Whitehorse Daily Star

Cannabis retail shop pursued

Two local entrepreneurs are seeking a zoning amendment to allow them to open a cannabis retail shop across Second Avenue from Shipyards Park.

By Chuck Tobin on July 22, 2022

Two local entrepreneurs are seeking a zoning amendment to allow them to open a cannabis retail shop across Second Avenue from Shipyards Park.

Jordan Stackhouse and Daniel Schneider appeared before city council Monday to seek the amendment that would allow them to operate the store at a distance of no fewer than 100 metres from a school.

Under the territorial Cannabis and Control and Regulation Act, cannabis retail stores must be at least 150 metres away from any secondary school, they pointed out.

Stackhouse said the required 150-metre buffer, however, puts them too close to the Individual Learning Centre.

Neither the city’s development review committee nor the Yukon government has raised any concern with reducing the buffer, Stackhouse said. The government gives municipalities the ability to reduce buffers, he added.

With the existing rent of between $7,000 and $8,000 a month in the same building as Marble Slab, Stackhouse said they are hoping to have a quick decision from council.

Administration noted the zoning amendment must go through the regulated bylaw process, putting the final decision on second and third readings to Oct. 10. First reading of the bylaw is scheduled for this Monday, and if it passes, a public hearing would be scheduled for Sept. 12.

Administration is recommending the bylaw be brought forward for consideration.

The administrative report prepared for council says the rezoning does align with the intent of the Official Community Plan.

The city’s zoning bylaw prohibits restricted retail services from being within 100 metres of a temporary shelter, a lot that provides for youth at risk or people suffering from substance abuse, a lot zoned for parks and recreation with a play structure or within 100 metres or another lot zoned for restricted retail services.

“The subject site is located more than 100 metres from any known temporary shelters, substance abuse treatment centres, youth at risk facilities, neighbourhood parks with play structures and other cannabis retail stores, as required by the Zoning Bylaw provisions,” says the report.

It says city staff met with the Yukon Liquor Corp. (YCL), which indicated it had no strong objections with the proposed zoning amendment.

The YCL researched the reasoning for the 150-metre buffer in the act and undertook a jurisdictional review of other legislation with school buffers.

“YCL could not find a rationale for the specific distance or evidence of greater harm occurring between 100 and 150 metres,” says the report. “They advised the buffer is not a critical piece of youth protection in this instance as other requirements will remain.”

The report says the Department of Education advised they did not have a strong objection with the buffer changes in general, but said any proposed change must be examined individually as to how it may affect the school community.

“If this application is brought forward for consideration under the bylaw process, a public hearing notice will be sent to the Department of Education advising that they may comment on the proposed amendment through verbal or written submission,” says the report.

Comments (35)

Up 2 Down 0

Susan on Jul 29, 2022 at 10:38 am

Well folks, it seems that these guys are going to get around the 100m from Parks requirement. Shipyards is zoned "Public Waterfront" and is not a park, according to COW development officers. In the 2 years since the playground was constructed, the City hasn't gotten around to considering a rezoning of this to reflect the evolving use. Isn't that interesting, given that Mr. Stackhouse is a former City and YG employee? I guess he had a lot of free time to check that out.
Rotary is a park and Shipyards, the most used park in Whitehorse is not?

This is the calibre of intelligence of our City officials.

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YukonMax on Jul 28, 2022 at 6:21 am

@Nathan LIving "Council members should declare a conflict of interest if it exists."
Are you from another planet? That would set a HUGE precedent in this part of the world.

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Charlie's Aunt on Jul 27, 2022 at 5:45 pm

May be impossible but this pair could pursue a retail license out by the pot farm. Think of the opportunity, farm could have processing sheds, product direct to retailer with no transportation needed. Farmers could also hold 'pick your own' events so full one stop shopping experience.

Up 8 Down 6

MITCH on Jul 27, 2022 at 12:55 pm

@ NATHAN LIVING - That is the best comment of yours I have ever read. You seem like a smart guy and objectively civil minded. Absolute conflict of interest, why are there no venues to smoke yet? Where are the cafes? I have been waiting for this the whole time and will even pursue a second job as an edible barista. But it will never happen for this community under this municipal council or braindead territorial government. Weed cost 1/3 for 3 times the quality in BC, with 3000% more options. Maybe ditch Streiker if he is still turning legal weed into an abortion instead of doing the job he is paid to do.

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Nathan Living on Jul 26, 2022 at 8:51 pm

I have no issue with the location but what has gone on between the business owner and council and city administration? It seems council often says no then accommodates people, associations and businesses that have connections.

Council members should declare a conflict of interest if it exists.
And why is our mayor going on about the Pope? It seems inappropriate for her to talk about reconciliation and the residential school legacy.

No Pope talk Laura please but potholes yes and double yes for snow removal issues. And do we need a public survey for snow removal? What a waste of time.

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Anie on Jul 26, 2022 at 10:57 am

I think council should ask for staff notes regarding every interaction with the applicants. Something isn't right here.

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Anie on Jul 26, 2022 at 10:56 am

Juniper Jackson, you raise some very good questions. Let's hope that at least one councillor will look for answers. To start - Why did they sign a lease knowing that their project didn't comply with zoning?

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bonanzajoe on Jul 25, 2022 at 8:59 pm

@Enough on Jul 25, I agree. For instance, how about a non governmental run and controlled Counseling Centre. We used to have them, but then Human Rights didn't like the ideology of the people who ran them - even though they got great results.

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bonanzajoe on Jul 25, 2022 at 8:56 pm

Groucho d'North on Jul 24, So, I guess your logic is then to throw the kitchen sink at our young children, since they have everything else thrown at them. It's time to start healing our children and young adults, not keep throwing crap at them.

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Enough on Jul 25, 2022 at 2:36 pm

We have too many cannabis shops in town. Open something else.

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Yukong on Jul 24, 2022 at 6:10 pm

I would also point out that the application for a cannabis store put forth by Lightbox in 2019 was 109 metres from the ILC and the application was DENIED because of this.
They did have a bullying force behind that one though, another retailer who thinks they should have a monopoly for being "local".

Absolutely without a doubt, if this amendment is granted it will be because of the connections Mr. Stackhouse has made through his prior employment with both the City and YG.

Up 22 Down 4

Yukong on Jul 24, 2022 at 5:51 pm

The height of hypocrisy when the govt liquor store is a block down 2nd Ave from this location.

But also, doesn't this encroach on the 100m buffer from parks with play structures? (Shipyards)

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Groucho d'North on Jul 24, 2022 at 3:13 pm

What's the objective here? To protect school-aged children from seeing people leaving a pot shop? I suspect if you drill down it is some consideration for all the bad influences our children witness everyday and some in leadership are developing a conscience to try and improve how our community portrays itself so as not to legitimize the legal use of cannabis or liquor to our young people. Think about what some of these kids see at home. There are too many crusaders in search of a cause to fix.

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YukonMax on Jul 24, 2022 at 2:08 pm

Education perhaps?
In Faro, the liquor store is attached to the rec. center, the school and college, sharing the same parking lot. Behind the liquor store is the health center. They don't have a weed store, but they do have a post office, wink! wink!
Public drinking is allowed on the golf course which runs on the two upper benches. They only have "one" R.C.M.P. officer who spends a lot of time in the neighboring community. Faro is also the only Yukon community without a band. Apparently, it's the "Yukon's Best Secret".
If you think that foot traffic was a problem on 2nd, wait.

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Liberals in the house… on Jul 24, 2022 at 12:07 pm

In response to Politico on Jul 22, 2022 at 7:46 pm

“And you know they are stoned how?” Because they smell like weed, carry eye drops, have glassy red eyes, they giggle a lot, they act out of character, their eyes are half-masted, long pauses in their thoughts, blank looks, and they readily admit to being chronic users.

They are expert in the lingo of cannabis and often state they imbibe with their parents. Truck-off eh! I appreciate that you asked for evidence, how does one know, but your invalidating assertions are disrespectful to the process of civil engagement.

The smoke and the smell are dead giveaways. So is the paraphernalia that says cannabis. I know society has been beat down by Liberal Postmodernist Reductionism wherein the truth and it’s logical conclusions are no longer relevant… But come on?

Are you suggesting that our children are not stoners because they don’t identify as stoners? LMAO - We’re all in trouble now!

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Juniper Jackson on Jul 24, 2022 at 11:35 am

Does the City need another outlet for cannabis? So.. No. Just no. They signed a lease prior to getting a zoning permit, knowing that location was not zoned. Hmmm, that kind of smacks of prior knowledge, maybe some assurance ahead of time that Council would pass an amendment? How many councilors did Stockhouse and Scheinder talk to about the possibility of approval before leasing? It IS the Liberal way. Interesting to see where this card falls. I would like to know about prior meetings with Councilors though.

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David Dixon on Jul 23, 2022 at 10:11 pm

Hi: I am glad to see there are others who can smell the stench of favouritism in this store. City Hall is considering changing the zoning regulation to allow this cannabis store within 150 meters of a school to open. I agree that the parking lot common to Tim Hortons and Pizza Hut is already too busy as Envirolybe is also there. The owners who rented this old Marble Slab Creamery space should have done their research and not signed a lease there as they should have known that this would violate this bylaw of opening within 150 meters of a school. DON’T grant them an exemption. I don’t care how much money they are losing. It is there own fault. NEVER them or anyone else to violate this bylaw. PERIOD!!!!!!

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Leopold on Jul 23, 2022 at 9:28 pm

What about vending machines that would dispense 1gm pre-rolls, 20%Thc for a sawbuck?
The city could have another cash cow here like the parking meters.
Think about it.

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Chuck Farley on Jul 23, 2022 at 7:27 pm

This is too funny, everyone including COW up in arms about a bud shop close to an education center but no one bats a eyelash when you have an adult sex shop across the street from Whitehorse Elementary.

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charles meyer on Jul 23, 2022 at 5:50 pm

3 Pot shops in this town are already enough. Period..They are in good locations, where they are. It's not that they could sell it cheaper because it's all regulated by Government.
I fear there is a hidden Agenda there.
Just think a bunch of BC Dealers back them up with cash, get a hold on a legit pots shop here and they can sell whatever under the radar.
It won't last for long, hopefully, but the damage would have been done.

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Matthew on Jul 23, 2022 at 9:24 am

Liberal logic: kids won't see Cannabis stores that are 150M away from any school! LOL! Instead they will steal pot from their older siblings / parents..

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Jonathon on Jul 23, 2022 at 8:00 am

I have nothing against weed, but everything against this location. This is the perfect loitering spot for anyone who doesn't care for the laws and wants to smoke in public spaces. You'll have more people hanging around shipyards park stinking up the place, half the cars in that parking lot already do this, let's not add more. On top of that the Tim Hortons parking lot can't take on the space for this. People will buy there weed and then "chill" in their cars for an hour or so with a box of doughnuts.

Good location business wise? Yes. Good location to disrupt the area in a negative way? Absolutely.

Up 46 Down 5

JC on Jul 23, 2022 at 5:28 am

So... rent a space, and then seek an amendment?

Real geniuses these two. Toss em out. Don't need another dispensary, especially one run by entitled fools

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Far Canal on Jul 23, 2022 at 4:52 am

“Entrepreneurs”…someone needs to find a dictionary!

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Conservatives at the door… on Jul 22, 2022 at 11:17 pm

Why are you interfering in commerce? The moral thing to do in a capitalist society would be to prohibit the children from being within a 150 metre radius of the cannabis store.

Come on for hypocrites sake - WES is frequented by addicts and alcoholics on a regular basis, their paraphernalia with psychotropic regalia, does it give hail to ya… We use to say that if you use drugs we’ll fail ya but now it’s use drugs and we’ll bail ya… To those who don’t do drugs there will be no, we’re sorry that we failed ya…

Ah yes, the call of the wild in the Wilderness City of a colonized enmity that gets loaded to the metropolity… With drunken like idiocy they kibitz with duplicity… To rule them all in a splendid stupidity! Leadership for these crazy times requires a truer crazy to navigate them!
Gomorrah by the River indeed.

Up 23 Down 30

WTF?! on Jul 22, 2022 at 10:34 pm

How many metres is The ILC from the liquor store?
How many metres is Housing First from Wood Street school??
How many metres is the shelter from WES??
How many metres is the Adult warehouse from WES??

Stop wasting money and just let them open shop!!! They are responsible for not selling to minors, just like liquor, sex, and smokes.

Up 31 Down 8

Jane on Jul 22, 2022 at 10:10 pm

I must admit this is truly a bad move. This location is right in the middle of a number of family restaurants, a school facility nearby, a day care, a play ground across the road (Shipyard's park), which not only is a place for children to play throughout the property but also hosts a number of community family events.

I am thinking that someone is doing a lot of greasing the wheels behind the scenes to "push" this through council. I and my family would hope that the resounding answer coming back will be: a flat "no zoning amendment" will be granted. Shame on City Administration for even putting this on the agenda with their blessing and encouragement. Just who are you looking after? The citizens?

Once you permit this endeavour then you are sliding down the slippery path that sets up an erosion of the regulations completely. Unless of course that is the game plan to begin with. Citizens were promised that these regulations were put in place because that is what the majority of folks wanted. Some wanted more stringent restrictions. The compromise that we have should stand with no exclusion provided, now, or in the future.

Perhaps if council believes that this is an establishment worthy of their support then allow them to move into the old fire hall beside the city building. I would support that. Wanna bet anyone that the chance of that occurring would be same as pigs flying?

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Politico on Jul 22, 2022 at 7:46 pm

@ Liberals in the house - And you know they are stoned how? Do you wander the hallways of the schools drug testing kids. Did you maybe take that US police course that lets you tell if people are stoned by looking in there eyes?
Downtown already has a liqueur store with in a 100m of a school, there is a day care in side a business that as a licensed establishment, there is a cannabis store
At the shopping mall where children come and go all the time. There is no evidence that the locations are selling cannabis to children, that this is influencing sales to kids or in any way are harming the kids. As stated in the article the distance is an arbitrary number pulled out of a hat. Produce some evidence of harm or let it go!

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Fringe Minority with Unacceptable Views on Jul 22, 2022 at 5:38 pm

As a stoner I can honestly say this is a terrible location and should be declined by the city. We need to get these establishments away from family friendly areas. If this place gets zoning and goes through I absolutely will not be giving them any business.

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Interested Observer on Jul 22, 2022 at 5:25 pm

First, the proponents know better.
Second, the CBC story on this noted that it was Ted Laking who is keen to fast track this process.

What is it with this guy? Is he friends with Stackhouse and Schneider? Or does he just not care about anything but exposure and the next election?

He and this council struggle to not pile on the debt, virtue signal, or completely disregard process and bylaws.
How far we’ve fallen.

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bonanzajoe on Jul 22, 2022 at 4:08 pm

City Council, don't give in to them. Cannabis retail stores should be at least 100 miles from any school.

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Liberals in the house… on Jul 22, 2022 at 3:56 pm

The kids are already stoned everyday at high school. Walk around a school and you will find stoned children, cannabis wrappers, beer, and hard liquor bottles.

150 metre buffer zone - LMAO! You have to be a Liberal with your head in the sand to not see this. With edibles, oils, and vapes - They are everywhere and many of our kids are perma-stoned.

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Dave Wood on Jul 22, 2022 at 3:39 pm

Isn’t Shipyard Park with its massive play structure less then 100m away? Other retailers had to follow the rules, why should there be an exception for these guys? Especially when Mr. Schneider used to run the Herbery so he clearly knows the rules. Also Mr. Stackhouse should be very familiar with the rules since he was a Economic Development Coordinator with the City of Whitehorse. Why would you lease a space that you knew wouldn’t meet the conditions, unless you have friends that are willing to help you out?

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Confused on Jul 22, 2022 at 3:38 pm

Why would these "entrepreneurs" plan to open a business in a location that they know is in violation of a regulation?
I'm supposed to feel sorry for them? I'm supposed to get all indignant and demand that the government "do something"?

Sorry, you leased a property fully knowing it was going to be an uphill battle to have the rules changed, you don't get to cry about it.

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Louise on Jul 22, 2022 at 3:21 pm

This is a bad place to for this outlet. First, I take exception that there should be any rush. Just because they already signed a lease it should not be used as a lever to push through CoW a quick and speedy amendment. That is their problem. Secondly, because of proposed location the general public should have input.

Having this outlet in an area where there are several family restaurants really is too much. Find another place some place else in the city.

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