Whitehorse Daily Star

Capital should be a rising city: Laking

After weeks of discussions about the height of buildings in Whitehorse, city councillor Ted Laking is looking to take the city to new heights.

By Whitehorse Star on January 31, 2024

After weeks of discussions about the height of buildings in Whitehorse, city councillor Ted Laking is looking to take the city to new heights.

Laking, who said this month he’s tired of the various arguments against allowing taller buildings in the city, introduced a notice of motion Monday evening that would allow a maximum height of 35 metres.

Previously, Laking has said it has long been obvious the city needs to “infill” – make better use of existing space, particular in the downtown core.

Laking is of the opinion, though, that it’s not just lateral intensification the city needs. To be blunt, it needs to turn its eyes to the sky and build higher buildings.

Earlier this month, he said he is frustrated with the situation, and with some of the justifications residents use to voice their opposition to higher buildings.

One of those he pointed out was a concern about buildings casting shadows.

Laking said such concerns shouldn’t be used as an excuse to dodge the need for larger buildings.

“If we’re going to worry about things like shadows, we’re not going to be able to truly address the housing crunch,” he said.

“When people are more worried if there’s going to be shade on a sidewalk, I just don’t think it’s the right approach,” the first-term councillor said.

The Official Community Plan allows for buildings to rise to 25 metres, but the zoning bylaw hasn’t been updated to reflect that – leaving developers in a bureaucratic limbo.

“Going up is one thing we haven’t had a lot of in our community,” Laking said.

“The mentality that we can’t have tall buildings because we’ve never had tall buildings is just self-defeating.”

Comments (6)

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Stephen on Jan 31, 2024 at 6:24 pm

I have a real issue with all this “taller” is better nonsense, having lived up here for over 30 years and all these “just like down south” condos and eye sores is hard to watch. We are surrounded by real estate yet the Mayor and the like want to watch “urban sprawl” and of course climate change and carbon foot print are always in the media release. Utter ridiculous, people wrapped up in small homes no yards, no kids playing outside. I guess the vision of mayor and council is that everybody should have 400 sq feet, plug their EV into diesel backed gen stations and be happy all the while property taxes are set to rise again.

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Jason on Jan 31, 2024 at 4:49 pm

Man, if only Whitehorse had some kind of official community plan that could allow for this.

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Brett Chandler on Jan 31, 2024 at 3:37 pm

We need to improve density, and the options are limited. Taller buildings improve the housing stock. They're more efficient. They depend less on city services and improve transit demand. I'm with Ted on this one.

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Thomas Brewer on Jan 31, 2024 at 3:36 pm

if taller buildings are going to permitted, for the love of god restrict them to the north part of down so there's still sunlight in the downtown core

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Ronnie on Jan 31, 2024 at 2:17 pm

The weekly Ted Talk is here, right on queue, not that I disagree with his position. At this rate it should be a weekly column. Why aren't the other councillors this talkative?

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SHANE on Jan 31, 2024 at 2:06 pm

If the city isn't going to put a second bridge in than I would say no there needs to be a second bridge.
A great spot would be at the end of Alsek crossing to the campground coming out on to Robert service way by the ball diamond's.

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