Whitehorse Daily Star

Boundaries commission unveils dates for public hearings

The Electoral District Boundaries Commission has released the schedule of public hearings on the proposed boundaries,

By Whitehorse Star on May 9, 2024

The Electoral District Boundaries Commission has released the schedule of public hearings on the proposed boundaries, number and names of Yukon electoral districts outlined in its interim report.

In-person hearings will be held in 12 communities between May 22 and June 17. Additional virtual hearings will also be scheduled over the summer.

In Whitehorse, there will be a gathering at the Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre from 7-9 p.m. June 10.

The Ibex Valley Fire Hall will host a hearing from 5:30-7:30 p.m. June 11.

A second meeting in Whitehorse is set for the Sternwheeler Hotel from 7-9 p.m. June 13.

The interim report will be released later this week and available at https://yukonboundaries.ca, after it has been provided to Speaker Jeremy Harper of the legislative assembly.

The public hearings will provide Yukoners with the opportunity to comment on the proposals in the interim report.

The commission also invites the public to provide written submissions before Aug. 26 by email at submissions@yukonboundaries.ca, or through the submission form on the https://yukonboundaries.ca website.

The commission will consider the public input from the hearings and submissions as it prepares the final report, to be released this fall.

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