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Premier Darrell Pasloski used his first pre-election budget today to deliver another record spending plan totalling $1.39 billion for the Yukon over the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Premier Darrell Pasloski used his first pre-election budget today to deliver another record spending plan totalling $1.39 billion for the Yukon over the 2016-17 fiscal year.
With $1.09 billion identified for operation and maintenance and $306.6 million earmarked for capital projects, the total of $1.39 billion represents the eighth straight year for a billion-plus annual budget, and an increase of $24 million over last year.
Most of the money will come from the federal transfer of $946 million.
That includes the $38 million under the Canada Health Transfer and the $14 million under the Canada Social Transfer.
Another $126 million will be recovered from Ottawa for specific initiatives, such as the provision of $30 million for infrastructure funding and $35 million to support abandoned mine sites. An example is the $28.2 million for ongoing care and maintenance of the Faro mine site.
The Yukon will raise an estimated $153.7 million through territorial taxes and other revenue streams coming from the sale of liquor, driver’s licences and hunting licences, for example.
As members of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce heard Wednesday at the annual pre-budget luncheon address by the premier (see p. 4), there are no tax increases included in the 2016-17 fiscal budget.
“Mr. Speaker, all Yukoners should be incredibly proud to know that we have money in the bank, our investment income exceeds any interest charges we face, meaning that no money is diverted from serving Yukoners to servicing debt,” Pasloski said in his budget address to the legislative assembly this afternoon.
“Because we have a focused, principled long-term fiscal plan, we are extremely well-positioned for the years to come.”
The territorial budget announced today includes $47 million carried over from the 2015-16 fiscal year, which ended last Thursday.
Last year’s initial budget estimate of $1.37 billion forecast a surplus of $23 million, though the the surplus forecast has been reduced to $1.2 million.
That leaves the territory with $57 million in net financial resources – or money in the bank – as of April 1. The bank account has fallen from $132 million at this time last year.
The anticipated surplus for this budget has been estimated at $9.5 million.
The premier reiterated his commitment to fight climate change without imposing a carbon tax on Yukoners.
“We have a climate plan that is working,” he told the legislature.
“By focusing on more efficient energy systems, reducing emissions in government, and providing incentives to individuals, we are protecting the environment while supporting the economy.”
Pasloski said his first pre-election budget includes another $2 million for the Next Generation Hydro project to continue consultation with First Nations and the public in search of a major river suitable for the territory’s next major hydro dam.
The Yukon Party government, said Pasloski, is committed to a strong relationship with the First Nations.
“I am beyond proud to live in this great territory,” he told the legislature. “And I’m honoured to have the privilege of tabling a budget that reflects our values and helps shape the future.”
As usual, the operations and maintenance budget for the Department of Health and Social Services is again topping the scales at $348 million followed by the Department of Education at $160 million.
The Department of Highways and Public Works is ranking third in operational and maintenance spending with a budget estimate of $134 million for the 2016-17 fiscal year.
Community Services is in fourth with an O & M budget of $88 million.
This fiscal year’s O & M budget represents a slight increase of $31 million over last year’s original estimate of $1.05 billion.
The capital budget of $306.6 million is down $6.5 million for the 2015-16 fiscal year, and includes $47 million being carried over from last year.
For the second year in a row, the Department of Health and Social Services has the largest capital budget at $112 million.
That includes $67 million for the extended care facility in Whistle Bend and another $22 million for the emergency room expansion at the Whitehorse General Hospital.
Normally the leader in capital funding, the Department of Highways and Public Works is coming in second again with a budget of $79 million, including $37 million for highway construction, such as the $11.4 million for the Robert Campbell upgrade.
The $52 million in capital funding allotted to the Department of Community Services is third-highest on the list, ahead of the $26.5 million for the Yukon Housing Corp.
The continuing care facility in Whistle Bend is the largest capital project in the budget.
Nearly $67 million is estimated to go toward the first phase of construction of the care facility, which includes offices, kitchens, common areas and space for 150 beds.
Meanwhile, the MRI and Emergency Department expansion at Whitehorse General Hospital will get the second-largest estimated investment at almost $22 million.
About $12 million is budgeted for the Alaska Highway-Shakwak project, which will be used to repair road damaged from thawing permafrost.
The operation and maintenance budget covers the day-to-day running of offices and the delivery of services in the territory. It includes things like salaries, computers and vehicles.
This year’s estimated operation and maintenance budget comes in at just under $1.09 billion, which is about $31.2 million more than the last fiscal year’s estimate. The 2015-16 operations and managing budget was an estimated $1.05 billion.
Here is a list of the estimates for the 10 largest investments under the operation and maintenance budget for 2016-17, and how these compare to last year’s estimates.
1) Health and Social Services – $348 million, up from last year’s $327.5 million;
2) Education – $160 million, up from last year’s $155 million;
3) Highways and Public Works – $134 million, up from last year’s $132.5 million;
4) Community Services – $87.6 million, up from last year’s $84.5 million;
5) Energy, Mines and Resources – $78.4 million, down from last year’s $85.3 million;
6) Justice – $68 million, up from last year’s $67 million;
7) Public Service Commission – $46 million, up from last year’s $43.7 million;
8) Environment – $35.9 million, down from last year’s $39.4 million;
9) Executive Council Office – $27.8 million, up from last year’s $23 million.
10) Tourism and Culture – $25.6 million, down slightly from last year’s $26.1 million;
The capital works budget covers building and infrastructure projects, like the construction of homes, paving of roads and upgrades to water treatment facilities.
This year’s total proposed budget for capital projects is $306.6 million.
This is down about $6.6 million from last year, when the estimated capital budget was $313.2 million, the largest ever.
Estimates for the 10 largest budgets under the capital works budget for 2016-17, and how they measure up to last year, are as follows:
1) Health and Social Services – $112 million, up from last year’s $94.8 million
2) Highways and Public Works – $78.7 million, down from last year’s $83.4 million;
3) Community Services – $51.7 million, down from last year’s $54.3 million;
4) Yukon Housing Corp. – $2.6 million, down from last year’s $28 million;
5) Education – $13.3 million, down from last year’s $26.5 million;
6) Tourism and Culture – $7.9 million, up from last year’s $3 million;
7) Yukon Development Corp. – $5.3 million, down from last year’s $6.3 million;
8) Energy, Mines and Resources – $5.1 million, down from last year’s $7.4 million;
9) Justice – $1.9 million, down from last year’s $5.2 million; and
10) Economic Development – $1.25 million, down from last year’s $1.27 million.
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Comments (20)
Up 5 Down 9
Reno on Apr 12, 2016 at 7:59 pm
You call this a budget? This is more like pin the tail on the donkey. The Yukon Party has taken last years budget and added 10% after struggling for many hours and coming in late with this irresponsible strategy. I'm very disappointed in the Yukon Parties fiduciary skills concerning any level of involvement.
Up 17 Down 1
Just some other facts for the Yukon our municipalities in the Yukon on Apr 12, 2016 at 8:58 am
are the highest subsidized in Canada. You have the mayor going around telling everyone in the CoW that our taxes are not nearly as high as in any other region in Canada. But in fact if the CoW was in par funding like other City's their size in Canada, they would receive half of what they receive now and we would be the highest taxed in Canada.
People don't listen to anything without proof.
Up 5 Down 0
b on Apr 11, 2016 at 5:32 pm
Wolverine... You didn't specify pot but you did say "The simple 'pee test' covers a variety of drugs including cocaine". Saying "variety" encompasses pot, just be abit more specific next time. You do know that crack and cocaine leave your system in a matter of days right? That's why in the oil patch cocaine is the drug of choice. Go for days off, binge for 10 days then clean up for a few days and you're good to go. Drug testing welfare recipients won't work unless it is random/unannounced testing... good luck with that.
Up 604 Down 530
Just some facts Yukoners on Apr 10, 2016 at 1:25 pm
We are not permitted to build up cash reserves because the Feds will take the money off the transfer payments like the liberals just did.
Conservatives let the regions keep their money and build up reserves.
Up 33 Down 3
wolverine on Apr 9, 2016 at 2:25 pm
I said nothing about pot, you did. Are you aware that the current federal govt plans to decriminalize it? Pot is a non-issue. Any rational person knows the hard drugs like cocaine and meth are the real problem. That's what drug testing to qualify for welfare would address.
Up 19 Down 7
ProScience Greenie on Apr 9, 2016 at 10:08 am
Sorry to drift off-topic but what if I give a homeless person outside the liquor store a few bucks and also a joint wolverine? Go look at jurisdictions that tried to drug test the homeless and those on welfare and you'll see it doesn't work. I despise crack cocaine and other hard drugs but what you propose will not help deal with it.
And as far as companies drug testing goes it is unconstitutional in my opinion. What we do on our own time is our own business. I also find it insulting that we have employers with whiskey noses and beer bellies testing a person for smoking a joint days or weeks prior to showing up sober for work. Sorry wolverine but as a small 'l' libertarian type I cannot accept that.
Up 48 Down 74
wolverine on Apr 8, 2016 at 4:41 pm
PSG is misinformed about drug testing. It's relatively inexpensive. Most mines like Minto use it to screen anyone before they're authorized to come on-site. The simple 'pee test' covers a variety of drugs including cocaine. If people can afford drugs then they don't need welfare.
Up 77 Down 33
ProScience Greenie on Apr 8, 2016 at 2:47 pm
A standard budget that any of the big three Yukon political parties would give us. The big problem is the way so much of that money is wasted, which is something none of the big three Yukon political parties want to deal with.
As far as drug testing people on social assistance goes, it sounds good in theory but in reality it costs more to do the drug testing than the money saved so it's a bad move. Plus drug testing is good for picking up a joint smoked weeks prior but doesn't do much good dealing with crack and booze which are our two main problems. Better to work on more full time jobs with half-decent wages and basic benefits and cheaper home ownership for those trying to get into the middle class.
Up 94 Down 104
I agree on Apr 8, 2016 at 12:17 pm
Wolverine -- I don't think it's about race. I think I know what you are referring to and everyone who I know who is abusing the system is not colored--just lazy. Why would you work when you can get free rent and electrical and then complain because you can't afford expensive food/cell phones/cable/internet, etc. The excuse I have heard a few times is "if I work, then I have to pay back". That would be nice. I work and pay back and pay for them.
All that being said, I'm fully in support of people who are using it who are NOT abusing the system. After all, it is there for a reason.
While we're at it--mandatory drug testing. The ones I know have issues with that.
Up 464 Down 427
Great budget very balanced far as spending goes on the services on Apr 8, 2016 at 10:30 am
for the Yukon people. No major spending like the NDP and Liberals try to claim.
In fact all the items here were in Yukon Party's five year plan.
The Feds have taken all the housing money and I don't see any partnership from the Feds on homeless, low income earners for the people in the Yukon.
Up 16 Down 2
YukonMax on Apr 8, 2016 at 9:19 am
"Justice – $1.9 million, down from last year’s $5.2 million;" I guess we're not any closer to have a JP in our community, which we haven't had one in well over 6 years. 2 years ago they weren't doing the training for new JP as the program was being reviewed. When I ask when will it be completed, they didn't know. When I asked since when the program was in review, they didn't know either.
Up 72 Down 174
i agree on Apr 8, 2016 at 8:58 am
Lindsay--I totally agree. I know more than a few!
Same with EI. EI is supposed to be for when you lose your job--not when you conveniently only pick jobs where you only work for the bare minimum to collect for a year.
Up 37 Down 11
Max Mack on Apr 7, 2016 at 10:20 pm
@Mark carroll
I am not a Yukon Party booster, but your comment is unfair. Every party that has held the reins of power in the Yukon has followed the same strategy. Spend as much as you can, particularly before an election. This has the dual purpose of boosting your chances to win the next election while leaving little in the kitty for the incoming party - in case you lose.
As for economic direction? Every attempt at significant economic development in the Yukon is stymied by a near-rabid opposition from "green" activists, First Nations, opposition parties and a very biased media. Mention "dirty" oil & gas or mining and they start raving like fanatics.
Oddly, the anti-everything crowd doesn't seem to mind the approx. $1 billion per year handout from the Feds - as though, spending all that money doesn't affect the environment.
Which "direction" would you have Pasloski take us?
Up 52 Down 38
Lost in the Yukon on Apr 7, 2016 at 8:56 pm
The numbers tell it all ... when The Pharmacist took over in 2011 he had a surplus of approx. $75,000,000.00 ... Now it is projected to be below $10,000,000.00
Nice work Mr. Pharmacist ... bummer you won't be around long enough to get a pension. Might have to sell that condo in Maui.
Up 35 Down 73
wolverine on Apr 7, 2016 at 6:40 pm
@lindsay is correct, however the lefties would label that as 'racist', like they do with any opinion they disagree with.
Up 16 Down 2
Anon on Apr 7, 2016 at 5:55 pm
Whooooo, keep those transfer payments commin, the party aint over yet
Up 34 Down 27
BnR on Apr 7, 2016 at 4:52 pm
Were getting 950 million from the Feds, I sure the heck hope we're not going to have any tax raises.
Really though, why the fanfare on these budgets of largess? We get given a huge pile of cash from the rest of Canada, and our government gets to put on their thinking caps to figure how to spend it all. It's not some sort of financial genius at work here, it's spending a windfall.
Up 84 Down 89
Mark carroll on Apr 7, 2016 at 4:20 pm
Darrell, a sad conservative you are. You spend money that is given to the Yukon through transfer payments, and you spend it like a drunk in' socialist. Zero economic development, zero direction, the only direction you have is how to spend other people's tax dollars, a true conservative value. Darrell you are a fake conservative with zero ideas on the Yukon economy. Good luck in the election
Up 94 Down 189
NeilAlexGeddy on Apr 7, 2016 at 4:19 pm
Who needs a vibrant private sector economy with a taxpayer handout that big?
I can hear the shouts of "not in my backyard" getting louder and louder with every record budget.
All hail the state with an upright palm salute !!!!
Up 54 Down 151
lindsay on Apr 7, 2016 at 3:50 pm
Kicking people who don't need social assistance (who are able to work but are lazy) would save on a lot of money.