Whitehorse Daily Star

CDF pouring $447,203 into wide range of projects

The territorial Community Development Fund (CDF) has awarded $447,203 to support 20 projects that help bring economic, cultural and social benefits to Yukon communities, it was announced Wednesday.

By Whitehorse Star on January 4, 2024

The territorial Community Development Fund (CDF) has awarded $447,203 to support 20 projects that help bring economic, cultural and social benefits to Yukon communities, it was announced Wednesday.

The CDF has awarded $181,218 in Tier 1 funding toward 13 projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners.

It’s providing $265,985 in Tier 2 funding toward seven projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners.

The Snowboard Yukon Association has received $33,844 to purchase modular single start gates, specialized rakes and new rails to expand on the new banked slalom course, expand rails and increase the safety of the existing snowboard park at Mount Sima in Whitehorse.

The project will help better equip Whitehorse and Mount Sima to host the FIS Para Snowboard World Cup and the 2026 Arctic Winter Games.

“The new rails will provide riders, including our athletes and members of the public, with new challenges and opportunities to enhance their skills and enjoy the park safely,” said association president Sarah Marsh, expressing gratitude for the money.

“The varied rail designs, shapes, and sizes will allow athletes to enhance their techniques and push their abilities to new levels.

“The new start gate will enhance training opportunities, ensure fair competition and provide a higher level of accuracy for timed races on the Banked Slalom course,” Marsh added.

As well, the Friends of Mount Sima Society is receiving $30,000 to host a week-long festival around the FIS Para Snowboard World Cup.

The organization will build a course and update the existing slalom course specific to the event, which will see athletes, coaches, spectators, contractors and staff from Canada Snowboard visiting Whitehorse.

Still on the ski hill, the Friends of Mount Sima Society has been given $8,777 to develop a multi-dimensional mural on a sea can at Mount Sima.

The project, to be done in partnership with Northern Cultural Expressions Society and Skookum Jim Friendship Centre, will include QR codes that can be scanned to share the history of the area.

The Junction Arts and Music Society was awarded $12,931 to buy material and equipment for the 2024 Glacier Nights Festival.

The festival promotes community participation and provides healthy, family-friendly entertainment.

“Junction Arts and Music is thrilled to receive funding from the Yukon government’s Community Development Fund in support of our second annual Glacier Nights Snow Festival,” said Leigh-Anne Larsen, the society’s executive director.

“This funding will provide the necessary wood and construction crew to build the forms for the snow blocks for our artists and workshops participants.

“Furthermore, with our new outdoor sound and light booth shelter, designed to keep performers and equipment warm and dry throughout the day and night, we will be able to offer outdoor entertainment for all to enjoy during this community event,” Larsen added.

“This funding would not be possible without the support of the Community Development Fund and Yukon Lotteries and the Arts Operating Fund.”

The society has also received $6,573 to improve its website.

The other CDF grant recipients and their projects are:

• Association of Yukon Communities – $20,000, to contract keynote speakers for the annual conference in Dawson City in May.

“The speakers will deliver impactful sessions for attendees, explore sustainable progress in our unique northern region, speak to priorities and challenges and find ways to collaborate to improve the lives of Yukoners,” the territorial government said.

• Safe at Home Society – $20,000, to complete an operational and financial plan to establish revenue-generating options at the former High Country Inn as it’s transitioned to housing for those in need.

“This project works to create a sustainable model for the organization to continue offering its services and introducing new programming,” the government said.

• Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club – $19,800, to develop a functional plan for the construction of building and landscaping improvements for increased usability year-round.

The project will support the continued growth of the club, which has one of the largest sports memberships in the territory.

“This project supports the continued availability of programs and services that promote happy and healthy lifestyles,” the government said.

• Yukon First Nations Hockey Association – $18,405, to hire a consultant to complete comprehensive planning and training for the organization to ensure its future sustainability and that of the large-scale annual Native Hockey Tournament.

• Klondike Cruisers Association – $18,000, to conduct a high-level Motorsport Park scoping study report.

This report will define the project’s scope, identify stakeholders, assess potential sites, review regulatory requirements, analyze financial feasibility, evaluate market demand and assess benefits and risks.

• Climb Yukon Association – $15,744, to hire a consultant to implement its business plan to prepare for the planning, setup, staffing and operation of the first large-scale indoor climbing facility in Whitehorse.

• Village of Carmacks – $12,240, to purchase an ice edger machine for the new recreation centre and to hire a consultant to train employees on its use and general ice building and care.

• Yukon Freestyle Ski Association – $10,251, to purchase a tow rope for the airbag site at Mount Sima.

“This project will help athletes gain more training opportunities, boosting skill progression and fostering stronger athlete-coach bonds,” the government said.

“This could also attract new athletes and coaches, enriching the local sports community.”

• Keno Community Club – $9,697, to create a new exhibit in the Keno Mining Museum.

“This would be the first new permanent exhibit since 1994 and would highlight the history and the stories of the tough, enterprising, independent-spirited women who entertained miners in Keno City,” the government said.

• Athletics Yukon Association – $8,800, to host the first “Sunshine Shuffle Backyard Ultra”.

Participants will run a 6.706-km loop once every hour, continuing until only one runner remains. That person will be declared the winner.

• CHON-FM Northern Native Broadcasting – $69,488, to purchase and install computer-based on-air equipment in the main Second Avenue studio, newsroom and production studio.

“With the updated equipment, the organization can invite youth in for basic training to enable them to produce their own broadcast content,” the government said.

• Biathlon Yukon – $55,350, to create three new trail sections to produce the correct lengths for the 2km, 3km and 4km loops and steep hill bypass.

The new trails will allow for training and competition at the prescribed distance.

“This project will provide Biathlon Yukon with the tools to attract and secure future events that would have meaningful social and economic impacts for the Yukon,” the government said.

• Village of Carmacks – $40,000, to upgrade the Carmacks Recreation Complex, install a key fob security system and an integrated CCTV system to allow for 24-hour access to the fitness centre facility.

• Church of St. Christopher (Haines Junction) – $23,905, to hire a contractor to renovate the front entrance.

• Whitehorse United Football Club – $13,398, to purchase top-tier gear and storage bins shared across affiliates within Yukon Soccer.

The CDF provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable, cultural, social and economic benefits for Yukon communities.

Projects must create economic benefit; bring new money into the territory; develop skills, knowledge and experience; create social benefits, support community long-term wellbeing and have measurable benefits for Yukon residents and communities.

Eligible organizations include registered non-profit societies, not-for-profit corporations, charitable organizations, municipal and First Nations governments and First Nation development corporations undertaking community-level initiatives.

Eligible projects and events include new construction projects, renovations, restorations, physical improvements to buildings or lands, knowledge or skill development, research and planning and programs and events.

The next deadline to apply for funding is Jan. 15 for requests under $20,000 and over $75,000.

The next application deadline for funding requests between $20,001 and $75,000 is April 15.

“Grassroots and community organizations across the territory contribute so much to life in the Yukon, and our government is pleased to be able to support their efforts,” said Premier and Economic Development Minister Ranj Pillai.

“The latest 20 projects funded by the Community Development Fund mark a step forward in strengthening economic and social connections within our communities, and I look forward to following the progress and impacts of these projects as they unfold.”

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