Billing system must be upgraded: YMA president
For the second time in less than a year, Yukon doctors are experiencing some significant delays in getting paid by the government.
For the second time in less than a year, Yukon doctors are experiencing some significant delays in getting paid by the government.
The Yukon Medical Association (YMA) says an upgrade to the territory’s billing system is the only long-term solution.
The Yukon Party said Thursday it’s hearing from some doctors that they’re waiting more than a month – sometimes 90 days or longer – for their claims to be paid.
“It is an increasingly competitive labour market for health care professionals, and the territorial Liberal government needs to recognize that no one wants to wait months to be paid,” YP MLA Brad Cathers said in a release.
“The government needs to update its doctor payment system to reflect best practices in other jurisdictions and ensure billings for insured health services are processed and paid promptly. The Yukon’s health system is again being put at risk by the minister of Health and Social Services’ lack of action.”
YMA president Dr. Alex Kmet confirmed these wait times in an interview Thursday.
“I don’t have percentages of (delayed) billings, but (there’s) enough that many of our members have come to us asking for us to find a way to work with the Department of Health and Social Services to resolve it, because it was a significant concern to them,” he said.
Physicians have come to the YMA with concerns that untimely payments are affecting the viability of their businesses, making it more difficult to pay staff and corporate tax instalments, Kmet said.
Payments of billings were delayed late in 2021 as well, he added, but doctors worked with the government to resolve backlogs around May 2022.
But the YMA began to hear about more payment delays last November, he said. Health and Social Services said in an email that it became aware of delays in early January, and has been working to address outstanding claims.
Kmet believes, like the Yukon Party, that the doctor payment system needs an update to avoid these problems in the long run.
“The people in the Department of Health and Social Services have been working to (do) their best,” he said.
“I don’t think this is a person problem. I think it’s just the way the systems were constructed.”
A more complex health care system and a growing population have contributed to delays in payments, Kmet said.
He’d like the government to work with the YMA to change the payment model – something YG is agreeable to.
The Star requested an interview with Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee for this article, but instead received an emailed response from department spokesperson Claire Robson.
“Moving forward, we are exploring opportunities to improve our processes,” Robson wrote. “We value our relationship with the Yukon Medical Association and are committed to continuing to work with them to address areas of concern.”
Kmet pointed to Alberta’s system as a model for the Yukon to replicate.
When physicians there submit their billings, he said, they’re processed automatically.
Instead of relying heavily on manual reviews prior to payment, as the Yukon does, Alberta’s billings system audits claims after they’ve been processed, Kmet said. This could decrease backlogs in the territory and ensure doctors are paid, he said, while ensuring proper oversight.
It could also decrease the amount of time Yukon doctors spend on paperwork, he said.
Kmet referenced a Canadian Federation of Independent Business report published last month, which found excessive administrative work was limiting the amount of time doctors could spend caring for patients.
“It’s hard for (doctors) to see enough patients because they have too much paperwork and administrative tasks,” Kmet said.
That takes away from job satisfaction, he added, and payment delays only make it worse. He said the government and YMA need to work on resolving the issue long-term sooner than later, or he’s worried doctors, already burnt out by a strained health care system, could cut back on their practice, or move away from the territory, or even the field.
Doctor recruitment and retention is a major component of a health funding deal signed between the premiers and the federal government this week.
The issue is a top priority in the Yukon, as more than 3,000 Yukoners are on the wait-list for a family doctor.
Comments (16)
Up 12 Down 3
Juniper Jackson on Feb 22, 2023 at 4:13 pm
Lots of commenters are 'knocking' Doctors. I feel compelled to offer some defense. 1. Doctors income. Doctors give up 7 to 12 years of their life to study. By the time they are finished their practicums, school, they are nearly 1/2 to all of a million dollars in debt. (Just the seat for a VET is 60,000 a year). Most young people that want to be healers carry another degree or two. Our doctors have special training in trauma, anesthesiology, heart and stroke. Now, close to their 30s, they want what we all want. A home, family, job. Now, buy into a clinic, now buy a home, vehicles. And, NOW, they are in charge of my life. I want a happy, well paid doctor. There are some Doctors here that i have no respect for..i think they are awful. but 99% of them. Just pay them what they want and hope they know who you are that championed them when you have a heart attack. We all going to have something. So much for money.
2. I hear, our opioid crisis is their fault. uh huh.. Its resulted in doctors refusing to give proper pain control where its needed. Getting a T3 or T4, let alone hydromorphone, but of a doctor is worse than pulling teeth off a chicken. They are nearly back to a grin and bear it philosophy. So, you break a leg and the doctor does give you proper pain management. You decide you like it and want to keep going. How is that the fault of the doctor. A few bitchers and belly achers have put the rest of us in pain as doctors close ranks, and before they ask the question, does this patient need a painkiller, they ask, how will i defend my self in court if I write this prescription?
So many people.. blaming doctors for their woes. Blame politician's.. they are the ones that live in chaos and destruction.
Up 18 Down 2
Erwin Glock on Feb 21, 2023 at 11:51 am
Why is Tracy still not on her way out???
Up 11 Down 12
But now it’s affecting ME! on Feb 21, 2023 at 11:41 am
Cry me a river. We all know people who have sustained much more than a delayed paycheque thanks to doctors. You guys need to get it through your heads that in the court of patient opinion, you’re not gods anymore and you have only yourselves to blame.
Up 8 Down 8
Max Mack on Feb 21, 2023 at 12:58 am
You do realize that Yukon doctors are some of the most heavily subsidized professions in Canada?
Further, you insist that doctors be "paid on time", and are comfortable with valuable public resources being used to fund a new billing system -- potentially costing millions of dollars.
Meanwhile, there are so many other potential good uses for that money. But, hey, let's direct it to doctors. After all, they are so deprived.
Up 31 Down 1
yukonlibby on Feb 20, 2023 at 10:21 am
YG doesn't pay anyone on time, it's not just the doctors! And in my experience it's every department that you've ever billed for anything. In the private sector a due date on an invoice means something, but it doesn't seem to carry any weight in government.
Up 15 Down 5
YATOO on Feb 20, 2023 at 9:49 am
Max, so the expectation is that you just eat 9% interest on a LOC while waiting month after month for the government to pay up on what it owes? Not where I come from.
Up 11 Down 10
Max Mack on Feb 19, 2023 at 4:17 pm
Every business in town deals with delays between service and payment. That's why almost every business carries lines of credit . . .
Up 19 Down 4
Juniper Jackson on Feb 19, 2023 at 10:46 am
Do Better: Thanks for posting. I value all opinions, even ones I do not agree with. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, no matter what it is. I am rather curious though, how you got bigotry out of my short comment? It is MY opinion that the Liberals suck. I am entitled to that.
As for crazy.. LOLOL.. you just have no idea. Most older Yukoner's are a bit off the wall. But, fortunately, when I occasionally 'lose' it, the Whitehorse Star kindly edits the worst of me out of comments.
Up 30 Down 4
John - with a J on Feb 19, 2023 at 8:52 am
Perhaps the job advertisement should read:
“Doctors needed urgently, come to the Yukon, buy a house, set up a practice..... and don’t get paid”
Ya, that should work.
Up 32 Down 3
Olav on Feb 18, 2023 at 8:06 pm
The same Minister that ran the Education Branch amuck.
Time for her/she to go. Permanently!
Up 13 Down 24
Do better… on Feb 18, 2023 at 10:31 am
Not really much to add to the story here, just…
Holy Moly, some of your comments (I see you chime in a lot) are just so misinformed and bigoted. It’s crazy…
Up 28 Down 2
You Aren’t The Only Ones on Feb 18, 2023 at 5:39 am
Don’t feel singled out there doctors. There are a group of us in another profession, all of whom have been waiting for payment from the federal government going back to November. We have just been getting the runaround when trying to find an answer as to when we may possibly see our money. It’s a constant struggle each year with the feds as they can’t seem to pay anything out without somehow finding a way to mess it up. You know how when you owe the federal government money they charge you interest for late payments? Unsurprisingly that is a one way street as the feds conveniently give themselves a free pass on interest or penalties when it’s them that owes you money for months on end.
Up 27 Down 12
Wilf Carter on Feb 17, 2023 at 5:46 pm
Most doctors only work part is BS. They put as many as 60 hours a week. We had 3 that I know of having babies. We are lucky to have doctors we do. Comment like yours Thomas is destructive to our doctors. How much does it costs per year to run a doctors office in Whitehorse.? try $90,000 per year or more.
Up 42 Down 17
Juniper Jackson on Feb 17, 2023 at 4:23 pm
uh huh.. This government just sucks on all fronts. Education, Health, Highways, Finance, Immigration, not to be confused with migrants, refugees, illegals or others managing to get into town and find SA.
Up 32 Down 23
Thomas Brewer on Feb 17, 2023 at 3:31 pm
The AVERAGE physician in Yukon earns $300k a year - and keep in mind, most don't work full time, so scale that up significantly if they were to work full time.
There's obviously more work that could be done to service Yukoners, especially given the enormous wait list (what - 8% of the population?) more money isn't the solution. It'd be great if HSS could pay their bills on time, but there's a lot of mouths at the trough.
Up 30 Down 19
Pepperidge Farms on Feb 17, 2023 at 3:12 pm
Remember when Brad was the Minister of HSS and he didn’t upgrade the billing system?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.