Photo by Vince Fedoroff
BE BEAR-AWARE – A small black bear is seen here in July 2019, about six kilometres outside Faro.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
BE BEAR-AWARE – A small black bear is seen here in July 2019, about six kilometres outside Faro.
Conservation officers are reminding the public that bears are out – and now is the time to take precautions to keep you and your property safe.
Conservation officers are reminding the public that bears are out – and now is the time to take precautions to keep you and your property safe.
“Recycling is a powerful attractant for bears,” Environment Yukon said in a statement Friday.
“If you are storing it while the depots are closed, wash it thoroughly and keep it in a secure and enclosed space, ideally a garage.”
Bears that are attracted and rewarded with human-sourced food often become a threat to public safety, the statement noted.
“They no longer fear people, houses or vehicles, and may become more aggressive in their search for food.”
Farmers and hobbyists with livestock should use electric fencing. It’s a safe and effective way to keep bears and other predators off your property.
It can be used to prevent access to livestock pens, chicken coops, beehives, dog kennels, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, berry bushes, compost and garbage.
Bears can show up at any time in Yukon, the statement noted.
“Be alert, travel in groups while adhering to physical distancing recommendations, keep children nearby, make noise and carry bear spray. Keep bear spray accessible and know how to use it.”
Yukoners can learn more about safety, awareness and bear ecology at the virtual bear fair event on the conservation officer services branch Facebook page @yukoncoservices, from May 11 to 15.
“We share our wilderness home with a large and active bear population,” said Environment Minister Pauline Frost.
“As the weather draws more people outside to enjoy the land, it is a good time to remind all Yukoners of our role in reducing the potential for human-wildlife conflict.
“Let’s do our part to ensure the safety of the public and to keep our bears wild and alive by properly managing attractants.”
“A coop full of chickens is an easy target for a hungry bear,” said Heather Ashthorn, the executive director of WildWise Yukon.
“WildWise Yukon is dedicated to reducing human conflict with wildlife. This summer, we are helping food producers install electric fencing around these major attractants.
“Properly-installed electric fencing is the best available tool for keeping livestock safe from bears and bears away from livestock.”
The second annual Bear Fair has gone virtual in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Managing attractants, at home or while camping, is one of the most important things we can do to manage human-wildlife conflict, Environment Yukon said.
Keep attractants in secure waste containers, vehicles, hard-sided trailers, bear-proof canisters, locked buildings or behind electric fencing.
Call the TIPP line at 1-800-661-0525 to report aggressive encounters with wildlife or a bear in a residential area.
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Comments (2)
Up 19 Down 3
SheepChaser on May 12, 2020 at 11:19 am
"Call the TIPP line at 1-800-661-0525 to report aggressive encounters with wildlife or a bear in a residential area."
How about we call the TIPP line when encountering cluttered, garbage filled lots or photographers out of their vehicles and dudes walking around with bear guns near residences? It's the humans and our toxic culture that are the problem, not the bears!
Up 19 Down 0
Matthew on May 11, 2020 at 8:27 pm
Opening statement.. “Recycling is a powerful attractant for bears,” Environment Yukon said in a statement Friday..
When will the gov start talking to each other.. isn't it about time we open up recycling depos again? At very LEAST Whitehorse could have offered free dumping of recyclables, organized it and shipped it off properly.