4:29 pm

This is crazy, already spending 16.7mil, expecting another 16.7mil, and asking the City (who are also crazy to consider this) to approve a 1.7mil contribution which burdens the real of the already stressed and exhausted tax payers.

Enough, cut the losses, the city should support its tax paying developers who provide housing options or give incentives to tax paying home owners to provide more rental options for people who need homes.

70% of the 225 names homeless according to Mechan are people from Yukon First Nations. Can the City work with KSFN, TAAN and others First Nations to support housing options instead of a "society" that has proven incapable? There has been some great work by the First Nations in developing projects. This may be something they can help address.

Up 105 Down 5

RickS on Feb 7, 2023 at 4:15 pm

Just enough to cover the overpriced salaries of the do-gooder busybodies who will crash this project into the ground.

Up 92 Down 7

Matthew on Feb 7, 2023 at 3:47 pm

Need to end with the bailouts.. plenty of jobs to go around, like it or not, Yukon is not a friendly place for the poor or unskilled..

Up 94 Down 10

Lost In the Yukon on Feb 7, 2023 at 3:42 pm

… would it be better to give each precariously individual $20,000 cash and a plane ticket to a province of their choice? Oh wait, Ms. Mechan would be out of a job.


Up 104 Down 1

Lost In the Yukon on Feb 7, 2023 at 3:25 pm

This is just the beginning … $16,000,000 and counting

Up 87 Down 8

Juniper Jackson on Feb 7, 2023 at 3:12 pm

Somehow, I knew people with a job were going to get stuck with the bill for the people without a job.. The folks that won't work, the folks with all those extra cheesies.

So, I think it's a given that this was discussed and agreed to months ago. Ya' just can't trust a Liberal.

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Vlad on Feb 7, 2023 at 3:11 pm

Perhaps a roll call could be taken to see where people are actually from. All first nations on the list should be sponsored per se from their respective FN. It seems this would go a long way as part of the reconciliation process.

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pete on Feb 7, 2023 at 2:43 pm

Meanwhile the Chilkoot sits empty. what were they asking for like a 1 million dollar loan or something?

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Thomas Brewer on Feb 7, 2023 at 2:28 pm

It's nowhere near to completion and we can see what a money pit this facility is going to be - there's no way it's going to operate cost neutral, so taxpayers in one way or another are going to be on the hook.... again.

Up 101 Down 6

Northern Beauty on Feb 7, 2023 at 2:19 pm

If I mismanaged a project as bad as Safe at Home as I would be out of a job. Not begging for more money.

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Crunch on Feb 7, 2023 at 2:16 pm

This one you could see coming a mile away. It’s the typical socialist move.

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Wilf Carter on Feb 7, 2023 at 1:36 pm

Federal and Yukon government gave to much already $15 million which is $7 million more than it is worth.

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John - with a J on Feb 7, 2023 at 1:20 pm

Considering the city just decided to spruce up city facilities to the tune of over 15 million, they can hardly refuse without lookIng like jerks.

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Nathan Living on Feb 7, 2023 at 1:07 pm

I think Northern Vision Development should contribute about 1 million dollars as part of their fiduciary responsibility to vulnerable people in Whitehorse.

Up 83 Down 7

YUKONER on Feb 7, 2023 at 12:46 pm

Always looking for a handout!!

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