Whitehorse Daily Star

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A REGULAR RE-EXAMINATION – NDP Leader Kate White says she constantly re-evaluates the agreement that keeps the minority Liberal government in power.

CASA ‘not a free pass’ for Liberals, White says

With a Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) in place, the NDP continued to hold some power over the governing Liberals as the new fall legislative sitting began this afternoon.

By Mark Page on October 4, 2023

With a Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) in place, the NDP continued to hold some power over the governing Liberals as the new fall legislative sitting began this afternoon.

But in an interview with the Star last week, NDP Leader Kate White was still critical of Liberal policies on health care and the way the party has addressed problems at the Whitehorse Emergency Shelter. She noted that her party can’t necessarily force action on every issue.

She called this agreement, signed late last January, “not as movable as people think.”

White did say many NDP priorities overall have been addressed, and that obligations explicitly laid out in the CASA have been, and continue to be, fulfilled.

“It’s not always easy, but the gains that have come out of it for people, I’m really proud of,” White said. “Whether we talk about the dental programs, or an increase to the minimum wage or rent caps.”

As with every other party, White puts affordability at the top of her list of priorities.

“Right now, there’s not a single person in the territory who’s not feeling like the crunch of inflation or affordability,” she said.

Many of these issues are tied to housing, according to White, and problems with everything from attracting health care workers to the substance use crisis starts with people’s inability to find adequate housing.

Again, White agrees with the other parties that more housing is needed, though she says it needs to be a variety of sizes and types of housing to meet everyone’s needs.

She also contrasted her stance on protection for renters with the Yukon Party, which has criticized recently enacted rent caps and eviction protections.

“The Yukon Party can have their point; they think it should be a free market and it should just be let go,” White said.

“But under them, housing became less affordable; it became harder to get.”

On health care, she chastized the governing Liberals for their inability to attract health care workers and their inability to maintain a system where workers feel valued.

“The crumbling that we’ve seen in health care, especially in rural Yukon, is 100-per-cent the responsibility of the Liberal government,” White said. “And that’s because of the lack of respect they continue to show those employees.”

White also skewered the Liberal party for its handling of public safety complaints at the emergency shelter.

“Ultimately, the responsibility for everything that’s gone wrong there falls to the Liberals, it falls to the government,” White said.

She did concede the problems at the shelter pre-date the Liberal government.

The Yukon Party was in power when the shelter was built, and White says the site was poorly chosen. It’s on the lot of a former vehicle dealershp that is too small and lacks adequate outdoor space.

“The Whitehorse Emergency Shelter was built by the Yukon Party with no consultation with community and no consultation with the people who would use that shelter,” White said.

Since then, White noted, report after report have detailed a myriad of issues and have made recommendations such as the creation of a community safety officer program and a sobering centre in downtown Whitehorse.

“And we haven’t seen any of those actions,” she said.

Despite their differences, the NDP will continue to support the Liberals with the CASA, slated to expire in 2025 – at least for now.

“The CASA is not a free pass for the Liberals,” White said. “I re-evaluate on a regular basis.”

Comments (8)

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melba on Oct 10, 2023 at 6:12 pm

"Ultimately, the responsibility for everything that’s gone wrong there falls to the Liberals." Really Kate?

Meanwhile in the same interview, "White did say many NDP priorities and ... obligations in the CASA have been fulfilled. "the gains that have come out of it, I’m really proud of.”

She's really proud of 'her' accomplishments. But the bad stuff is on the Liberals! Ya, that's how it works in Kate World.

Here's another beauty, "“Right now, there’s not a single person in the territory who’s not feeling like the crunch of inflation or affordability,”

I'd say Kate White is a person who is not 'feeling the crunch of inflation and affordability' thanks to her big fat indexed politician paycheck and benefits.

Kate's 'gee shucks, I'm just a little person tryin' to get by like all you folks' routine is getting old.

Give it up Kate. Here's what you are. You are the Blackmail Party with no respect for democracy or what the people voted for. Thanks to the fact that the Liberal politicians wanted to keep their jobs and get a pension, and that was more important to them than basic honour, your blackmail succeeded.

You have foisted your NDP program on a public who resoundingly rejected you. All of your landlord trashing, promoting drug use in the downtown core and who knows what other hare brained schemes are bad enough without hearing you talk about how tough you have it and how you get the credit but not the blame.

'Get me a bucket, I think I'm going to throw up.' (Visions of the restaurant scene from Monty Python. That's how I feel about Kate's interview.)

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Larry Liberal on Oct 10, 2023 at 5:48 pm

The Liberals were never looking for a free pass. It's not in our "creedo".

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Groucho d'North on Oct 5, 2023 at 10:59 am

She's correct, this arrangement is not a free pass - especially for tax payers. Deals made in the backrooms by party individuals is not how a democratic government is intended to function. Let's wipe the slate clean and start over with a government elected by the citizens for the reasons they want.

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Dan the man on Oct 5, 2023 at 7:56 am

More and more talk from NDP without any real action. They're not the official elected party and they're not the official opposition. Kate keeps wagging the finger talking about how they can pull the CASA at any time - except we all know it'll never happen. This is the only way NDP will ever have any government authority - so they pull the CASA and they lost everything. At the same time - the NDP are just as guilty as the Liberals for the mess occuring in the Territory. They have and continue to enable the current Liberal Provincipal party. The NDP states "Despite their differences, the NDP will continue to support the Liberals with the CASA, slated to expire in 2025 – at least for now." - Reality check - you will always support the Liberals. You will not be pulling the CASA. The public is very aware of this fact. Your words at this point are meaningless. Stop speaking empty rhetorical words.

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Robert on Oct 5, 2023 at 5:57 am

Kate - it’s time to do the right thing and cancel your agreement with the Liberals.

72% of the population voted against NDP policy in 2021 - yet here we all sit getting your policies shoved down our throats. Your comments on housing, demonstrate just how out of touch you are with basic economics as it relates to community prosperity. Deregulation, reduction of bureaucracy and the free market are the only way to reduce housing prices.

Show some leadership, show us you do truly care about democracy, demonstrate some courage, and tear up the agreement so we can get back to the polls.

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Bobby B. on Oct 5, 2023 at 3:55 am

So do the social conservatives and non have a casa within the "Yukon Party" and what is the split?

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Kate P on Oct 4, 2023 at 9:35 pm

It's not a free pass.

No, it cost the Yukoners a lot of tax dollars.

It cost the Liberals their dignity.

And it cost the NDP their principles.

But it's still a pass.

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Stephen on Oct 4, 2023 at 4:37 pm

Dear Kate…please provide one…..one example how the CASA aka Coalition has taken the Liberals to task on anything? You would never do that because unfortunately it’s a power grab that you will never again get.

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