Whitehorse Daily Star

Casino gives statement schedule to YESAB

The Casino Mining Corp. has submitted a schedule for submission of its Environmental and Socio-economic Effects (ESE) Statement for the proposed Casino Project to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) executive committee.

By Whitehorse Star on November 14, 2023

The Casino Mining Corp. has submitted a schedule for submission of its Environmental and Socio-economic Effects (ESE) Statement for the proposed Casino Project to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) executive committee.

In the schedule, Casino indicates that it plans to submit the ESE Statement in the second half of 2024.

The statement will form the basis for the company’s assessment application for a YESAB Panel Review.

It will include all the material outlined in the Revised ESE Statement Guidelines issued by the board on Sept. 12, Casino said today.

The proposed copper, gold, molybdenum and silver deposit is located about 300 kilometres northwest of Whitehorse.

The company is pursuing the various regulatory approvals needed to construct, operate, close and reclaim the proposed mine.

A community advisory board was created last spring, and its members include former premier Tony Penikett and former Yukon MP Larry Bagnell.

In addition, Casino has been engaging with Yukon First Nations which may be affected by the proposed project.

This engagement process will inform all aspects of the ESE Statement’s development.

“The company is committed to ensuring the review of the Casino project occurs in a robust manner using the most up-to-date methodologies in environmental assessment,” said Paul West-Sells, Casino’s president and CEO.

“The Casino team remains confident that the project is a great asset, and will provide benefits to Yukon communities and First Nations for generations to come.”

Casino is wholly-owned by Western Copper and Gold Corp.

Casino said it is “committed to working collaboratively with Yukon First Nations, communities and residents to advance the proposed Casino project employing internationally-recognized responsible mineral development technologies and best practices.”

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