Whitehorse Daily Star

Bring back mandatory masks in public health care facilities: NDP

It’s time for the Yukon government to reinstate mandatory face masking at public health care facilities, the New Democrats said Tuesday.

By Whitehorse Star on February 14, 2024

It’s time for the Yukon government to reinstate mandatory face masking at public health care facilities, the New Democrats said Tuesday.

Masks should become mandatory at all Yukon hospitals and long-term care homes, said party leader Kate White.

White’s call for action follows what the NDP calls “extraordinary measures by territorial health officials to absorb a surge in hospital visits in Whitehorse.”

“Without a mask mandate, the Yukon Liberals’ decision allowing acute care patients at Whitehorse General Hospital to be treated at long-term care homes – where residents are more vulnerable to infection – is especially concerning,” White said.

The cabinet made that decision last Thursday.

“The Liberals are saying it’s okay to use long-term care homes as makeshift hospitals,” the NDP leader said.

“But they won’t require masks in health care settings when it’s peak respiratory virus season?” White asked.

“Masking is a simple way to take pressure off health care. We need to use all the tools we have to alleviate the pressure and protect patients and health care workers.”

The NDP leader added, “I’m concerned for patients and health care workers who are bearing the brunt of our crumbling health care system. We should be doing everything we can to reduce that strain, and masking just makes sense.”

Cabinet communications staff told the Star this morning, “It’s a dangerous day when we have politicians thinking they know better than scientists and public health expaerts.

“The decision to bring back masking or other public health measures will be one that is made by the chief medical officer of health (Dr. Sudit Ranade), and we urge MLA White to respect the work of scientists and medical professionals.”

Discussing COVID, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus rates, Ranade told the Star Jan. 17 the territory has been experiencing a relatively routine respiratory illness season.

Comments (5)

Up 38 Down 8

Groucho d'North on Feb 18, 2024 at 9:12 am

What Joe said below.

Up 105 Down 19

Kyle on Feb 15, 2024 at 2:26 pm

Nope. Kate has it wrong.

"Cabinet communications staff told the Star this morning, “It’s a dangerous day when we have politicians thinking they know better than scientists and public health experts.
“The decision to bring back masking or other public health measures will be one that is made by the chief medical officer of health (Dr. Sudit Ranade), and we urge MLA White to respect the work of scientists and medical professionals.”

This is a very accurate statement. Right now, the NDP needs to worry about stopping this supply and demand agreement with the Liberal Government and propping them up no matter what happens. Come election time, but the NDP and the Liberals will find themselves in a very bad position in the polls.

Up 119 Down 18

joe on Feb 15, 2024 at 12:42 pm

Better yet, call an election.

Up 120 Down 15

Chad Ehlers on Feb 15, 2024 at 11:03 am

Politicians are not qualified medical practitioners and need to be reminded to stay in their own lane.

Up 131 Down 17

Apex Parasite on Feb 15, 2024 at 9:04 am

You are always free to wear a mask. If wearing a mask instills a measure of confidence in you and makes you feel safe, then wear a mask. I respect your right to wear a mask.

After witnessing the hysteria surrounding the last time there were mask mandates I choose not to wear a mask unless it is for very short durations. Too many conflicting narratives surrounding mask's efficacy and the effects of wearing them long term in the case of hospital workers and the like.

I respect your right to wear a mask. Please respect my right not to.

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