Whitehorse Daily Star

Changes urged for snow, ice policy

Monday evening’s city council meeting ground to a halt early after a councillor requested some changes to the snow and ice removal policy.

By Whitehorse Star on October 25, 2023

Monday evening’s city council meeting ground to a halt early after a councillor requested some changes to the snow and ice removal policy.

Coun. Michelle Friesen suggested the parking spots and ramps for the disabled should be added to the priority one list to be cleared first.

She had difficulty, though, in properly phrasing her motion. At one point, she pleaded with other councillors to provide some assistance in wording it properly.

City staff appeared to be flummoxed by the proposed motion.

They eventually requested a brief break to investigate procedural issues and how long it might take to provide an information report on the subject.

The matter was compounded by the fact that since there are five Mondays in October, the council will not meet for a committee meeting next Monday.

City manager Jeff O’Farrell said after the break that city staff wouldn’t be able to provide a report until Nov. 20 at the earliest.

A lengthy debate then ensued as how to best proceed with Friesen’s idea, and whether it would be more efficient to withdraw her motion and start fresh.

In the end, she did withdraw the motion, and the matter will come up again at a future meeting.

In all, nearly an hour was spent on the subject.

Comments (1)

Up 20 Down 2

YT on Oct 25, 2023 at 3:29 pm

Beautiful sunny day, dry out, no ice and snow yet CofW sanding/salting trucks are out.
Want to save some money City?
I think I see one way.

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