Whitehorse Daily Star

Charges spur spate of concerns

The chair of the F.H. Collins Secondary School Council is more than a little perturbed at what she calls the latest communications gaffe by the Department of Education.

By T.S. Giilck on January 8, 2024

The chair of the F.H. Collins Secondary School Council is more than a little perturbed at what she calls the latest communications gaffe by the Department of Education.

Sandra Henderson spoke to the Star this morning about the criminal charges laid against supply teacher Andrew Stuart Cook.

The 37-year-old Whitehorse man stands accused of one count of possessing child pornography and possessing a loaded firearm without a licence.

Henderson, a retired longtime educator, said she finds it disturbing that neither the F.H. Collins administration nor the school council were informed about the situation prior to last week.

Henderson noted the department said the teacher had been removed from the on-call roster after “rumours” there was a problem surfaced – but nothing was passed on beyond the department.

“I was disappointed with that,” Henderson said. “The department has an issue with communications. It was not necessary to have the name, but we should have been informed (about the situation).”

Since school administrators often have a professional relationship with their regular supply teachers, Henderson said, it would have been possible that Cook could have received invitations to assignments directly from school staff who were unaware he had been taken off the roster.

At the very least, the principal and vice-principal should have been advised of the situation, she said.

As for the school council, Henderson said it should have been advised as well, although it didn’t need to know the name of the person in question.

The council is a “partner” in the operations of the school, she noted, and should be treated accordingly.

NDP Leader Kate White told the Star that Education Minister Jeanie McLean’s statement “brings forward significant questions regarding communication within her department both internally and to the school community.

“There are many concerning questions here that have yet to be addressed,” White said in a statement

“The minister of Education says that she was not aware of this situation until Jan. 2nd, 2024. How was she not informed of this critical issue concerning the welfare of Yukon students until then?

“The minister should have been informed as soon as the Department of Education was made aware in October,” White added.

“There is a concerning pattern here with the minister not being aware of what’soccurring within her department.”

White asked, “Why were Yukon parents and guardians with children in the affected schools not informed until over two months after the allegations were made? What work is actively being done to ensure that if any Yukon students were harmed, they are given an opportunity to bring their stories forward?

“It’s not enough for the Education minister to say in a press release that help is there for people who need it. We need to see active outreach from her department,” the NDP leader said.

“The allegations against the accused are certainly serious and disturbing.”

The Yukon Party also weighed in on the issue.

“At this time, the Yukon Party official Opposition is beginning to hear some concerns expressed by school councils about the flow of information from the Yukon government to those who may be affected,” the party said

“Like other Yukoners, we will be following the judicial process in this case, and trust there will be a just outcome.

“We encourage those who have been in contact with this individual, and have any concerns, to reach out to the appropriate agencies for support.”

Comments (2)

Up 21 Down 4

Phil on Jan 8, 2024 at 6:10 pm

Is it Groundhog Day already?

Up 24 Down 5

bruce beemish on Jan 8, 2024 at 5:23 pm

One more example of not talking and sweep it under the rug.It is our kids and we need the right to know what is going on.

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